Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Just us

It is time for a break for our family. We want to spend some time enjoying life, just the four of us. Believe it or not, we won't even be visiting the web. But, don't worry about us. K is stable, and we want to focus on having fun as a foursome.
We want to treasure every day while our K is still going strong. She is still a pillar of strength so it's time to enjoy it.
Our friend, Ann from Zoolatry, just sent me copies of some of the badges that she made for K's special day on Valentine's Day. Here's one that many of you have never seen. I think that it's a work of art.
I'll never forget that day. Thank you.


  1. Hi Y'all,

    Love the special badge!

    Wonder what vision R sees?

    Enjoy your special time alone as a family.

    BrownDog's Human

  2. I hope that you have a great time on your travels and that the time you spend together gifts all of you with happy memories of each other! Ann does some incredible work and I know it was hard to pick a favorite for that big day. Please know that while you're away, we'll be thinking about you! :)

  3. Good for you! I know you'll make the most of every moment together. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Heather
    ps the badge is awesome!

  4. Beautiful badge. We will miss you but please don't be gone for too long!


  5. You need this break. It will be good for all of you - make some memories! I'll be thinking of you. My Grands arrive tomorrow for a week - I'll be making memories, too.

  6. I love the badge! Once again, you know what's important and what you all need.

  7. Love it and will be thinking of you guys!

  8. I hope you have a nice time away from the world. Enjoy all of your loved ones together and concentrate on cherishing all that K has left to share.

    Much love to you all.


  9. Ann has a heart of gold and her work is incredible. Very nice badge.

    Enjoy your time together and just know that even though you are "away" from us, you are always in our hearts.

    Take care.

  10. Wonderful idea. Our thoughts will remain with you, and with K, and with the runner, and with R. Enjoy this time!

  11. That badge is beautiful! Enjoy your family time together. Our thoughts and prayers will stay with K, you, R and the runner! Carpe Diem!!

  12. Cherish this time together...

  13. Enjoy your time together and have fun. You will always be in our thoughts and prayers.

  14. Have fun and we will hope for blue skys all week for you. Maybe a little cloud here and there to add to all the pictures that you will be taking to share with us when you get back.

    Travel Safe

  15. Have a wonderful time...unplug and just live!
    All our best, we will look for your return,
    Wyatt and Stanzie

  16. Enjoy your time together. We'll be thinking of you. Purrs......

  17. We'll be watching from here!

    Savor the days and weeks and months and more to come...

    We will also never forget that day...it is actually a gift that keeps on giving as we are reminded of the strength in all of us!

  18. Savor the time together. Let the beautiful memories sink deeper into your heart.

    We are ALWAYS here for you all!

    Gods Blessings,
    Lily Belle & Family

  19. Enjoy.....one moment at a time.......see you soon
    Benny & Lily

  20. What a good plan. enjoy your time together.

  21. Enjoy your time together!

    Your pal, Pip

  22. Still holding all of you close to our hearts.....

    Blessings and Love,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  23. Enjoy your time but don't be gone too long!
    Dachshund Nola

  24. Will miss you but understand that it's time for quality time away from blogging! Take care and know you all will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  25. Enjoy your time with your family on your mountain trails, skys, canyons, cliffs, sunsets, sunrises and forests.
    Enjoy each other!
    We love the beautiful badge. It is a piece of art.
    nitey nite

  26. Go fill your souls and gather unto yourselves those moments that are (and should be) private and intense and passionate and incredible. Leave tracks on each other's hearts (and on your cheeks). Be, just be, ONE. We understand and beg you to hold nothing back on this adventure. And at the end of this private experience we hope you know peace.

  27. Cheers, hugs and Happy Days for all!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  28. Sending love... Enjoy your time together.

  29. Understandable....have a happy time toghether and enjoy your days.
    Don´t be away to long because we will be worried for sure....

    Hugs from Sweden!!

  30. Have a fabulous break away.

    Love Eileen and Annie

  31. What a beautiful badge. Ann is so very talented.
    Enjoy every single day together.

    Love ya lots,

  32. We hope that you cherish each and every moment you have together...private time to be enjoyed by yourselves. We will all be here when you get back...and we will be thinking of you...K is always in our hearts.
    xoxo Jeanne with Chloe and LadyBug
    (ps...Ann's picture is awesome!)

  33. Have fun, enjoy all four of you. We sure shall miss you, but understand. Love EM in DK

  34. It is a work of art and a treasure--Just as this time with K is! Take care and know that we have you all in our prayers for continued strength and peace!

  35. This is good idea...strengthen your bonds and make more memories. See you when you return!!

  36. KB we are so glad you are having a break and sharing this special time with your family. Love and hugs to all and don't forget, we are all here when you need us. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  37. What a wonderful badge from your friend Ann.

    Enjoy your precious time together, savour every special moment. We will miss you, but know we are thinking of you.

    Extra Special Nose Pokes
    The Thuglets x

  38. We will be thinking of you. Call if you need to talk and give K a hug from all of us?

    Sam's mom, Christine

  39. KB, you absolutely deserve this break. Get the most out of your time together. Not spending any time in front of the screen. I think that is another good decision. We all love to see your great pictures and great stories and want to know the news of K, but just take your time together. Just the four of you. I definitely do understand. Hugs and doggie kisses from Germany!

  40. Have a rewarding break. This time will be good for all of you.

  41. KB, K, R and the runner - please enjoy your quiet time together. Sometimes it is the only way to hear what our hearts are trying to say.

    Beautiful work on the badge - oh my, I have no words. I can picture Indy in those photos, standing proudly like he loves to do.

    We'll be waiting for when you return - with some great photos, I'm sure.

    xo - Diane and Indy Bones

  42. May those moments of togetherness continue to enrich the unity and enhance the joy of special times yet to come.

    In paws as in hands - prayers from across the pond.

  43. I hope you are enjoying your family time. I think that is a great thing for you all!

  44. That is a marvelous badge that Ann created! We understand your desire to just take some time off and concentrate on your family. But please consider an occasional brief post just to let us know how you all are doing. We'll be thinking of you and keeping our paws crossed for K.

    Jed & Abby

  45. Thinking of you all and hope you're not in the fire zone! Hugs.

  46. You are right to seize the joy in each day you have left as a family. We are sending you love and prayers and healing purrs. xxx

  47. So glad to hear that you are taking this time for yourself and family, for K and R. Rest and we wish you oodles of peace and serenity. Ann's badge is stunningly beautiful - wow!
    Sammie, Avalon and Mom


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