Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A good day

K and I had a good morning together. First, we hiked together, enjoying the winter cold but the spring-like light. It's glorious having the forest to ourselves, aside from the wildlife that is stirring.
We saw signs of a mountain lion passing through the area but we didn't visit any wildlife cameras so we don't know if we have photos of him. It's not surprising that the lions are returning because the elk herd has been in the area for almost a week now. I am excited to see the large mammals returning to our forest!
A few places are starting to look green (unlike the meadow where the elk have been grazing). We gravitated to them, enjoying the new color that's so different from the blue sky and white snow that we've been seeing all winter long.
We also took a short snow bike ride together again, feeling like a pair of rebels! It truly doesn't seem difficult for K to run right now. I think that the lung mets are not yet affecting her breathing even the slightest bit. I hope that it stays that way for a while!
We were grateful for another good day. There's nothing like a serious illness to make a person appreciate the small "stuff" that makes a happy day.


  1. As always, a beautiful post!
    Dachshund Nola

  2. Hi K and KB, We have been following your posts and haven't responded. Sorry for that but I found I was at a loss for words. You and so many of your followers are amazing at putting thoughts down and into words. Our hearts were breaking and remembering the "heart/soul dogs we have had. Such a hard time BUT I REALLY ADMIRE YOU BOTH! Your living each day to the fullest and enjoying each moment and keeping strong. K is beautiful, strong, and your "heart dog" You both are the BEST! Keeping you all in our prayers,thoughts and sending love your way!
    Mom Barb for Ernie and the Pack

  3. Who could resist rebelling and having fun with a beautiful day like that in front of them? I always find inspiration from you and K! I have a feeling you'll be seeing more green soon.

  4. Don't know why but "Born to to Be Wild" is playing through our heads as we read today's post! Carpe diem (which momma tells me has nothing to do with fish)!

  5. So glad you both had a good day!

  6. A perfect way for you and K to enjoy the first day of spring- spending it in your forest.
    The herd of elk is beautiful. We have herds of them too, but have never seen them.
    I can just imagine K- galloping along beside you as you snow bike on the trails.
    The spring sun is shining so beautifully on K. She glows like the sun- herself.

  7. Hello K & KB,
    our hearts go out to you at this tough time and we are totally behind you, we would do what you are doing. Have you tried giving K Pau D'Arco or Cat's Claw or the Essiac blend of herbs? They might not cure her but hey, they could give her some more quality months, you know? And they have good track records with cancer. Also, maybe this book could help:
    Veterinarians' Guide to natural remedies for dogs or maybe even this site: caninecancer.com or even following the mms protocol. I know a lot of people feel it's way out there but hey, I'd do it. and what about ground up apricot kernels in her food? I so wish I knew how to help you and K. Our animal kids live in our hearts and they take a bit with them when they are hurt or going.

  8. I love seeing the elk back too. You will have a much bigger herd though, won't you?

    Happy that you and your girl had a pleasant day today. Here is to a whole lot more.

    Stella, Jo and Zkhat

  9. Being Rebels is a beautiful thing. Those elk reminded my MOM about a time when she was in the Estes Park area and she foolishly walked right through a heard of about 20 elk. Yep she walked right through the middle of the herd all because she joking said to some friends, "I could walk right between them." Then they said "oh sure you could." MOM rarely backs down from a challenge. But she said she swears she saw her life flash before her eyes as she walk through them.
    I like the photo of K standing on the green grasses. Beautiful.

  10. Good days. Here's to many, many, more of them.

  11. Ya gotta love Angus... Your photos today are beautiful representations of K being K - a dog. Very beautiful :-)

  12. I've left this comment before, but I do believe it to be true, she is letting you know that he's not ready to leave yet. She is enjoying life to the full :-)

  13. Being Rebels is good for you both! Enjoy every minute.Long may it continue.
    Lovely to see the wildlife returning.
    Amazing shots as always!
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  14. May the beautiful days continue to enrich the joys of togetherness that you and K share with us and the amazing photo's we treasure and delight in seeing K.

  15. It sounds like you had the perfect day. I hope you have many, many more of them!

    Love ya lots,

  16. You girls rock! I'm sure you are both an inspiration to others in a similar situation. Go hard, be strong, have fun, live every day to the max. And cry when you need to.

  17. Everytime I see K, particularly the 2nd to last pix, Sophie is there...I see SOphie. Is there a chance K and Sophie might have been separated at birth...Smiles! Soooo glad you 2 can enjoy the daily spring walks...this is a perfect season, really the best! Hope this finds you in calm spirits and oh BTW..I went back to 2009 and you mentioned Kate Wolf...well...guess who is listening to her now...all of us! Ron

  18. We just love that pic of K standing in the green oasis. We love seeing both you and K living life to the fullest while you can - not many people can do that.

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Brutus & Ellie

  19. It really is the small things in life that we overlook isn't it, not realizing just how happy they make us! What a great shot of the elk herd!

  20. I think that Siku Marie (white dog) has it right! BORN TO BE WILD! I love it!

    Keep on keeping on!

    Lily Belle

  21. Gotta break the rules to have some fun :-) So glad you're enjoying every day that comes your way!

  22. I'm so glad you and K chose each other. You make each other's lives richer. I think you also are showing countless numbers of pet owners how to face something difficult and yet still find rays of sunshine everywhere you look.

  23. Awww K looks so cute with her little bell!


  24. One day at a time, and we sure hope there are many more good ones. Hope your eye is doing better too.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  25. The small stuff always means the most. I thought I saw mountain lion tracks on the upper trail I've been running, but closer inspection made me think a large coyote. Love that glow in your girl's eyes.

  26. Hello K
    Thank you for your blog..you are reminding us doggies and our humans to be brave and grateful to each other in life. We appreciate your posts and photos.
    Wow - Big elks round your way eh? Mountain lions?? eek!

  27. Have fun together as long as you can.Enjoy your time with K.

  28. Sounds like it was a GREAT day

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