Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Black dogs are multiplying

We had a beautiful hike this morning despite frigid air and high winds...
K glowed in the sunshine during a calm moment.
This afternoon, our good friend Mister Darcy visited. K said "Uh oh, the black dogs are multiplying!".


  1. LOL so cute! I love the second picture
    Dachshund Nola

  2. Uh K, you seem to be outnumbered there!

    Your pal, Pip

    P.S.: Love that first picture!

  3. THey looks like a chocolate flavored oreo....

    Mmmmmm, I am off to the kitchen for a cookie

  4. It's always fun to have friends over, even the 4 legged ones, isn't it?

  5. Mr. Darcy: May I have the next dance, Miss K?

    Miss K: Not until you give me my stuffed octopus back, Mr. Darcy!

    Mr. Darcy looks very sweet and loveable, but you never know about these guys.

    Stella, Jo and Zkhat

  6. I love that picture of the three of them together, and after having posed ours together, I can appreciate just how tough it is to get those shots!

    Those first pictures make me feel like I need to crawl under a blanket!

  7. The backup singers usually wear black to showcase the star! K's Posse!

    We are being plagued by high canyon winds that are making the White Dog Army VERY restless, but thank dog, not your snow.

  8. Gorgeous! I've passed the Liebster award on to you - I know you have it already so pleased don't feel obliged to do anything with it, I just wanted to acknowledge your great blog! :)

  9. Don't you love it when friends come and visit? I agree with Bert about the oreo. hehehe Wish MOM kept some of those around here, then I too would be off to the kitchen for a few. Guess I'll have to settle for a carrot. Just not the same though.

  10. K looks like the tasty part of a sandwich between those dark pups. What a beautiful picture of the three of them. ALL your pictures are beautiful though!
    Sending warm wishes and continued healing vibes for K
    Lotsaluv too

  11. Hi K
    I see you soaking up those sun rays!
    I think I am seeing double- now there are 2 black dogs!

  12. What a picture-perfect Labratrio! K has that, "You can't be serious?!" look on her face in that last pic!

  13. What a fabulous photo of the 3 of them!
    Your morning hike with K looked beautiful as the snow blew.
    We have a Mr Darcy too! LOL

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  14. Great pic ture of the 3 dogs together. Patience, skill or luck ?

  15. What an awesome picture of K, R and Darcy! I love that first pic of K too!

  16. What a beautiful picture of the Lab trio! That first picture is making my teeth chatter!

    Love ya lots,

  17. Love the beautiful pictures as usual and the three labs are gorgeous.

    The first picture looks like a sand storm to me, brrrr....

  18. Love the black dog multiplying picture! What beautiful expressions on their faces. Another awesome day for K. Surrounded by lot's of black dog love!

    Lily Belle

  19. K - you had guests and then had to share your bed AND your stuffies?!? Just not fair. We love that photo of the three of you, though!!

    -Bart and Ruby

  20. Togetherness - a beautiful photo and K continues to bring tranquility - whatever the weather.

  21. That last photo is most excellent!

    Tommy has that yellow toy in red!

  22. Hi Y'all,

    Y'all have lots of toys there with no mutilation!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  23. What a beautiful photo of the three dogs. Just gorgeous. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  24. You can never have too many friends, I always say. I love you toys, guard them please.

    Loveys Sasha

  25. K is outnumbered! It was so windy here yesterday that I stayed inside. Today - lovely sunshine and warmer. You just never know!

  26. Bert beat us to it - K makes a great chocolate filling for the Oreo cookie:) Three very handsome pups.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  27. K you are a stunner! Love the last photo of all 3 of you.


  28. I did a real double-take on that last photo! They could be twins!

    The first shot of K in the snow is awesome, even though I know the wind was brutal that day...


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