Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 19, 2012

No more rules

It's time for an admission. Following the promises that I made to K in my last post, especially the first one about not being sad, is proving to be an almost overwhelming challenge. I fell into a dark abyss yesterday as I learned more about how bad the prognosis is for K. But, I think that I'm climbing out into the light again.

For one thing, I decided that I am completely and utterly finished with following the rules about limiting K's activity. What are we "saving" K for? At this point, the prognosis is horrendous. She will not have another springtime with me unless a miracle occurs. Yet, on this spring day, K is full of energy and puppy-like happiness. It's time to live.

So, I did something that would probably make our vets cringe. I took K mountain biking. For almost her entire life, K has run with me while I rode my mountain bike. That pattern came to an abrupt halt on December 23, when K was diagnosed with bone cancer. Indeed, she didn't seem even vaguely upset by the sudden halt to our rides back then. I believe that the bone tumors had been hurting her, and she didn't really want to run with me at that time.

Over the past week, she's started telling me that she wants to go with me when I ride. As I put on my cycling gear, she follows me rather than snoozing on her bed like she's been doing since her diagnosis in December. Now, she even "hides" and peeks around corners to watch me get my gear ready. It took several days but this dumb human finally figured out that K wanted to go mountain biking. It seemed like a fairly harmless thing to try. After all, riding a bike through slushy spring snow is not much faster than walking.

So, I invited her to go, a process that started with descending a set of steps that K has found scary for her entire life. Usually, she takes them one step at a time, stopping on each one to get up the nerve to step down onto the next one. Well, they're not scary now! I've never seen her go down them so fast as when I invited her to ride with me! That told me, without a shadow of a doubt, that K wanted to go with me.

So, we did a slow and easy 2 miles on trails that K and I have mountain biked so many times in our lives that we could navigate them with our eyes closed. She seemed carefree and happy, cantering easily by my side. I kept calling out "I love you, K" as we rode (thank goodness no one else was around to witness my happy lunacy)!
We stopped for some photos. You can see that K's leg that received radiation is growing silver fur everywhere except in the pink areas where she had radiation burns. I think that growing new fur is a sign of some strength left within my girl. One piece of good news from the tests last week was that the bones in K's "cancer leg" look very strong, and the tumors were obliterated by the radiation.
She danced on snow patches within our forest, looking as beautiful as ever.
I'm happier than you can imagine that we've been out biking together. We've had so many biking adventures over the years, and they helped cement our relationship. It's good to be able to have some short rides together now, as we know that our time together is winding down.

All that I know is that K will be an angel far too soon. The time for doing the things that we love is now.


  1. You go K!! That last foto of our dear furiend takes our breath away.

    Blessings and Love,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  2. Why not? This is K's special time and she should enjoy whatever she wants to enjoy. I couldn't agree more with your "what are we saving her for?" attitude. Let her feel the snow under her toes and do what she loves. Sing to her, shout to her, who cares, this is your time with her.

    Mango Momma

  3. I agree! That last photo shows K's inner angel...and the strength that she's had inside this entire time. Absolutely gorgeous!

    Murphydog's Mom

  4. I am proud of both of you for showing us that life is about loving and living. The last picture is priceless and thanks for sharing it all with us.

  5. Hi Y'all,

    With Humans who love each other and can communicate verbally some of the most wonderful and precious moments in their relationship comes when one receives news of premature death from a fatal disease.

    This is not a time to procrastinate or hesitate, but a time to do.

    BrownDog's Human

  6. Way to go, you two, way to go!

    Stella, Jo and Zkhat

  7. So happy to hear that K got to go with you! Looks like she loved it!


  8. That's how we all would like to go out. Congratulations on being brave enough to set your own emotions aside to give K so much to live for. We don't know if it's tomorrow or a hundred tomorrows, so we have to live day by day.

    I'm praying for a hundred tomorrows.

  9. K hasn't steered you wrong yet -

    Just keep listening to her eyes and tail and heart -

    As for the last picture: GOOSEBUMPS!

  10. There isn't any other way to go at this point. And you know K well enough to know when enough is enough.

    And one more thing, we think we heard your "I love you, K" many times over:)

  11. Mom and I could not agree more. The time to enjoy each other is now. I can just picture K peeking around the corner at you as you got ready to ride. hehhehe It made me smile.
    And who cares if anyone heard or saw you. The world needs to see more of that "happy lunacy".

  12. Good for you! K deserves whatever she wants now. I still know a miracle will happen for someone as brave and strong as you and K, so keep your heads uP! The last photo is stunning
    Dachshund Nola

  13. Way to go, KB and K! Live each day with happiness.

    Beautiful photos indeed!!! We are here cheering you on and praying hard as we can. Ride on K!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  14. Let the trees and sky hear you
    when you shout
    "I love you K"!
    Let it echo across the oceans
    and reach to the moutain tops! Yes, let us hear it too!

    You and K have been on our mind all day! Maybe we knew you two were living the day to the fullest!
    YES! Go K and KB- !
    Just listen to K, she will tell you what she wants.

  15. I think I'd do exactly the same thing you're doing if I were in your place. I can't imagine that you'll look back at one point and say "Gee, I wish we'd spent less time mountain biking." That's not who you and K are, and if it's what makes her happy, then I say go for it. It's okay to do it for you, too! Those happy memories carry you a long way after things are said and done. There's nothing wrong with making them for as long as you're both able!

  16. K is one lucky dog, and you are an awesome human!

  17. I have absolutely nothing to say except... so, so, so, beautiful. I literally just read your post three times. The relationship that you have with K is just other-worldly.

  18. Lovely photos of a great day. You enjoy every moment together - don't feel guilty.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  19. We would do the exact same thing. Let her do what she wants to do. Her diagnosis and prognosis almost seems questionable. Paws crossed K and enjoy each day to the fullest as you have been
    Benny & Lily

  20. I have not been able to visit blogs lately, so I am just now tonight hearing of your sad news. I am so sad for the grief that you are having to endure. But I am so happy that the two of you went mountain biking. It sounds like you are careful and take your cues from her - clearly this was the right thing for today. Love to you both.

  21. I wondered how long the no biking rule would last. I don't suppose it's safe to let her eat anything she wants, but I would be tempted.

  22. Oh, I couldn't read this without a few tears falling. It sounds like you have found your peace with this and that you and K are all about living in the moment right now. You go girls:)

  23. We are all for breaking rules - even in boring, everyday life - but in times like these BREAK ALL THE RULES and BREAK THEM BIG!

    Your pal, Pip

  24. Your killin me KB....
    Who ever penned the words "Piller of Strength" for you two couldnt possibley have known how right they were.

  25. Indeed what are any of us "saving" ourselves for? LIVE...own whatever piece of life you are given.

    And if lunacy is yelling "I love you!" at the top of you lungs...God, make me a lunatic NOW!

    Feel us with you, arms and paws wrapped in hope and love around you.

  26. Ride like the wind K!! Your post is so beautiful. There is nothing like living everyday like there is no tomorrow. I'm so glad K wanted to go and that you are doing what you both love together. An awesome dog for a truly awesome friend.

    Our hearts are with you on your journey. You go girls!!

  27. It seems so clear from your posts that K is still a happy dog!

  28. I say who cares if anyone hears you telling K how much you love her. Shout it from the roof top!


  29. Good choice. Courageous choice. Just what we expect and love about you both.

    Jed & Abby

  30. You both are an inspiration. I wish every dog could enjoy as wonderful of last days as you're giving K.

  31. The last photo is incredible and I do love your attitude. Go for it, run and play and just enjoy each day as it comes.

    Loveys Sasha

  32. The last photo is stunning! Sometimes rules are meant to be broken and I absolutely agree with you on this. Life is for living. You are so great to allow K to spend her days living life and doing what she loves. If anything, that will bring the miracle of a longer life. A happy dog is a healthy dog! And I love how you kept telling her you love her. That is so beautiful! What a wonderful, inspiration post.

    Suka and K

  33. Yay! Go K were so proud of you even thought you have a struggles but still you enjoy your life with your dad, continue to inspire us with your photography, I love the last shot of yours :)

    Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

  34. Way to go!! You and K need to enjoy each other to the fullest. I think this is medicine for both of your souls! K is one bright shining star!!

  35. She is telling you how she wants to live her life and you are listening to her. You are an inspiration.

    Thinking of you.
    Eileen and Annie xx

  36. You do right. K will tell you when she dont want to go more. Its her normally life hiking with you. I think its the best for both of you. Our old Nova went for short walks until the end, she wanted that. The last picture of K is magic.
    We are thinking of you but do have fine dasy in your beautiful landscape together. Hugs from us!!

  37. You GO Girls!!! We are totally with you and will be!! Your photography always takes our breath away. Shout it from the rooftops if you want!!! Enjoy every single second!! We will continue our prayers!
    Jeanne with Chloe and LadyBug

  38. Excellent decision KB! Live life to the full with K.
    Fabulous photos.
    Extra Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  39. Live life to the fullest, K and KB, and keep making beautiful memories together!

    Love ya lots,

  40. enjoy it K ! with positiveness and happiness, who knows she will be around for much longer!

  41. How could I possibly add to what da udders has said withouts soundin' da same. I just can't.
    Just seize every moment you has withs K, hug hers, hold hers, love hers. And girl...break da rules.


  42. Me again....I furgots to say how freakin' INCREDIBLY gawjuss and stunning dat last foto of K is...holy moley!


  43. YAY!!! go K! glad you took her, live every day like its your last xxx

  44. That last picture is breath taking. LOVE IT!!! We agree with you, we thinks you should just live life to its fullest with K and enjoy it all. Take and do the things with her that you know she loves to do. You will treasure the memories forever. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  45. How wonderful to read of you and beautiful K enjoying (once again) the bike trail and with such amazing photo's of K - the philosophy of life has been captured beautifully.

    Enjoy every moment.

  46. Oh KB,
    How bitter-sweet this must be. I agree, that last photo is absolutely breathtaking. I am sure that all this little happenings are going to be sealed, as happy memories, in your heart forever.
    I am sending my love to you and K in what must be an extremely painful journey.
    With love

  47. I am so glad for both of you! I wish I could hug K!


  48. Enjoy every moment you are with K. Live it and love it!!!

  49. we say screw the doctors - take the life you have, live it RIGHT NOW and enjoy it....

  50. Enjoy your special K! She is beautiful! My heart aches for you BUT I am so thankful that you two have this precious time to live it up... AND that it just happens to be in the MOST wonderful time of year for outside activities!

    Mamma Heartbeat

  51. You go girl, live life to the full (that's to K). The time for tears is when she's gone. Enjoy every moment, shout at the sky how much you love her. Roll in the snow with her and see life from her point of view because we all know how happy she is. Life on this planet is short enough so go enjoy it.

  52. That last photo says it all... she won't give up! You go, K!

  53. You had me crying all the way through this post, and then, that last photo... holy moly. Incredible. Keep going!

  54. You said it well. That last picture is just stunning!!

  55. Your words are beautiful, searingly real and so, so true. We mourn with you the progression of K’s cancer, and understand so well. When our dear Spencer was diagnosed with lymphoma three months shy of, and died a couple of weeks past his 4th birthday we were truly devastated. We made the time in between count and savored every moment, turned sorrow into tears, and loved him wildly. All the while knowing what was to come, all the while hoping we would have the once-in-a-lifetime miracle that was not to be.

    Reading your thoughts about chosing K over the other pup, and how you wouldn’t change your mind even now rung so true with me. Spencer was my very first dog. Ever. He was one of 11 golden pups. At 7 weeks he sat on my foot, fell asleep in my arms and chose me. And we never looked back. He was truly my soul dog. However many more dogs I will love in my lifetime—and I hope there will be many—there will never be another dog I will connect with like I did with Spencer. Would I rather have had one of the other 10, still alive and healthy? Not a chance. Before the dawn of time Spence was deeded four years and 19 days of life, and I wouldn’t trade one day of that time, heartache and all for three times that many with another dog. It was far, far too short…but somehow, it was enough. He changed my life, and he will always be intimately part of us.

    We think of you now and pray for your peace, for living in the moment, for more joy than sorrow (even now) and always for K’s comfort. Thank you for including us on your journey.

    Our hearts understand,
    Jeanne & Bob & Rex (four paws)

  56. Might as well have all the fun you can! We know you will watch k and if things seem to be bothering her leg too much you will cut back and make the rides a bit easier or shorter. But until then, enjoy every minute!

  57. KB you have made my heart sing!! K is enjoying her life to the fullest. Let her lead, you just hang in there, love her and share her joy. Love Carol x

  58. You go Girl's! What a positive thing to do for K and for you too. Live each day to the fullest my dear friends!

    We will always pray K and for that Miracle.

    Lily Belle

  59. I am sure that you made K's day.

    Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily

  60. This is such bittersweet news. K was waiting patiently for "the humans" to ask that very important question...Do you want to go with me on a bike ride?" MAGIC!!!! So glad K can endure these walks and hopefully more to come!
    PS...love the last picture!

  61. I am SO happy K get's to go for rides with you again! Enjoy each day, each moment, each sunrise and sunset! These memories with be the very best!

    Baylor (and Sandra)

    Hugs to you both!

  62. Yes! Live today to the fullest you possibly can. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT let that dark abyss steal any time that you have left with K. Stick your tongue out at it and maybe even pop a wheelie as you ride by with K running by your side. These are the memories and choices you will find comfort in later.

    Hurrah! Your spirit of steel is as amazing as that last photo. It strikes me speechless!
    Chester's Mom ;0=)

  63. Isn't it amazing that they just tell us what they want - what they can handle. Keep on listening and telling K you love her!!

  64. the last picture is absolutely stunning!!!
    I am so glad you threw out the rule book...i understand the prognosis well......so glad that you are letting K lead the way....now is the time to celebrate life...

  65. I know I'm just going to sound like everyone else, but WOW! That last photo is stunning. I love it. :)

  66. Not sure how you do it, but you always make me feel better about the whole damned, ugly situation...yet, I'm the one who should be cheering you up....Thank you for sharing this wonderful day with us!!!

  67. I am awe-struck by both of you.
    I hear the "I love you" all the way over here on the East Coast. If not out-loud, then in my heart. It is the sanest sound I have ever heard.

  68. Dear KB, What a wonderful post about living each moment to its fullest. I am thinking of you & K daily and hope for more time to make happy memories.First and last shots capture so much!

  69. Came by to catch up and enjoyed this post about living and having fun together. We wish you many more bike rides, hikes and happy days!

  70. I am sure it is the right decision! That last picture is just beyond words!

  71. You are doing the right thing! Spoil her rotten. Is she on a cancer diet?


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