Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Secret

After our morning hike today, I took K to have her blood tested, to see how much her bone marrow was suppressed by the last round of chemotherapy. Great news - her numbers are looking really good. We may be able to raise her chemo dose next time so we can kill even more of the bad cancer cells.
Today, I also saw the results of a "talk" that I had with our regular vet recently. I truly value our relationship with her, as she's been our vet through happy and sad times over the past dozen years.

For some reason, since K's diagnosis with OSA, our vet seemed to believe that my upbeat attitude meant that I hadn't accepted the seriousness of K's situation. So, every time I told her about how happy K is, she would remind me of the prognosis and tell me stories of other dogs who had OSA, who seemed to be doing great, and then would suddenly lose the battle.

Because these conversations left me so sad, I found myself avoiding our vet whenever possible. Finally, a couple of weeks ago, I addressed the issue directly. I told her that I fully understood the grim prognosis but that I was making a conscious decision to be happy now and save the sadness for later.

I am so glad that I articulated the reason for my attitude to her. Since then, she has completely changed how she approaches K's veterinary issues with me. She's allowing me space to be happy during these wonderful days with K, and I am very grateful for that.

So is K (atop Hug Hill this morning)...
K has been energetic and fun during our hikes, and then she's ready to kick back and relax during the day.

Little did I know that she'd been secretly partying with R when I wasn't around.
Yesterday, I arrived home to find her like this...
And, I found out K's secret!

Happy Friday!


  1. Huge smiles here for you and for K. What a fantastic report - we are so happy to hear this. All good thoughts for continuing progress.

  2. Well, at least she has good taste in beer! I wish I could come over and be lazy with her and help her drink it this weekend. :) (I don't know that one but I love brown ales! I could bring some of the stuff from the local brewery with me.)

    Wherever she likes to be scritched or petted, please give her some for me. She's such a lovely girl in so many ways!

  3. Watch out or Puddles will be coming over with Cheetos and Bud Lite to join the party!


    P.S. I totally agree with your attitude. Having been through a similar situation I always tried to stay positive while I could.

  4. I'm glad you spoke with your vet. And I believe that you enjoying the happy with K makes a difference for her.
    I thought I could not love K any more, her being a STICK girl. But a stick girl and beer. Oh dog that just put me over the top about her!

  5. YOu're attitude is fantastic, I couldn't imagine trying to damage it! That is FANTASTIC news!
    Dachshund Nola

  6. K!! Has Puddles been visiting you?? Be careful standing on those boulders!!

    -Bart and Ruby

  7. Well, you know I believe in living life to the fullest! Go K! I will keep your secret as long as you save one of those beers for me!

    Your pal, Pip

  8. With all K is going through, she deserves a moment to let loose, right? Hopefully she didn't drive.

    After all the tears when they must come, it is these moments of beauty and joy and pushing the NOW that will heal your heart. I am glad you spoke your heart to your vet.

    We are so very thrilled that K is holding her numbers and staying strong. She is an incredible Warrior.

  9. 1)I think its wonderful that K's numbers are good, and 2) that you and the vet are straight and 3) K gets to stay home in the afternoon guzzling beer. Things don't get much better than this!


    Jo, Stella, and Zkhat

  10. I admire your courage and love your positive attitudes. I always believe that we should live in present and enjoy every moment to the fullest.

    Bless you and K!

  11. That´s very good news! Like the party pictures, :-)

  12. Psssst, K! If you lived closer... we'd send you a case of Champagne!

  13. so glad that you and your Vet are on the same page again....i think sometimes one is unsure if the client really understands the diagnosis...in your case that is so untrue! you are very realistic and also understand how important it is to have a positive attitude toward whatever life throws ones way! and I soooo appreciate that about you!! (i'm sure K does too :)
    i checked CSU's website and i know Doug Thamm...he was a resident at the VMTH years ago! looks like a wonderful facility!!
    you are right about the radiograph! the Piranah ate rocks and was swimming sideways! they did endoscopy, removed the rocks and he survived the procedure! amazing....
    have a great weekend!

  14. I'm so happy that you and your vet chatted. Your positive attitude is helping both you and K.
    How cool is that beer!

    Love ya lots,

  15. An excellent secret to share !

  16. KB, You keep up that positive attitude and don't let anyone bring you down! Attitude is half the battle in tough times. Put one foot in front of the other and keep going. You've doing a GREAT job and K is loving you for it. We, your blogville friends, commend you for it too!

    K, I've gotta tell you... You are SO busted! You should know that when you and R get naughty, not to get caught in the act. Me thinks tho, your Daddy will forgive you this time!!

    Lily Belle

  17. Khyra says SILLY VET -

    And we both say how nice The Vet gets it now -

    Why waste energies with negatives - it only causes another day to pass without enjoying it and seizing it - so to speak and woof!

    As for K's secret

    No argument here!

  18. Heeheehee! This was a great post! You must have been so happy to hear her numbers were good. I'm so glad you were frank with your vet and now that "not accepting it" can stop! I'm sure even the vet is more relaxed about it now. I love the attitude you have taken with K's cancer, I would do the exact same thing. I sure can't blame her for partying a bit while your gone! Tell her to save some for us! LOL!

  19. Seems like the only right drink for K :-)
    Great to read that her blood numbers are so good.
    And I think, that your talk with the vet have been good for both of you, too. We know that you absolutely know that each happy day could be the last one but still enjoying them and, most impportant, letting have K her happy life! I think dogs are so happy to not know about future. Just live the moment.
    You do such a great job and live this moment with K.
    Have a good weekend.
    Tina in Germany

  20. A wonderful and informative way of approaching the topic of Chemo with your Vet and the importance of a positive stance where K is concerned.

    K has a captivation we all admire (as indeed we have for you too) and seeing K enjoy every moment is inspirational, including a wee ale or two.

  21. So pleased to see K doing so well and enjoying life to the full :)

  22. Boy does that beer look good! Well done K!

    Also glad to hear she's responding well to the treatment!

  23. R made her do it..She tried to resist but he's such a cracker she caved in.

    I'm glad you and your vet are on the same page. I love our vet too and know I would never hesitate to tell her how I feel and what I'm doing about it. I'm very fortunate to have found such an awesome vet. I wish everyone could find a vet as wonderful as the ones you and I have found.

  24. Loved this post...stay positive and live in the moment~~ POTP rules!!

  25. Hi Y'all!

    BOL and my Human is still rolling on the floor! Priceless!

    Oh, and I hope she was well paid for posing for the portrait on the bottle ;)! But of course she was! How else could she and R afford all that ale!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  26. We just called round to see how things are going. We are so happy that you are able to seize the moment and leave the future to worry about later ~ it's often the best thing to do when someone special is ill. Sending love and purrs.

  27. KB..your secret is excellent to share. Your upbeat attitude is helping K! Emotions play an enormous part in dog human relationships. So pleased you talked with your vet.
    Lovely photos of K.
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

    P.S. We saw you follow Trisha McConnell's blog!

  28. Well done for putting the silly vet right. A pawsitive attitude is always best. K doesn't need to know how pawly she is. Keep on partying K. Big wet sloppy kiss from me.

  29. I am smiling over the beginning of your post. I tried to have a similar conversation with a coworker yesterday that didn't go as well. But I think for your vet to understand where you're coming from, and that you are making informed decisions helps a lot in your situation. It's important for dealing with K right now, but also important for how you deal with future dogs that you bring to her care, too.

    I'm cracking up over those last pictures, too! What a great way to use those shots! K could have been the model for that artwork. If K looked like that, I can only imagine R passed out with his lampshade askew!

  30. Oh, what priceless pics! I've always known that you are making a conscious "decision to be happy now and save the sadness for later." Why waste precious moments like these on tears - all I have for you today is smiles after seeing K.

  31. Our first reaction was how rude of that VET. Keeping an upbeat attitude and K's secret is working
    Benny & Lily

  32. Funny secret. And great to hear the success with the vet. We can all learn from this!

  33. It's nine o'clock. Where is YOUR team tonight???

    WHAT A GAME!!!

  34. Sounds like a successful day all round.

    Jed & Abby

  35. Hi KB
    Were glad you "explained to the vet" why you are doing what you are doing!
    Maybe the vet learned something by listening to you.
    Keeping K worry free is important and it looks to me like she is 100 percent worry free,,, and more so with that nice bottle beside her.

  36. What an uplifting report! So happy the news is so positive. I admire your upbeat attitude. You are enjoying your time together, and your positiveness is an inspiration to us all. You know how to enjoy each day, each moment and give so much love. I like your method and believe in it wholeheartedly. There is so much to be said in the power of positive thinking. Lots of hugs coming K's way!

  37. Your upbeat attitude is the only way to be. Glad to heard K is staying strong.

  38. Now that looks like my kinda party!!!

    You can't blame K for wantin' to celebrate a pawsitive report from the dogtor!!!

    Woofs and (hic) slobbers,
    Chester ;0=)

  39. There's nothing wrong with being happy for now. Everyone handles things differently, and it's good you aired it out with your vet. Good for you! Hugs to you and K!


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