Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mum Monday

Scenes from our weekend...


  1. Your weekend looks a lot more interesting than ours! I'm going to have to break down and play the guilt card to get the girls and I out on a hike with a certain mister. lol

    I'm glad to see the bobcats are venturing out. It must be mellowing out a tad in your neck of the woods! Kuster gives R two dew claws up on that cracker stick play!

  2. That's one cool kitty...

  3. Holy crap that Bobcat picture is cool!

    I can't believe all the 'cats you all get photos of out west!

    It's a much more rare occurrence round here....

  4. Wow, that bobcat looks like she sees something she wants!

    Your pal, PIp

  5. Wow,, the bob cat photos is total amazing!
    And we never get enough of the beauty of K and R!
    Oh your beautiful world- thank you for sharing!
    The snow is soooo deep!

  6. Do you ever get tired of us saying, JUST BEAUTIFUL? Cuz we don't get tired of saying it and seeing your photos. Just as meaningful as the first time. Happy Valentines Day! :)

  7. Did you take that big cat pic yourself? If so, WOW!

    Meow from Malaysia. Au, Target and Guido.

  8. A wondrous magical winterscape that just fills the soul.

  9. Great picture of the bobcat! We have hunting season for bobcat now. Each state apply for how many they can shoot. In some parts they go after sheeps so we have to have controlling of them.
    Have a nice Valntine day

  10. your bobcat looks just like a bigger version of our own Poppy, a tortoishell cat.Longer tail of course. How close is that to where you live? As ever, I so enjoy your photos and all the news. Cheers from Jean.

  11. Wow amazing and what a pleasure to visit you.

    licks and loveys Sasha

  12. Absolutely stunning shots!

    Extra Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  13. You have an amazing blog here!!! We are sending along lots of prayers for your good health! Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  14. Came on over here from Khyra's blog. Nice to meet you! Happy Valentine's Day.
    Smooches from pooches,
    BabyRD and Hootie

  15. Beautiful pictures! I love that first one especially!

  16. Ahhhhhhh...so purties!
    Has ya'll seen dat Kia commercial withs da big kitteh? Too funny!


  17. Such incredibly gorgeous photos!

    Love ya lots,

  18. I am always captivated by your stunning photography and the enthusiasm of outdoors.

    Alas my photography skills are limited to a cellphone image.

    May your posts bring out the best in all of us.

    Have a great day.

  19. I love seeing the action shots of the dogs playing in the snow and K is looking great as ever and so intense in that photo. I love looking at the pics you get of the wildlife in your area, That is one of my favorite areas and you and K give me a look into what is there that I have never seen.
    Mom Beaglebratz

  20. Simply beautiful.

    Sending you wishes for a wonderful and Happy Valentine's Day.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom too

  21. Beautiful pictures. It must be amazing to live in such a lovely place. K also looks like she is doing very well

  22. We are so jealous of your snow, but love all of the pictures. And that bobcat looks very healthy for late winter!

  23. What wonderful adventures. And what deep snow!!

  24. Woof! Woof! Gorgeous. Sending Lots of Golden Thoughts n LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  25. Great photos! Happy Valentines Day to you and your heart dog.

  26. OMG ! Those pictures are absolutelly stunning ! I am a cat...but I have a black labrador as a "brother", he's almost 13 years old and he's just like R ! We live in Brazil and we are melting with the sun here...it's really hot in here !
    I hope K recovers from osteosarcoma soon. Best wishes for him

  27. Beautiful photos!
    Just an awesome picture of the bobcat!

  28. Always so beautiful! I love that picture of R with the stick! He has such a goofy side! Happy Valentine's Day are hearts are with you and K!

  29. We enjoy seeing your beautiful photos!!

    Please know that we are purring for K and for you too!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!! ♥

    Wally, Ernie & Zoey

  30. First time visitor. What a wonderful blog. Thanks so much for sharing. And Happy Valentine Day.

  31. Wonderful photos! Sending thoughts and support for this next round of K's treatment.

  32. WE came over to meet you and let you know that we are putting some big prayers out there for K and his darn cancer. We just know the treatment will work but in the mean time all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. Love the picture of the mountain lion. In fact we really like all the pictures. Wishing you a whole bunch of good luck.

  33. Beautiful photos! Sending you Husky hugs and Valentine's wishes and love from all of us to you!

  34. Happy Valentine's Day. Benny and Lily sent us over to give you and your pups big hugs. Just caught up with your recent posts...incredible photos.

  35. We are purring hard for K and your family and hope everything goes smoothly today.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  36. Hugs and prayers for you and K. Your blog is beautiful.
    Sent here by Benny and Lily and NC MountainWoman. The bobcat is beautiful!

  37. Just wanted to stop by and spread some love! Happy Valentine's Day!
    Play bows,

  38. We are purring hard for K and hope that all goes well.Happy Valentine's day. You are in our thoughts.

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  39. We came over to say that we are thinking of K and sending our sincere purrs and prayers for wellness.

    We love the blog!



  40. What amazing shots, we could browse your blog all day long!

    Your newest followers,
    Miley and Maggie

  41. That's it, Mom has to take me on vacation to Colorado. I want to play with the big kitty!

  42. Happy Valentines Day!
    That is one big kitty...probably not a good idea to chase a big kitty like that!

    Smoochy Aire-Kisses

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  43. We enjoy your photos - they are simply stunning!
    Happy Valentines Day to K!
    Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

  44. Great bobcat photo. I've still never seen one up close.

  45. I'm so glad that Mountain Woman introduced me to your beautiful blog.

    I'm certainly thinking good thoughts about your beautiful K. I know the anguish of worrying about a beloved friend.

    The bobcat. . . WOW!

  46. What a wonderful blog you have with amazing photos.
    So Sorry I've never visited before & made friends with you all til today, sent by dear friends Mitch & Sue.
    Wishing K well.

    Pats & pets

  47. I wish you and your beautiful baby the best of luck in health and well-being. I'm hopeful everything turns out very well.

  48. Jack sent us to your site - sending the best to you during your courageous journey. We’re three goldens in the Denver-area – Enzo, Akala & Wrigley. We don’t get to see the amazing wildlife that you have captured. Pretty much only squirrels…

  49. Blogville is celebrating K today
    Happee Valentine's Day
    Benny & Lily

  50. I came to wish you love and stwength and all good things
    smoochie kisses

  51. Hello K and Mom.
    While reading all the blogs today we became familiar with you tow and your battle with the big C today. Mom and I send you are warmest get well wishes and hugs for a victorious
    Madi and Mom

  52. Gorgeous photos! Standing strong with you and sending warm Valentine's hugs and frosty noses!

  53. We are purring for gorgeous K as she fights this terrible disease...Blessings and Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  54. KB, what great pics as always. A very happy heart day to you and sweet K and R. I saw the Thundering Heards post, i will be praying for K and you all as you prepare for the next chemo. Power of the paw, my Indy is sleeping on me after our long run today. Im looking at his strong paws and loving them!!

    Take care,


  55. We have come over after Zoolatry alerted us to K's challenges. Sending you our best purrs and prayers. Happy Valentine's Day. We know you love each other. Beautiful pictures.

  56. Hi. I just found your blog. Guess what. I had a toe amputated too! I was lucky though and mine was a weird fibroma in the bone not an osteosarcoma (which is what was feared). Mommy says you remind her of her previous dog. He got mouth cancer. Good luck on your fight and have a Happy Valentine's Day.

  57. We just realized da Blogger is eatin' our comments cuz we stopped by last night. :( We luvs you guys!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  58. Just as NC Mountain Woman promised, your pictures are wonderful! All best wishes to all of you.

  59. Hope all is well, KB. Your snow looks deep and inviting. We got some, too - I skied this morning in fresh.

  60. Incredible photos! That one of the bobcat is just amazing!

  61. Hi

    Great to meet you and see those wonderful pictures.

    We heard about you from some of our great friends in Blogsville.

    Love and licks, Winnie

  62. Wishing you health and happiness!

  63. wow, You really had a great weekend! your so energetic on that photos and I'm sure you enjoy playing on the snow! I love the bobcat Woof! by the Way, Happy Valentines Day!

    It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

  64. Who needs words when you got pics like these?

    Chester ♥

  65. Lovely, quite lovely.

    Best wishes for K. May the romping never stop, in this world and the next.

    Benno and Friko send their love.

  66. Hi there! I found your blog from Tales and Tails, Tweedles and the Woos. I'm sending along some juju for K for her treatment. I have to say that part of the reason I was drawn to your blog was the story I was reading about K, but part of it was also the title of your blog. See, I was just in Colorado last week for the first time! We were in Boulder and then went out to Rocky Mountain National Park. What a beautiful area you live in!! I need to go through your blog further, for more dog stories (<3) and for more pictures! Again, sending my thoughts for K!!

  67. Yes, Yes, Yes....the Power of the Paw! You and your special K are in the hearts and thoughts of so many and I guess you found that out today.

    Hubby and I saw bobcat tracks today, I was so excited and was just wishing we'd see him...maybe another day!!

  68. Hi Y'all,

    Scary cat!

    y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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