Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Six years ago today

Six years ago tonight, I was lying in a hospital bed, oblivious to the world around me. I'd just had a three-level fusion in my lower back, and I was in more pain than I'd thought imaginable. My brother visited me that night, and I have no recollection of it. I was so pumped full of pain medication that I might as well have been knocked out.
I knew that the NCAA basketball tournament would start the day after my surgery, and I thought that I'd watch every game from my hospital bed. Ha! I didn't see a single one. I slept continuously, and, for the brief moments that I was awake, I couldn't keep track of which team was wearing which color.

As the years have gone by, I've realized that the surgery was the best choice that I could've possibly made. It stabilized my spine sufficiently for me to be able to manage the remaining pain if I carefully plan my activities.

With the memory of what happened six years ago, K and I hurried up high to see the sunrise this morning. If I'm capable of using my legs and K is still energetic, we're going to take full advantage of it! The photos above were from before sunrise, and the one below was just as the sun crested the eastern hills.
Due to the clouds, the sunrise was gorgeous orange and purple.

But, due to that cloud cover, we had only a few minutes of the amazing sunrise light before the sun was blocked by the clouds. K glowed during those few quiet minutes.
K was by my side for the whole seemingly endless recovery from the surgery back in 2006. At first, I couldn't limp further than a hundred yards without bursting into tears from the pain. And, after the Runner had no choice but to go back to work, K refused to leave my side for anything. She was an amazing friend during that phase.

It was 3 months before I was allowed to ride in a car and even longer before I was allowed to drive the car. At the 6 month mark, I was finally allowed to try riding a bike... Everyone who knew me laughed at the thought that the doctor had no idea what a force he'd unleashed when he said that I could "try riding a bike". I think that I rode a bit more than he had in mind! But, it's been the best spine therapy imaginable...

So, today, I remember how the Runner, our yellow lab S, and my chocolate K all rallied to get me through that very tough time (R wasn't born yet). I'm a very lucky person.
I must end by apologizing for not visiting many blogs. I've had an eye infection for more than a week, and now I'm awaiting the results of the culture that they did to find the right antibiotic for it (the "standard" antibiotic didn't work). Until I can start new antibiotics targeted for my infection, I'm just going to have to suffer with it. It definitely limits how long I can use my computer.


  1. I can't imagine what you went through. Sounds horrific!!!

  2. You and K inspire me so much
    Dachshund Nola

  3. I always admire your strength of courage, but sometimes forget what strength of body you also possess! Wouldn't it be great if we could see the future during those tough times? To know that there'd be a day when we could look back and see all the pain as a distant memory would be a great gift sometimes!

    I hope you get some relief from the eye infection soon! I've had eye troubles before myself and I know it's miserable! At least you've got beautiful scenery outside to admire instead of being cooped up inside with nothing else to do! ;)

  4. A beautifully reflective post. I really love that photo of K in the sunlight. I think it is my favorite sunlight picture of her yet.
    Tomorrow is Friday... you know what that means for me and my MOM for you and K.

  5. You are a brave human Mommy. Your doggies sound like good doggies. I wish I could play with them. I love playing. Your a very brave and strong human Mommy.
    Sally Ann

  6. Oh K....you are beautiful and you have such an incredible human to spend your life with.

    I consider myself a "lucky dog" to know you both.


  7. I love how you've taken the anniversary of a physically traumatic event and made it a day to celebrate what you and K can do. Perfect KB style and an example to follow.

  8. Hi KB
    We hope you get the right antibiotics quick so that your eye gets better!
    We are so glad that you were surrounded by so much love when you had your surgery 6 years ago.
    We know it surely was very hard for the runner, K and the other dogs to see you hurt so bad. They all did what they could to make you strong again.
    The photos that you took are so beautuiful. I am glad that you and K had a moment to reflect.

  9. Hey there KB,
    Beautiful pictures...as always...somewhat nostalgic too, but understandable.
    I'm constantly fascinated at 'memories' - usually they are not the actual incident, but rather 'how we handled them'. You are an example of such strength, perseverance and willingness to take on all the challenges that life offers. How much easier they are to face with our four-legged friends around.
    Hope your eye heals up soon.
    sending lotsaluv

  10. Ouch! Sure hope they can heal your eye quickly. Paws crossed for you, and for K tomorrow.

    Jed & Abby

  11. Hi KB, how far you have come since your surgery. You have shown that with a positive attitude and a great family, you can do amazing things. Loved all your photos. No worries, and love, Carol and Stella and Rory

  12. I hope your eye gets better soon. You have so much beauty to see there. I have spinal stenosis and a ruptured disc and horrific back pain. I have been putting off surgery as I don't want the rods. I have heard terrible things about that surgery. I admire your bravery and hope you continue to be mostly pain free. The photos, as always are beautiful, the one of K with the glow is outstanding.

    Anne and Sasha

  13. Sorry p.s. I meant to say thank you for sharing your story, you give me hope.


  14. Hope you can hike and have a days without pain. Luck you´ve got K and R and have to get out with them. Hope you got my mail...Hugs from all of us, the dachshundteam and me

  15. You and your dogs are an inspiration.
    Hope your eye gets better soon.

    Eileen and Annie xx

  16. Here's to amazing friends and their restorative powers ! The things dog owners know and experience and others miss .

  17. The power of positive thought. One very determined lady and her beautiful dog!
    An inspiration to us all!
    Fabulous shots.

    Extra Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  18. I so knows what you mean...if you can use it then takes full advantage of it and relish in it.
    You and K has such a determination dat I don't think I has evers quite seen befores.
    Don't you worry a thank bouts bloggin, you just get betters.


  19. You and your pups are an amazing team and you're an inspiration to all of us.
    I hope your eye feels better soon.

    Love ya lots,

  20. Deeply moving and one in which clearly shows the therapeutic value of having a wonderful dog like K to help you on the road to recovery.

    Positive thoughts and prayers for K and may the unity be strengthened throughout.

  21. We didn't know you then, but for the short time we HAVE known you, we are constantly amazed at your courage, resilience, and perseverance. You are an inspiration to all. We hope that you and K have many wonderful more sunrises together. Awesome photos again!

  22. hope your eye gets better soon, you truly are an amazing person xxx

  23. WOW that is so awesome learning what you have come through!

    It is amazing the love and loyalty that our pups have for us. We are the luckiest people :)

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  24. Always positive ~ That's what we love about you and your spirit. Never give up no matter how tough the fight!

    You keep taking care of yourself and K and don't worry about our blogs. Just get yourself better!

    Lily Belle

  25. I bet that sunshine is coming from K! She is very special. We are sending you love and praying for healing.


  26. You and K were definitely meant for each other! I'm so impressed with how you both live life to the fullest every day.

  27. We are so glad you had your fur-babies by your side. Boy to have that view to wake up to in the morning would be breath taking. Beautiful Beautiful pictures. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  28. Thankfully you had your crew to rally around you 6 years ago and now it is K's turn to have everyone rally around her! Good luck today on K's tests! Fingers and paws crossed!

  29. Think positive and act positive - you're an inspiration to us.

    Paws and fingers crossed that you find the right eye meds and K's tests are okay.

  30. Your journey with K has been one forged in the extremes of experiences. She is not your soulmate...she shares your soul and will for always and forever. Four years ago I had congestive heart failure and died. But some unfinished mission(that I still cannot fathom) brought me back. I opened my eyes nearly a week later to Steve's face and Siku's favorite stuffie clutched in my hands. While in rehab she came with Steve every single day and lay patiently next to me on the bed for hours and then walked slowly next to me in my walker and at home followed me everywhere. To this day I have to give her special encouragement to go with Steve and the WDA on hikes that take her out of my view. Anyway, a very long story just to reassure you that K will ALWAYS be a presence you can feel and draw strength from in your life. she is in every fiber of who you are and what you are made of. Those of us who have such a relationship are extraordinarily blessed.

    Hope your eye infection clears up soon. Thank you for the very kind and generous Birthday wishes.

  31. The glowing picture of K is beautiful!

  32. You capture such amazing photographs!
    We hope your eye will get better quickly!
    Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

  33. KB you just blow me away! You and K Rock on!!

  34. time sure does heal....hope your eye ball gets better
    Benny & Lily

  35. Congratulations for making the 6 year mark. You are an inspiration!
    Hope the eye is better soon.

  36. As K was there for you when you needed her strength and love, so you'll be there for her.

  37. You have been an inspiration to stay positive KB. K has been the same. You both have touched so many lives including ours. You always have our prayers.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  38. We will be here...so tend to your health...get better and we will reconnect!


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