Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday

A thousand-year-old-tree.

Me and my girl, wishing for a thousand years together.

The brightness of springtime - we need shades!

Over there! No, over there!

Springtime, a time of renewal for all of us.

And a time of goofiness for our resident clown! Hmm, Mango, can you beat that?


  1. That's gross...but kind of endearing :)

  2. Hi Y'all!

    Oh so glad to see that ancient tree and know that something living still survives that long. Love the picture of you and your gal. The two together are priceless.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Wishing you a thousand tiny moments of joy - and slobber!!

  4. What a great picture of you and K. And that R really is the definition of Clown. hhehehhe
    Are they playing hide and seek with you in the 3rd picture. Looks like they are closing their eyes and counting so you can hide.

  5. I think you two need some doggles to keep the sun out! :o)

  6. Nice to see you back home! Hope you had a great and happy time together.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  7. beautiful...a new winner to the slobber contest
    Benny & Lily

  8. May you all continue to share moments filled with joy, love, timelessness, and awesome wonder.

  9. I love the picture of you and K together, although I'm thinking you'd both be pretty wrinkly after a thousand years together! We humans don't age as well as trees. :P

    That R could make anybody laugh! You'd better not let him see Rusty on The Thundering Herd today! He might get (even more) ideas.

  10. How we wish we could make that wish come true.

    Hope your time away was enjoyable - so good to see these pics.

  11. In my eyes that thousand year old tree is magnificent. Oh the stories it could tell us. Oh the stories it could share, about its world.
    Its legacy will live on for many many years.
    I wish for a thousand more years for you and K too!
    I see spring coming to your world- that little birdie just announced it!
    And of course the golden glow on R and K- shows it.
    And with the photo of you and K, I feel the power of your love for each other.

  12. Oh I gotta say, that slobber shot is GGGRRREEEAAATTT.

    My Vickie and I are laughing so hard. That is easy a two footer if you stretch it out.

    It looks like you all had a wonderful time and we just love, really love, the picture and the words of the two of you together.

  13. We are so glad to see you and K enjoying each teeny little moment together...and your photos...awesome!!! Doggles might help!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  14. Springtime, snow and spit. Awesome!

  15. Wow, that's some serious drool...! Beautiful photo of the two of you, it touched my heart, and reminded me of my dear Jessie.

  16. That last photo cracks me up

    Stop on by for a visit

  17. We're just happy to see you! We were worried that the terrible fire out there might be near you. That's some really impressive drool for a Lab, R!

    Slurpy kisses,

    Jed & Abby

  18. What a terrific post. That picture of you and K is just beautiful. And your drooling clown...haha! He can give Freddie a run for his money!

  19. Bittersweet...
    My heart is heavy for you as you wish for more time with special K. Your photos are incredible, KB. And yes, Mango will have a hard time beating that slobbery masterpiece.
    sending lotsaluv and ((Hugs)) to you. Stay strong.

  20. Wow how beautiful, you make Spring look even better than it is. The pictures of you both in the sun are amazing, oh and nice long slobber.

    Loveys Sasha

  21. When the sun comes out, we all need to play - and K & R have captured beautifully on camera.

    Enjoy Spring.

    Love from Kirra -x-

  22. I wish you a thousand years together too!
    Mango will be so proud of you, R.

    Love ya lots,

  23. I'm sure Mango will make every effort to match that string for string of bling!

  24. LOL at the Mango comment. I also think Honey the Great Dane can match that drool.

    I like the thought of renewal. Usually that is what I love about spring. But I can't see it thru my tears - it's so hard to be stuck while everyone around you is moving forward! It's like that movie Groundhog Day - only the day being repeated is much worse.

    Wishing you a peaceful rest of the week, KB!


  25. Yikes, R! We don't think The Mango could even come close!

    Lovely to see the photos. Thanks!

  26. Nice to have you back! We pray that you had some great quality time together as a family. Not a day went by that we didn't think of you.

    Sending a thousand hugs your way!

    Lily Belle

  27. Ditto on the 1,000 moments of joy! May they keep coming!

  28. Someday you'll have all the time together that you may not have now, and there will be no worries...What a day that will be...

  29. Hi Everybuddy, beautiful photos and of course, the slobber one is the best. R, you are an inspiration to a young pup like me. I will practice my slobbering even more now. See ya mates. No worries, and slobber, Rory and Stella

  30. We wish a thousand years for you also. But we know that you will be making the most of every moment, and chronicling your time together in these beautiful photos.

  31. That last photo is wonderful! Look at that 'spaghetti'!

  32. Yes, we join in the wishes for a thousand beautiful springs together! Love that squinting shot!

  33. Great picture of you girls..best one! Looks to be great for the time being with you. Hugs from us in Sweden.

  34. Love the "shades" photo...
    Oh R, how did you manage such slobber in snow?

  35. Welcome back...hope your time was fulfilling..I'm sure it was...spring is so very close here...in and out like the tides...we had 30C weather last week and now below zero...we are strong...at least Sophie loves the cold weather and to be honest so do I. Someone likes their spaghetti-O's! Ron

  36. Hi, I logged in at a public library the one day we had to get more supplies, but could not send an email or comment.Home now and a big catch up time. Your news was not what we had hoped for, but I send all caring thoughts and wishes that every day together is filled with love, memories stored up, sunshine,and laughter.I know you will face this next hurdle with the same spirit you showed after your spinal surgery, and as K was there for you, you are with her for this time in her life.Your photos tell us everything, the words add your own meaning to each special moment. Fond cheers from Jean.

  37. Wow, that is some slobber for a Lab! Silly beast.

    It's spring here too; we've already had a day earlier this week where it snowed, then rained, then snowed, then misted, then the sun came out! As much as I love winter it's nice to see it changing. There's a few hints of green in the grass at work and it's amazing how it catches the eye after months of snow.

  38. So glad to see you have been able to get out and enjoy the spring together. Wonderful photos and slobber makes great art!

  39. Forever in each others hearts for sure. Sending love and healing. xx

  40. Great JOB, R - can't believe you produced a slobber that long and lacy - yikes! And K - we love all those pix of you - specially the one with Mom; very special... We send you hugs and love xoxoxo
    Sammie, Avalon and Mom

  41. Great first shot! And the second makes my heart smile.

  42. Imagine you are all enjoying some extra time together instead of being online. Have fun!


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