Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bad news

Our innocent K...
Today we learned that the cancer has spread to K's lungs. She received a different kind of chemotherapy today, with the hope that maybe, just maybe, it will slow this virulent beast. But, we are devastated.
We are so lucky to have K in our lives and to share such love with her, even if only for a short time. We will keep showering her in love for as long as we can.


  1. This is devastating news. Our little Tucker (RIP) was diagnosed with lung cancer also, almost a year ago now. K's fate is firmly in God's hands now but I'm a firm believer in miracles so let's go with that for the time being. Live and love one day at a time and live it to the fullest. Most of all, remember that miracles do still happen.

  2. We too are devastated. We can only echo Amber's words. We are all there with you and we are still hoping for that elusive miracle. Hugs.

  3. I am so sorry for you and for K. You are both very special beings with an amazing and inspiring love.

    You are both in our prayers.
    TK mom

  4. Oh no, I am so sorry ...I am just at a loss for words. But as the others have said - we are there for you and hoping and praying for a miracle and many wonderful days ahead for K.

  5. That's devastating! I'm so so sorry for you and sweet K. Paws crossed, miracles do happen
    Dachshund Nola

  6. we are so sorry to hear this... we hope the new drug helps. this disease is so terrible....paws crossed.

  7. Oh KB...thank you so much for sharing this wonderful girl with all of us.

    BrownDog's Human

  8. My heart is aching, KB. I don't know what to say, but I know you and K were meant for each other, even for this time.

  9. We are just sitting here stunned -

    But knowing K will only know MORE love -

    And she'll continue to teach us -

    I am also thinking she'll be doing some pretty intense training sessions with her Labradork brother -

    LOTS of HUGS coming from PA to CO

  10. I had to sit down and fall apart for a bit, upon this news. I'm so sorry that today's results were not what we all had hoped. You have given K everything ... more than everything in her life. She knows that, as do all of us.

  11. I am so sorry to hear this news today. I am sure you all will enjoy what time you have together to the fullest. I too am hoping for a miracle.


  12. I am very sorry to hear this news about your dear friend. I know there is nothing that I can say to make this easier for you or you K but do know that you are in my thought and prayers.

  13. I know the heart sinking, stomach wrenching feeling you get when you hear news like this.

    I am so saddened to hear this about K, but know you'll do everything for K to keep her happy & joyous for as long as you can. The bond and love you have for her is so strong.

    Following along with your blog for so long, I feel like she is as much ours as she is yours. ok...maybe she's just a little bit more yours, but hopefully you know what I mean.

    The blogging community will be thinking and praying for you guys...every step of the way.

    Give K a big hug for me

    Murphydog's Mom

  14. I am just sitting here in tears. I am so sorry that you received this devastating news. I can honestly say my heart is in my throat. Continue to love on your beautiful girl and enjoy every minute of life. You are both a great inspiration to so many. Remember you have a whole lot of Blogville family ready and wanting to support you, the runner and K in anyway we can. I am sure I am not alone in stating we shall continue to pray for that miracle.
    Many hugs to you my friend.

  15. the inevitable post......i'm so sorry....keep doing what you do...enjoy each moment...you two are a pair and K knows you have her back.....sending positive energy your way...

  16. My heart is breaking. I am so sorry. Please give K a healing kiss from us. Is there anything we can do to help you?

    Kim (Ruthie's mom)

  17. I'm stunned.

    You'd never know by looking at her. She's happy and shiny and energetic.
    We are praying very hard that this can be caught and cured.

    Anything we can do, you just let us know.

    barbara, trixie, minnie and jeep

  18. Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear this. :(

    All my good thoughts are with you and K. Each day is really all any of us has.

    That said, I wish all cancer would just go DIAF.

    (((hugs))) to you both, and strength, and steadfastness.

  19. I am so very sorry for you and your girl. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. :(

    Warm regards,
    Leslie and Bella

  20. K is one lucky dog to have lived and romped with you and the runner. And you are one lucky woman to have had such a dog. I know your bond will be even stronger in the days to come.

    We will be with you in spirit on this roller coaster, sending positive vibes every day to our good blogger buddy and her heart dog. The bad news pains us and our hearts ache for you.

    I hope there will be some really good days for all of you and I know you will make the most of them.

  21. fighting back the tears and losing.

    Enjoy every moment with your gorgeous girl. More snuggles, outings and treats than you ever thought possible. Wish we could give her a giant hug that would make this all go away.

    BIG hugs to all of you.

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie, Hailey and Staci

  22. We are so sorry to hear this news. We continue to purr for K and hope the new chemo helps.

  23. Oh no!
    I know you feel like the sky is falling and that you cannot take anymore. We are so sorry and sad to hear this news about our beloved K.
    We will continue to send love to her and strength, that she keeps feeling well and happy.
    Your bloggy loggy land is circling around you and K, R and the Runner.

  24. My heart hurts for you. I have been where you are and I know nothing I can say will lessen your pain. Just know that you, K, the Runner and R are in my thoughts and prayers!

  25. We're so sorry to hear the news. We too are continuing to pray for a miracle for your K. Our heart just keeps breaking...

    Lily Belle

  26. Our girl is such a stalwart girl, full of strength and life. Her enthusiasm just in the last couple of weeks has been a joy to see. Whatever future days bring, please know that we are ALL with you, praying for a miracle for her, every single day!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  27. My mom and I are so sorry to hear that terrible news. I will keep my paws crossed and send good juju in hopes of the new meds slowing down that horrible disease.

    Sending you all love and licks from afar!!


  28. We are devasted to hear this news-we send you all good vibes and please give your beautiful K a huge hug for us. We're praying for you and K.

  29. We are devasted to hear this news-we send you all good vibes and please give your beautiful K a huge hug for us. We're praying for you and K.

  30. Dear KB we are so very sorry to hear this news. We know the devastation you are feeling and send our love. Life follows its own path. Love your K for as long as you can. We will support you with our love as long as you need us. Sorry KB, Love Carol x

  31. Oh KB....I am simply heartbroken...we are thinking of you and sending our love and support. You, K, The Runner, and R will be in our hearts-sending strength and love and hugs,
    Sue and the crew

  32. I am so sorry to hear this. I can only imagine the pain in your heart you are feeling.

  33. Sending love and light from Colorado via Lilly Hawn and her mom, Roxanne.

  34. I'm so sorry to hear this. Lots of love to you and K!

  35. Oh man.....so sorry to hear about that.

    Our thoughts are with you and K.

  36. I am devastated from the other side of the world - and shocked. I thought she would avoid all this. Just gutted for you both. So, so sorry. We all know how loved she is and what this means to you both.

  37. If tears could wash this horror from K we believe she would be free in an heartbeat...so many care.

    The White Dog Army believes in miracles and we will never give up hoping and fighting at K's side.

    Love has incredible power. Feel it surrounding you all.

  38. What everyone else said. But especially - damn! We know you both will continue to cherish every day you have together. There will be time enough for tears.

    How extensive is the lung involvement? We're crossing our paws so tightly we can hardly walk. Keep on with the carpe diem; you both do it to the fullest.

    Jed & Abby

  39. Dogs Never Lie About Love...By JEFFREY MASSON

    "Dogs, we say, have no sense of time. As Robert Kirk of the Cornell Veterinary School once put it to me, dogs don't watch the clock. Every minute is forever. Everything is for good."

  40. Woo there, K~
    Woo keep "rompin'". Remember, us puppers don't walk...or "romp" on our x-rays. May you have more precious memories to make with your Mummi. I know her heart is hurting and her tummi is flippin' and we are sending Summi size hugs to her. Stay strong and know that you are loved and thought of by many.
    Your pal,

  41. I am so, so sorry for this bad news about K. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, K and your family. Enjoy every moment!

  42. Oh I´m so sorry.....my tears came...what can I say. I know how hard this is. Its a year now since Nova went to Rainbow Bridge after her cancer. But have nice days with your hiking...K is a strong dog and she will fight as long as she can....Hugs to you from us all

  43. Tears are flowing here as well. We are so very, very sorry to hear this devastating news. Amber's words are echoed by us. Take it one day at a time...and we will continue to pray. The Power of the Paw. My heart goes out to you and K. xo Jeanne

  44. I'm so sorry hear the sad news. In tears I'm trying to find words ... K is the most beautiful and wonderful dog and I hope you have still lots of wonderful walks, lovely moments, loveable hugs to enjoy together!
    You are in my thoughts.
    Love Teje & Nero

  45. You and K are in my thoughts and prayers -- sending hugs from SoCal.

  46. So sorry to hear about the bad news. This sucks!!!

    However, I know K and you will treasure and enjoy life and be in each and every moment.

    Paws are crossed and you are in our thoughts.

  47. This is such a shock. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

  48. I'm so sorry. You and K are in my thoughts.

  49. We are stunned. Our hearts are aching for you.
    Live life to the full and enjoy every minute of everyday of your time with K. We are thinking of you and sending lots of positive thoughts and hugs.

    Special Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  50. Oh no - I'm so sorry to hear this news.
    We love you!

    Mitch and Sue

  51. We are so so very sorry to hear this....Our paws, fingers and toes are all croseed..miracles do happen n for all u know K might go on to love n be loved for a long time...

    Ginger, Buddy, Shadow n all of us here

  52. I do agree with Amber and indeed all who offer support in comfort and the strength to continue enjoying every moment with your wonderful K.

    Always in prayers of paws and hands throughout each day.

    Love from Kirra -x-

  53. Every day, every moment, every thought filled with love.

    "Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour."

    We are with you.

  54. I am at a loss for words...I am devastated, my heart hurts.
    Whatever the future holds for K I hope you know what an impact she has made on all of us...she has shown strength and courage and undying spirit.
    Also know that we will never leave your side through this and we are constantly thinking and praying...and we do believe in miracles as well.
    We love you K!!!!

    Allison...puddles mum

  55. Wee is so sads to hear dis news butts Miss K has da fightin spirit n wee knows hers wi do all her can to stay wivs yoo and lovs yoo all fur as long as her cans. Yoo is all so luckisome to havs each ova da way yoo do. Miracles DO happen n wee is prayin as hards as wee can fur one now fur Miss K and all ovs yoo.
    All ovs blogville is here fur yoo so pleese knows yoo are nots alone in dis fight cos wee is all behinds yoo wivs our paws up ready fur fisticuffs.
    Takes some speshul time dis weekend to lets Miss K knows wee is all finkin ovs her, prayin fur her n sendin healin vibes by da ton fur her n dats wee all lovs her veri muchly

    Izzy, Uji n Ronnii
    xxx xxx xxx

  56. K will always have the best life possible for an adventure dog such as herself. I know that you will give her a good quality of life and help her to make her final journey before she gets too sick. It is awful news.

    Mango Momma

  57. No No No.....i said that as soon as I opened this post. Based on the replies, you have alot of humans and pups praying for K and for all of you. I am on my knees right now asking for help for K. Please God if you can hear me.....i know i have been a pain lately with my praying but this one is important.

    Prayer is all i have left and i am saying every one i know for you KB.

    Diane and Indy Bones

  58. I checked in for the results hoping for the best news and was devastated when I saw this. You, K, Runner and R are all in our thoughts and prayers this morning.

    Pillars of Strength

  59. We are so sorry to hear about K. We lost our sweet brother Yoda unexpectedly yesterday and can understand the pain you are going through.

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Brutus & Ellie

  60. i am so sorry to hear this news. K is a wonderful, strong and beautiful dog. this is heartbreaking, am sending prayers and hugs to you and K

  61. I sit here with tears in my eyes at this heartbreaking news. K is strong and beautiful and a real fighter. I will pray for her and send out a pawcircle of strength and hope. Thinking of you both...

  62. Jeez, I am soo sad to read the bad news. Very, very sad.


  63. Our thoughts are with you, KB. Saying prayers, and lots of power of the paw.

    Sam's Mom, Christine

  64. KB you know our hearts are breaking. We are shocked and dismayed. K know we and many many others are praying for K. As you always remind us to live in the now and the future can worry for it's self. I knew with this news that is even harder to do. But enjoy that incredible love and spirit that K so freely gives. We will keep praying. With much heart felt love.
    Goose and MOM

  65. We are so sorry to hear this. You, K, and your family are in our thoughts and prayers!
    ~Maggie (MilShelb's Mom)

  66. Certainly not the hoped for news. We hope for better news from the chemo. Pawhugs!

  67. I'm so sad. This is so awful, I don't know what to say except that I know love will keep you strong. Carpe diem. I'll be sending good vibes your way!

  68. I'm so sorry that the news wasn't good... As soon as I saw your blog post title, my heart hit the floor. K is so strong and vital looking and seems to be such a force of nature. Words really can't express the sorrow I feel for the pain you are going through after receiving this news. We will be hoping for a miracle for K!

  69. Words fail me. I am so, so sorry. My heart goes out to all of you.

    Amber (MayzieMom)

  70. It's been a bad few weeks in Blogville---cancer is so devastating. Our thoughts and best wishes are with you and K as you go through this journey. Remember, you are not alone.

  71. We are so very very sorry to hear this news. We sure do send many purrs and woofs and also the donkeys are crossing their hooves for you K. The Mom is saying tons of prayers for you too. Take care and know that we are her to support K and hugs to the Mom.

  72. I am so sorry that I missed reading this last night. I didn't put it together with your comment on Flickr. My heart aches for you.

    I hope that the new treatment buys you more time. It's what we dream of when we first pick up that little puppy or meet that dog in the adoption kennel -- all the happy years we'll share together. Sometimes we're blessed with lots of time and sometimes we're blessed with a short amount of time that's incredibly packed with wonder. Nobody ever knows. What I do know is that K will fight to be with you for as long as she can. I think she wants to be close to you as much as you want to be close to her. I think K has already lived a remarkable life with you, and the time she has left, no matter how short or long will be just as incredible for both of you! Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers today. And Happy Birthday, even though you don't feel much like celebrating!

  73. I am so sorry that I missed reading this last night. I didn't put it together with your comment on Flickr. My heart aches for you.

    I hope that the new treatment buys you more time. It's what we dream of when we first pick up that little puppy or meet that dog in the adoption kennel -- all the happy years we'll share together. Sometimes we're blessed with lots of time and sometimes we're blessed with a short amount of time that's incredibly packed with wonder. Nobody ever knows. What I do know is that K will fight to be with you for as long as she can. I think she wants to be close to you as much as you want to be close to her. I think K has already lived a remarkable life with you, and the time she has left, no matter how short or long will be just as incredible for both of you! Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers today. And Happy Birthday, even though you don't feel much like celebrating!

  74. We were here last night, but we cannot stop thinking about all of you. We are crying with you.
    We are carrying you at this time.
    tweedles and moms

  75. We are so sorry to hear that K's cancer has spread. We're purring loud and hard that the new chemo helps slow the progression down and that K is with us all for a long time.

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

  76. We are so, so sorry to hear this news we've only just heard this and we are so sad but that is nothing to your anguish. What can we say to make this feel better - the answer is nothing but we can say all you can do is enjoy each and every day you have left to spend together and remember all the wonderful things you have seen and done.
    We have you in our thoughts and prayers.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy + Mum Sue xxx

  77. I'm so sorry to hear about K. I don't know what to say except to enjoy every moment, treasure every day. It's all we can ever do. And accept the love and support of so many others to help bolster you during this difficult time. *hugs*

  78. I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to you all.

  79. KB, I'm so sorry! Big hugs to you and to K.

  80. Reading this just chills me to the bone. I don't want to read news like this. Not on any one's blog, but especially not on yours. I feel like I "know" you and K. I wish there was something I could say to comfort you, but I know that there is not. You have helped me through times of need when I was down and out and I wish there was something more that I could do right now for you to return the favor as you and K battle this.

    I know that K will keep fighting the good fight.

  81. So sorry. Hugs and love to you all.

  82. Oh my goodness we are so sorry...
    Benny & Lily

  83. Dear KB, This is such sad news and I'm sending love and prayers from my heart to you and yours.

  84. Our hearts are crying for you
    We know the love and bond you have with K
    She is a treasure and we pray she can stay as long as possible without pain

    Sending our love and healing smoochies fromAsta and our prayers

  85. Our hearts are crying for you
    We know the love and bond you have with K
    She is a treasure and we pray she can stay as long as possible without pain

    Sending our love and healing smoochies fromAsta and our prayers

  86. sending hugs to you all. and some rottie kisses - they are very emotionally healing.

  87. Very saddened to read this news. Sending all of our most powerful and positive thoughts and strength up the mountain to you and your K, to your husband and to R.

  88. This is very sad news indeed. We are sending a TON of Golden hugs for everyone on your mountain.


  89. I am so grateful you have shared her journey with and we stand beside you in love for K.
    ♥ Cinnamon

  90. My heart aches with yours. My heart breaks with yours. God did the right thing when He placed K's beautiful soul in your gentle care.

  91. Hey it's Jet Here. Came over after reading about you from the Thundering Herd. SO, so sorry to learn of K's condition. From Mom...

    I lost my first ever dog, my golden girl, Koko, last October to spleen cancer. This was the impetus for being my blog with Jet. I cannot tell you how supportive and kind the pet blogging community and my Golden Rescue South Florida group was.

    I humbly offer the same support, with all that I received rolled up in one Pay it Forward hug.

    We will wish for the highest possible good.

  92. Devastated....such an incomplete word for all you must be feeling....I was hoping to never hear bad news here - she's been doing so well. Much love to you all.

    Chester's Mom ♥

  93. Oh no! Words are insufficient, but you are in our thoughts & prayers!!

  94. So very sorry, continue to cherish every moment.

    Sheila & Bob

  95. Many hugs to you. Many hugs to beautiful K.

  96. I'm just reading this now. I'm so, so sorry that the cancer has spread. It's so hard to understand, especially when she's been doing so well. I hope the different chemotherapy slows it down. My heart breaks for you. Sending lots of love to you all.

  97. We cannot express how sad and sorry we are to here this news ~ words seem inadequate. We are sending love and healing and hope and strength. Please know that we are holding you tight in our paws, against our hearts. xx

  98. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We understand how hard this is.
    Play bows,

  99. I'm so sorry your K has been diagnosed with lung mets. I lost my boy to osteosarcoma January 7th of 2011. He was diagnosed with lung mets 6 months after his amputation. Only one lung was x-rayed and approximately 16 mets were clearly visible. I remember well how devastated I was that day so I understand how you are feeling. I want you to know that not only did he live for 6 additional months (no chemo) but he truly thrived. Fortis loved his river swims and continued to do so up to the very end. For me, it was the most wonderful 6 months of my life. Stay positive and treasure each and every moment. My thoughts are with you both and I pray that you are blessed with many peaks yet to climb. I saw your post on tripawds and got your blog address there. I hope you don't mind me posting here.

  100. Nothing will take away the love and bond that you and K have. We are by your side as you stay strong and make each day together more special. We are praying for a miracle for K.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  101. We are very sorry to hear about the bad news. we will pray for the miracle and the very best for K.

    Kisses for K.

    Elmo & Mouse

  102. ARGH!!!! I'm SO sorry to hear that it's spread... I HATE this disease so much I can't even epxress how much I hate it. I'm really hoping for a small miracle for K...

  103. So sorry to hear about your news. Why do bad things happen to good people and good dogs? Damn it...


  104. Saw the news on another bloggie, and came to drop off some woofs & hugs. I lost a furry friend to the c monster. It's just not fair. My furry sister and I will keep our paws crossed for you. ;)

    Woofs & hugs, <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  105. We are so very sorry to read this. We are sending our bestest purrs for all of you.

  106. Paws crossed that the new chemo regimen helps!

  107. You are in our thoughts and prayers K... Paws crossed all for you.

    woofs n licks,
    Dommy & Piper

  108. So sorry to hear the bad news. Stay strong just like K is doing.

  109. Never sure what to say in these moments. Just love her and take care of her like you've always done. That's all they ask of us anyway. We'll be there every step of the way.

    Love and hugs to you from SC.

    Mamma Heartbeat

  110. You are both blessed with a great love for each other and all that life has to offer. Mom and I are keeping you in our thoughts and wishing you many many many happy moments every day.

    Wags and Hugs,
    Roo and Mom

  111. Ouch.

    By far not the outcome I had hoped and prayed for. But as always, thankful for the happy times you continue to spend together, focusing on the wonderful aspects of life and being together.

  112. We are so very sorry to hear this sad news. We are sending healing purrs and have our paws crossed that the chemotherapy will work and K can stay with you for a long time. ~Hugs, Artemisia, FENRIS, Socks & Scylla

  113. Just heard about your news and wanted to stop by and send you support and prayers. I do understand what you're going through.

  114. I read this yesterday on my mobile. In public. In tears. Saying the bad F*** aloud. I didn't care.
    I had so much hoped that this wouldn't happen so soon. K is so strong and all looked so good so far. I am with you on your path. Live and enjoy each day.
    I am so sorry for you!
    Hugs and four times doggie kisses from Germany

  115. So sorry to hear about the cancer. It is always so hard...

  116. I read this post at a public library, with an overseas couple from Europe sitting opposite me. I hope they didn't look at my face or see my tears.Words cannot say enough, and the other comments have said everything so beautifully.Be strong, enjoy each day, live,love and laugh together.You and the Runner will find strength together, and blog friends are with you every day. Fondest greetings from Jean.


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