Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Strong and ready

Yesterday evening, two days of wild Chinook winds with gusts of 85 mph finally began to die down at about the same time as my body started to win the battle against the flu. As the world quieted, snow began to fall.
We awakened to about 6" of fresh snow this morning, adding to a base so formidable that I have no idea how deep the snow is in the shady parts of our forest.

K was full of energy as we charged out of our clearing, free of the wind that has buffeted us for days and free of the germs that floored me.
The winds had resculpted the forest floor, making it difficult to find the trails that I know so well. Huge drifts engulfed entire sections of our trails. Those winds, in combination with the new snow, left a landscape that was as familiar as Mars.

Travel in our forest must be painstaking for the wildlife because walking through drifts is nearly impossible. Our driveway has been like a thruway for coyotes recently. My wildlife camera gets multiple coyote photos per night.
In contrast to bobcats who always saunter with majestic pride, the coyotes have all been trotting at a fast clip in their recent travels on our driveway. The wild canines appear as if they are late for a very important date.

After our morning hike, we visited the vet to have K's blood tested to see if she's ready for the next round of chemotherapy tomorrow. Great news! Her white blood cell count is high enough. She is strong and ready. I felt uneasy for the entire week while we waited for K's bone marrow to recover because I know that osteosarcoma travels fast without chemotherapy.
I'm rooting for some sunshine and no wind so that K and I can play in the warmth of the sun's rays after this round of chemo!

As I told my vet the other day when she reiterated the seriousness of K's cancer, I am fully aware that there will be a time when grief will be unavoidable but that time is still in the future. For now, I'm simply happy to celebrate each day with K.


  1. Lita and the boys in MelbourneFebruary 23, 2012 at 7:59 PM

    Such a beautiful way to look at things. you deny nothing - not the joy of having K, today, nor the acceptance of the tears when she gone. your heart is wonder-full. :)

  2. What a great photo of R! I'm so glad you are feeling better and that K's counts are up. And you are absolutely correct. There will be a time to grieve but live fully until such time arrives.

  3. Your way at looking at things is beautiful. Love the first picture of R!
    Dachshund Nola

  4. We had some of that powerful wind here tonight - very strong. Hope you are feeling a lot better too.

    We will keep K and you in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Good luck.

  5. We are so glad you are feeling better. Just loved that first and last photo. Hope is alive and well and lives and flourishes in you KB. As always you all are in our prayers and even more so on Friday.

  6. A great attitude you are keeping... those coyotes are really motoring

  7. So happy to hear K's bloodwork came back good. You both are strong! Keep living every moment!

  8. Keep up the good work, don't let snow go unused. My motto is "Run fast, play hard and leave lots of yellow snow behind."

    Mogley G. Retriever

  9. I think you are doing well to see what's positive in each day and make the most of it. From what I know, you are grounded in reality and that's what makes you take the approach that you do. And I'm sitting here enjoying the smile producing photos of stick play, silliness, and grand views.

  10. So glad you are feeling better and that K is ready for her next round. Our 24 Paws are ready and crossed. :)

  11. Once again, great photos and great spirit.

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  12. We cannot imagine living in a world that has a blanket of snow as thick as yours!
    It is amazing that K and R can plow through the drifts and leap and fly as they do. And yes, all the forest animals- what an effort for them.
    We are glad you are feeling better KB, and we keep our paws crossed for K tomorrow as she goes to her chemo therapy.
    That photo of R in the dark with that star in the sky is awsome.
    Keeping you all in our hearts,

  13. We're glad that K's WBC improved so much and are keeping our paws crossed for a good day tomorrow. Every chemo treatment completed is one step closer to being finished with them, which is a terrific feeling.

    R looks like he's Lost in Space in that first photo. Or at least floating on an asteroid.

    Jed & Abby

  14. YEAH that is such a good thing to hear. WBC

    Her big brown eyes from the last picture are staring at me as I write this comment. Joyful view.

    And oh my, the picture of R. That is another fo the breathtaking shots you have become so famous for.

    Glad you are seeing the other side of the flu. Don't push yourself too far too fast.

  15. K's vet obviously doesn't know Wilf!! And duh...of course you know that this is a serious diagnosis! We are so, so pleased that you're celebrating the present!! (And we're glad you're feeling better!) Love that first shot of R and the last one of clown-K!!

  16. What good news for K! I am glad her white cell count is up and she can have her treatment! Glad to hear that you are feeling better too!

  17. K looks happy to be celebrating, too! I think you have the right attitude about it.

    I love that picture of R! Those black dogs sure know how to strike a dramatic pose!

  18. Hi there again, KB
    I know I don't comment often, but its so lovely to see K playing and romping so happily. Each day is the blessing we anticipate.
    I'm sorry to hear that you've had the flu and also hope that you will feel better soon - and ready for the next round of Chemo.
    I think of you often and am sorry that I was away of the 14th when blogland had their special valentines effort for you. You and your sweet pooches are much loved and dear to our hearts.
    Sending lotsaluv and strength to you.

  19. Good luck tomorrow! if you ever question anything about how to handle this whole ordeal, I think that last picture of K says it all! Love it!

  20. so jealous of all that snow! and, love that last pic of K. that dog loves you.

  21. White Dog Army strength and healing energy in its highest doses for tomorrow. Feel us all there helping push the monster away. The fight is still on.

  22. Celebrate, celebrate and celebrate some more, no one knows what tomorrow will bring.

    Loveys Sasha

  23. That is good news about K. We had 10+ C yesterday and today too. Our snow will be gone soon.
    This morning I didn´have my camera with me to work. Four mooses stood nicely in the field. I turned around for the camera but they were gone of course...but they will come back for the rapeseed growing there...

  24. Oh yes, celebrate every day you have with K. She's sure to keep fighting and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.
    Do remember that grief is the price we pay for love.

  25. That's great news. We so, so understand .

  26. KB pleased you are feeling better. Good news that K is ready for her next treatment.
    Absolutely stunning photos!
    Stay strong and positive.Sending lots sof positive thoughts. All our paws are crossed here for K.
    Extra Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  27. From what I can see K has the most wonderful life, loving parents and good friends. What more could any one want. They say the brightest stars burn out quicker. She is a bright star, hopefully she will buck the trend and burn forever.

  28. The joys of each new day with K continue to be from the heart which is in unison between both K and yourself.

    May our paws and hands in prayer allow strength for both of you and for you to know - we are indebted to you and K for sharing with us the joys of life enhanced beautifully through amazing photography.

  29. Such a beautiful picture of R standing on the rocky ledge. And as always, K is such a beaut and an inspiration to all.

    Lily Belle

  30. K just always looks happy...and dat makes me happy.
    I am glad to knows her count is back up so hers can continue to fight dis dreadful crap they call cancer. I shudder even typin' da word.
    You have such a wonderful perspective though.


  31. Your photos today are breathtaking, especially the first one on the cliff. That should be on a poster somewhere.

    We'll be saying prayers for K today..and for you too.

  32. AWESOME pic of R on the ledge and we love the one of K laying in the snow looking at you!! We read all the comments and all are great. WE love visiting you KB and seeing the wonderful pictures you take. You have a great outlook and positive spirit. The other commenters said it ALL so well - we "ditto" all they said. (if that makes sense) Take care and we are keeping all our paws crossed for all of you!
    Wags & good thoughts!
    Ernie,Sasha,Chica,Lucas & Dixie

  33. Best to focus on what you have rather than what might be. Wonderful outlook and attitude.

    I couldn't help but wonder if the coyotes are moving fast trying to stay warm!

  34. KB - you are SUCH a tough nut!!! Love the night shots with R - stunning eye, as always! Thinking pawsitive thoughts this morning for K and that you have brilliant, warm rays of sunshine to play in later. 85 MPH winds? A bit scary to contemplate! Send some snow this-a-way!!!
    Sammie, Avalon and Miche

  35. I can't form the right words to say how beautiful the picture of R is standing majestically on that rock with the deep blue sky behind him. Breathtaking doesn't quite cut it but it's the best I can do.
    I wish you could have seen how broad my smile became when I saw K stretching out on the snow and staring at the camera with those penetrating eyes of hers. She looks so happy - which is because you give her what her heart desires on a daily basis.

    None of us want that day of grief to come but I hope you can look back at these moments when it does come and know that you did exactly what she would have done if she could have chosen for herself.

    I love the coyote pictures and I would never tire of seeing the endless parade of wildlife thru your world.

    Chester's Mom
    (who is fighting the flu also. Did those 85 mph winds blow it to PA??? ;0-)

  36. Seizing the day is the very best way. Sending love and purrs and luck for the next batch of treatment. xx

  37. Sending you lots of hugs!

    Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

  38. Hi! I have just recently discovered you and your beautiful dogs and part of the country. I live in S. Louisiana and have an 11 yr old chocolate named Snickers and a 2 yr old rescue yellow named Sugar. I love the way you write and your gorgeous pictures. I had to say good-bye to my 13 yr old golden retriever in July (damn that cancer!)so I feel for you. I know you've been down this road before. My prayers are with you and your beautiful baby as you savor this time together. Glad you are feeling better :)

  39. What a gorgeous first photo of you, R!
    Paws are crossed for you for the next round, K!

    Love ya lots,

  40. Cold wind and snow, what a combination. glad you are recovering from the flu and K will be ready for the next round of chemo. Enjoy the day and stay well.

  41. I love your knowing to celebrate each day!

  42. And each and every day counts!

    Great pic of R in the first shot and of K in the last shot!

    Keeping our paws crossed and heads bowed tomorrow.

    Power of the Paw!

    (Your phrase for K is now getting a lot of use in doggie blogging! Thank you so much for sharing!)



  43. Hi Y'all,

    While you celebrate each day with K, she is obviously celebrating each moment with you.

    Hope you continue to feel better and stronger after your flu bout.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  44. The 'present' is the only place to be right now....and just look at it!

  45. I don't know how I missed this one, but I did. Add me to those who love R standing there in outer space (first pic). Then the last pic with K looking like Ms.Demento but we love it.

    I am glad that wintry weather took the flu away from you (and to think I thought it wouldn't work.)Oh Shame on me!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and the girls, who are supposed to get a big storm tomorrow or Sunday or whee, maybe both!

  46. Hi KB!

    Just been directed here by the lovely Jim @ Ocean Breezes. Great blog.

    I've just bought a trail cam for 'other' reasons but your wildlife shots are superb. Here's hoping I can capture some similar images later...


  47. I think we have your wind here today. I have a great dislike for wind because I always fear it will blow open a gate and one of the dogs will escape our yard. It happened once before, and left me with a little post-traumatic stress. We got the dogs right back, but it sticks with you. Anyway, the gates are reinforced now, but I still don't like the wind. I really love that last photo of K. She looks so at home and happy in her world. :)

  48. And I thought our 45 mph winds were bad.


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