Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Surprised, overwhelmed, and incredibly grateful

You all surprised us in a wonderful way this morning, and we are thankful, amazed, and happily stunned beyond words.
It was a huge surprise for me. Most mornings, I wake up slowly, needing caffeine for my brain to function so I was a little slow on the uptake this morning. My first hint that something was "up" was my email inbox. I noticed that I had a long list of new messages... and many were comments on yesterday's not-terribly-exciting post.

Next, I clicked on Google Reader, and, then, even my sleep-addled brain started to realize that something unbelievably sweet was underway. I started reading posts dedicated to my K, and my eyes filled with tears. I am grateful and humbled by the outpouring of love and support. I literally just sat there, with tears running down my face, for quite a while. Even "wow" doesn't express how overwhelmed with thankfulness I was and still am.

I wanted to read posts, leave comments, and write thank-you's all day long but I had a packed schedule for the day. So, just now, I am settling in next to the fire to slowly read and savor your amazing posts.

"Pillars of Strength" is a poignant badge that will live in my sidebar forever. It is so beautiful. I am floored.
K wanted me to take a photo of her legs for you today, to show you how strong they still are. The support of so many people like you has touched us and strengthened us, helping us keep K strong.

For those who don't know, K's front left leg was the one with the osteosarcoma tumors. She had radiation therapy to kill the tumors, and you can see the remnants of the radiation burn and the lack of fur on that leg. Those cosmetic things don't matter - K's legs are still "Pillars of Strength" and her heart is still made of gold.
K lives joyfully despite her disease, and despite the radiation and chemotherapy. The photo below is from this morning. She galloped up the snowy trail with the Continental Divide on the horizon behind her.
We know the odds when it comes to this kind of evil C so we are seizing each day. Every single one of you strengthened us by sharing the Power of the Paw with us today. We are stronger thanks to the outpouring of love. With tear-filled eyes, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I never forget that many others out there are struggling with the evil C as well as other diseases. The next badge was also made by one of you, and it sums up what we all hope for. Maybe someday we won't have to "imagine"...
Now, I am going to do what I have been eagerly awaiting all day. I'm going to read every single post. I might not finish all of them tonight but I will read and savor every single one. Thank you so much. You are the Power of the Paw.


  1. I have never seen more beautiful legs, the scars are a badge of courage and hope.

  2. The blog world is a wonderful place. Everyone is surrounding you and K with lots of love and support.

    I am sorry we didn't get a post up today, but we are participating in spirit and sending K lots of strength and healing wishes.

    Your pal, Pip

  3. K's legs are beOOtiful!
    Remember, we is with you every step of da way.

    Maggie Mae and Max

  4. We have been where you are now. The heart and soul of Blogville kept us strong and we know that's what you need now...Pillars of Strength. We are all here for you.

    Our prayers and good vibes to K and also to you.

    Amber DaWeenie's Mom

  5. Hee hee hee. Surprise! We could not be more pleased to honor K today of all days. She truly is the queen of heart dogs.

  6. We were furry proud to have pawed along today!

    Thanks for such a great thank you!

  7. K - those legs are beautiful and a testament to your strength.

    We are so glad to have been a part - and only a part - of such a wonderful, heartfelt movement that proves what a terrific place the animal blogging world is.

    P.S. - We are still working on reading all of the posts too.

  8. We're so grateful to be part of this loving community! Happy day to you, K, R and The Runner!

    -Bart, Ruby and Lisa

  9. We Bloggers support our own. Especially dog bloggers (which I am, occasionally). I have never seen such a group rise to occasions that arise. It's truly humbling.

    We hope you enjoyed your surprise today and we were glad to be a part of it.

    barbara, trixie, minnie and jeep

  10. My very best wishes to both K and her Family. I was thinking of you all day - hoping that your hearts were uplifted by the outpouring of support and love.

  11. We are still reading too:) We were thrilled to be a small part of such a tremendous community effort. Hugs to you on this very special day.

  12. My MOM and I are so humbled to be a part of this. We pray for nothing but the best for you and hope everyday is filled with beauty, hope, and love.

  13. Herman is purring with all his might for K.

  14. I'm beaming with a huge smile on my face because I am just so thrilled that we were able to surprise you. I was so afraid that we'd forward the e-mail to all of BlogVille and it would somehow get out.. but it didn't. And 100 some-odd people gave you a Valentine's Day you'll never forget!

    You and K are that special to us, KB. We - all of us - are here with you for the whole journey.

    Sam and MargeDog

  15. We didn't know about it until this morning, but I hope you know that my pups and I each day are inspired by your amazing photos, your determination, and the dedication that you and K have to one another!! Thank-you for the kindness and friendship that you have shown to me and my dogs! Happy Valentine's Day!!

  16. The power of the paw is awesome!

    The complexities of life keep us from blogging and visiting much so we missed this opportunity to show you our support. Please know that you and K are always in our prayers.

    We would like to share our love with you if you would like to take a look.


    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  17. Our arms are reaching out to you and K today, and forever and ever.
    Love is everywhere and were sending it to you-
    K- your bravery shines through---
    thank you for showing me the way.

  18. Your post makes us the most leaky today. Happy Valentines Day and keep up the good fight.

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  19. We came over from Zoolatry and are sending K thoughts of love, healing and health. K is beautiful and so is your blog. Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. Just saw a post about K on Asta's blog and wanted to stop by to give our support!
    We are Colliwado kiddo's and love this mornings picture of zoomies in the snow.
    We are sending the power of the paw, Wirey hugs, purrs and prayers.

    Winston , Chloe, Cecil and Shawn (mom)

  21. I, for one, am notoriously bad at keeping secrets! The fact that we surprised you and that everybody was able to pull together to make it happen makes me thrilled beyond belief. A year or so ago I was on the receiving end of the wonderful generosity and kindness of other bloggers and the best I could ever do to repay that kindness is to pass it forward. If all the world were as kind as we dog bloggers are, it would be a much better place! I am so happy that we've given you a day to smile, well, and to cry happy tears for a change. I know it's not easy! :) I think the best thing to do when a lot of people feel helpless about a situation is to be able to do something.

  22. We don't have a blog, but we sincerely join with all of Blogville and the Cat Blogosphere in offering K - and you - our love, support and heartfelt wishes for a miracle - or even two.

    Jed & Abby and mama ML

  23. I happy u feelin moar better. Yay! :)

  24. We were thrilled to be part of such a special tribute to the courageous way both K and you are fighting against this terrible disease ... by living each day to the max and standing strong. K's legs look beautiful to us!

  25. We are purring for K. The Power of the Paw is amazing!!

  26. Best wishes to your beautiful, courageous K. I am a blog friend of Sue's at Dream Valley Ranch, and read about K's brave battle there.

  27. It amazes me how Blogville pulls together for people and dogs in need. The Power of the Paw is fantastic!

  28. What a wonderful day full of love for you and K! I was so surprised and overwhelmed at all the support from bloggers when Zephyr got sick. It sure helped me keep going. K is looking great and the radiation burn looks like it's healing nicely. Power of the Paw. :-)

  29. My eyes are filled with tears as I read your emotional response to Blogville's amazing "Pillars of Strength" dedication to K, and to you. It is amazing what the power of love, and the Power of the Paws, can do, and how wonderful it is that people came together to express that love and comfort to both you and K.

    Please know that K continues to be in our prayers, thoughts, and hearts. Miracles happen, so we will never give up hope for K.


    K and Suka

  30. Thank you for sharing your love, your beauty, your journey with us. God Bless.

  31. Hmm...Man, did I miss the boat or what! Sorry K!

    Isn't our blog world wonderful! They are a creative bunch too!

    Thinking of you on this special day...give my howling best to R, KB and the Runner....



  32. Woof! Woof! Lots of wonderful doggie friends. Sending Lots of Golden Thoughts n LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  33. I. too, missed the boat - I really need to stop being so damn busy. Regardless, we're with you in spirit. The same spirit that keeps K running through that fluffy snow, that same spirit that keeps you biking with a painful back. We're here- late, but here nonetheless. Many hugs to you!

  34. I don't know your blog but I know what you are going through somewhat. My foster pug Quincy had mast cell cancer, going through chemo and surgeries. It's terrifying and exhausting to care for a dog with cancer. They handle it so much better than we do.
    Take care of yourself as you take care of your K. Reach out as you need to. Blog honestly. I know that I didn't feel comfortable blogging about my worries and stress with Quincy or with my other pugs. I didn't think it fit my blog persona and I didn't want to burden my readers with my problems. You have a community surrounding you that will let you honestly share your fears and anxieties. There is power and strength in that. Draw on it as you need to.
    I send pug hugs and prayers for all of you as you make this journey.

  35. Happy Hearts Day to you all!

    All of Blogville sends you a warm hug today!!

  36. Always thinking of you and K. We didn't hear of the blog hop until late, but know you are always in our prayers and there is nothing stronger than the power of the paw. :)

    You and K are an inspiration to all of us.

  37. Beautiful legs, K. We've got our paws crossed for you. Power of the Paw.

    Teddy Bear & Sierra

  38. The Power of The Paw!
    We are are all here with you today & everyday.

    Hugs & Extra Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  39. oh K your so nice and brave. You know that you also give us encouragement to not give up in any trials that come in our life. We always love you and pray for your full recovery..

    Love and Kisses;
    Dog Fence

  40. We are sending along much love and strength for you all and we are so proud to have honored you today. Our prayers will continue! Xoxo Jeanne with Chloe and LadyBug

  41. With tears in our eyes from reading this post, we are purrin and purraying fur K and you. From all of us at Prancer Pie - Prancer, Princess, Precious, Princeton and Mom. xoxo

  42. Visiting from Barb's Live and Learn, and my first here. You have a great support group. And your dogs are a beauty. I wish everyone the best!

    Take care.

    P.S. Your photos are lovely!

  43. You guys are wonderful!

    Our thoughts are will you all the time. STAY STRONG!

  44. Just stopping by to say I'll say a prayer for K.
    I lost my beautiful Amber in January from the evil C... I'd love to imagine a world without cancer!
    Hugs to you and those who love you.

    Eileen and Annie xx

  45. The photo of K's paws is stunning. We are all so glad to have had the opportunity to show you how much you mean to us.

  46. Woof, that is truly amazing!
    I hope K will be able to cope with cancer and heal fast. Keeper will send healing lights!

  47. "Can you feel the love tonight?"

    God bless you all

    Anne and Sasha

  48. We love you!
    Good luck at MangoMinster today, K!

    Love ya lots,

  49. Power of the Paw!

    We didn't know of your blog before today but now we know you we will be sure to follow K's progress.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

  50. Ya'll knows ya'll be very special to so many, us furs one. And you knows we will be righr hers beside ya'll during dis journey. Togedders it will be easier.

    Blogville is such a wonderful place...and they has beer too.


  51. You and K both, are an inspiration to all of us! :)

  52. I have to agree with everyone. May our continued paws and hands allow strength to be alongside you every step of the way.

    Love from Kirra -x-

  53. So much wonderful support and you and K deserve every bit of it! I hope you had a wonderful day of hiking and reading.

  54. We found you blog a few days ago, and since then we are following you every day . Our thoughts are will you all the time !

    Iris & Mom

  55. This is the first time I have sniffed your blog and I am blown away by the beautiful and heart felt love from so many and from you! C is a terrible thing and my paws are crossed for a great outcome!

    I have been scrolling through your posts and your pictures are amazing!!


  56. To K and KB for your strength to go thru what life presents us. A hearfelt salute to the Power of the Paw! Know we all are thinking of you and wish you blessings and speady recoveries.

    Donna of NC

  57. The Blogging world is just the best. We sure are sending big stong purrs and some woofs too and a tradition for us is to have our miniature donkeys cross their hooves for you since we don't have paws. And it usually does work. Those donkeys have special powers. Glad to meet you and also sending big hugs to the Mom. Take care.

  58. Brand new to your blog, and lovin' your photos. It's always nice to meet someone who also lives out west. We are going to follow along on your journey. Thinking of you.

  59. Yep - those are some great looking legs....we are sending HUGE purrs and know that you are loved!

  60. What a wonderful way to wake up!

    Love to you and K

  61. www.jodistone.wordpress.comFebruary 15, 2012 at 7:18 AM

    I just came over from I Still Want More Puppies and read the last post about your beloved K. I am sending out the warmest thoughts and wishes that K will remain healthy and strong.

    Blogville is very powerful and when you get this many people wishing postive thoughts and sending prayers and good wishes, it will help.

    Hang in there. We are all pulling for you and K. :-)

  62. K and YOU deserve this. Have been reading your blog for 2 (??) years now, digesting the ups and downs, but not posting. K is my hero, and you are too!

  63. What beautiful fur babies you have! I just found your blog and so glad I did. I wish you and K a world full of strength and happiness. My prayers are with you♥

  64. We were glad to be able to add our support yesterday. It is heartwarming to see K running around in the snow and enjoying herself. We are keeping you and K in our thoughts.
    Jackie, Eric and Flynn

  65. THAT is the most beautifulest leggie I ever saw. Cuz it represents a determined and Most Courageous soul! We were so super honored to be part of your surprise yesterday and always remember that as a member of Blogville, you are never, ever alone!

    Wiggles & Wags,
    Mayzie (and her mom)

  66. We stand with you and we are all here for you every single day of your fight! We admire you and everything you're doing for your beautiful K.

  67. We were honored to be asked to pawticipate in Pillars of Strength. We will keep purring for all of you!

  68. We are so glad that we can support you through this journey. We know how much our blog friends mean in a time like this. We are all hear for you and stand by your side. K is a fighter and will show us how this is all done. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  69. The mom speaks:
    I hadn't realised that the type of c that K has is osteosarcoma. I too was diagnosed with c some years ago: chondrosarcoma (a rare primary bone cancer) of the tibia in 1995. I have had 3 surgeries, the last a bone graft ~ but am here and healthy today. So I am sending extra special love and healing for K and I am very glad indeed that my 2 boys (Milo and Alfie) joined in with a pillars of strength post. Stay strong.

    Jan xx

  70. Saty strong K. You´re a beautiful dog.
    Kisses to you and your family!

  71. A lot is written which I support. We all from Sweden support you in your fight for K. We been through that in our dog family. Many hugs to you all from all the dachshunds and their Mum.

  72. I've been cleaning up my armor to come help you fight your dragon, K.

  73. Oh this is beautiful! We didn't know about it or surely would have done the post-I'll put that badge on our sidebar!
    Our positive thoughts, good vibes and prayers are with you and K. We love to see those pictures of her seizing the day, like so many of us humans forget to do.

    May she beat the Evil C !

    Your friends in Ohio,

    Bocci, Bella, and their Parental Unit, Joan

  74. We pray that those legs will carry K on many more exciting adventures.

    Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
    Oskar & Pam

  75. Blogville is a great place. We love y'all to pieces- fur or no fur!

    The Heartbeats

  76. came over from tweedle's blog to give a little more to the power of the paw for K and her battle with the big 'C'.

    fabulous pics, by the way. you so capture the joy in life that K has.

  77. We just found you! I've been back-reading all your posts, with puddle-eyes and a full heart. K teaches us what dogs all know: that today is the best day she's ever had, and whatever is at the end of her nose is the best thing she's ever smelled. And you are THE most important peep in the whole world. Our hearts understand your journey; the highs & lows, the worry, sorrow and the joys & most of all, the love. I will follow you daily and remember you in prayer. Jeanne & Bob & Rex (pink-nosed, golden-russet-eared goofball, age 4)

  78. We are grateful to be a part of such a wonderful community and honored to support you and your beautiful K. From one K to another, we send you the power of the paw, no matter how many toes we have. :)

  79. I've only just heard about K and can tell already how wonderful she is. The pictures are fantastic and she looks so strong and full of happiness, you are doing an incredible job :)

  80. Wow, I just want to bury my face in K's beautiful, glowing fur!
    The out-pouring of love from doggie bloggers always restores my faith in "humanity"...

  81. I tried to post a comment last night from the hospital via my Kindle Fire, but it doesn't look like it worked. Anyway ... SURPRISE!!! ;o)

  82. Hi Y'all!

    It's me Hawk! Hi K! What lovely badges! So glad y'all had such a wonderful Valentine surprise!

    My Humans were off before daylight for business and exhausted when they came home, so V-day went pretty much unnoticed since I slept through it.

    Happy belated V-day, y'all!

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  83. Lita and the boys in MelbourneFebruary 15, 2012 at 5:02 PM

    We just found you, too. But you are in our thoughts all day now. Blessings to you and K and the rest of your family. Doing your best is all you can do. and cherishing each day is definitely the way to do it.

  84. Sending prayers of hope and courage to your family!

  85. Dear K, were so surprised to see you, And I know that your strong enough to face that trials, Your still in our prayers! :D

    It's all About Pet Fences

  86. All paws crossed for K. Sending healing thoughts your way.

  87. It warms the heart to see the photo of K running. She's an amazing pup, for sure.

  88. Every buddy at Hooligan House is sending out an AAARRROOOOOOO for K! You are beautiful!

  89. Ohhhhh-this makes me so happy that you were wowed by the community of wonderful bloggers who banded together to lift your spirits. I am honored to have been a part of such a thoughtful deed.

    That pic of K's leg with it's battle scars is special because it show's she's still standing strong after all she's been thru. BUT that first pic speaks volumes about the determination in her soul - it almost feels like she is looking into mine.

    I want to get around to read all the posts but i have to be real - time probably won't allow it but I am going to be determined and give it a try!

    Happy trails,
    Chester's Mom ;0-)

  90. With all the reading and writing I did on Valentine's Day, I missed coming over here and seeing what there was. 90 messages of love and support. . .whoopee is all I can say. I am amazed with all of us, a small leak didn't develop someplace, but It Didn't.

    This is the most wonderful place for a dog and its family to be a part of. Thanks to everyone for that!

    Love and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  91. We are so inspired by your indomitable spirit - you and K! And it's true - beautiful legs that take you to some of the most beautiful places! The blogging community is enriched by your blog and posts!!!
    Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and Avalon

  92. Wow. So many people participated. We participated on a smaller level as so many things were going on that I haven't even been blogging as much. Some of the posts were just really beautiful. We're wishing you and K the warmest wishes for good health and rompin' happiness!

  93. We have an award for K on either Tucker or Lola's blog today. Such a beautiful and brave girl!

  94. Leave the state a few days, and just look what I miss out on.

    I LOVE the new emblem. I'm glad you're going to keep it always.

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