Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Treat

We'd planned to spend last week enjoying springtime together but we weren't sure if we'd be allowed to go out of town, depending on how K's immune system was handling the new kind of chemotherapy that she'd received a week earlier.

So, late Friday, we were thrilled to hear that her immune system was plenty strong to go on a trip. We took off in our Labmobile armed with a full arsenal of medications and a long list of vets in the the areas where we'd be, just in case something when awry while we were camping. It turned out that K was fine for the entire trip so none of our planning was needed.
We had a fabulous time, enjoying the unique desert scenery and each other. K seemed to feel pretty good, and we even enjoyed some mountain biking together. That was a treat of epic proportions!
I'll tell you more about our trip in the coming days.


  1. I think that picture of you and K says it all. You look so happy. I hope you have many more rides together.


  2. You said it harrispen! Beautiful
    Dachshund Nola

  3. You both look like two youngins out enjoying the very best that life can offer.

    This picture is epic.

    Definition. noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero

  4. So happy to read that K is doing well! I was thinking about her!
    Love the last picture of you two!

  5. Just love that last shot of you two. Can't wait to hear and see more of your adventure.

  6. Of all the magical photos you have shared, that one of you and K looking into each other's eyes as you enjoy your favorite activity is the one that has touched us the most profoundly. May you share many more such moments of perfect communion.

    Jed & Abby

  7. Now THAT post made us smile from ear-to-ear! White Dog cheers for these special moments and hopes that they continue pushing into your lives like new growth in the Spring meadow!

  8. Terrific picture of the two of you.

    Glad to hear you all had a good time!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Stella and the gang

  9. K looks thrilled and so do you! I think the vacation agreed with all of you. I can't wait to hear about your trip! :)

  10. gorgeous pic! sometimes the best gift is a moment in which you can forget and just enjoy. hope there are many more for you.

  11. That picture of you and K made my day!!! What a wonderful moment to have captured on film! Soooooo happy you got away and enjoyed the beautiful desert together! Lots of love, sue

  12. That is so pawsome that you took such a great trip. I can't wait for the details, but Mommy and I love the last picture.

    Loveys Sasha

  13. Your looks say it all, and surely spring must be on its way, no fleece jackets, no hand holders on the bike, and K with a lovely collar band.Special time away together, a real boost for you all. Cheers from Jean.looking forward to more holiday pics as well.

  14. How wonderful for all of you! We look forward to more about the trip!

  15. That's wonderful news. Glad you enjoyed your trip.

  16. The resilience of dog and owner !

  17. What great news! She´s doing well. I love the last picture of you and her. It must be exciting to biking in your landscape. We bought mountinbikes some years ago and do some biking in the summer on our small roads and sometimes in the woods. Looking forward to your report. Hugs from us all !!

  18. We are just thrilled to hear that K is doing so well and hope that will continue!! Love the picture of the two of you biking together! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  19. We can't wait to hear more about your trip! What a great photo!

    Love ya lots,

  20. That picture of you and K is wonderful. So glad to hear that you were able to get away for a big adventure.

    Mango Momma

  21. Smile smile smile - that is the best pic ever. But I say that about every pic of you and K!

  22. How wonderful! I love it that you got to take a vacation! What a heart-warming picture of you and K. It's so nice to see the smile on your face ~ it's so filled with LOVE.

    Lily Belle

  23. So glad you were able to get away for a few days. You guys certainly deserve it.

  24. SPLENDIFORIC.....that's all I can say...and my fingers are tapping on my lap waiting for the pix!

  25. The bond between you and K is just beautiful!

  26. So wonderful to hear this report. We love that you and K and the rest of the family had such a good trip. We can't wait to see more.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

  27. That's great! I'm so glad you two were able to enjoy some time together.

    Oh, and Mom says that planning for stuff ensures you won't need it. So be glad you planned, or else K would've gotten sick on the trip and you'd've been lost!

  28. Hi! I sent you an email about an option for K. Just thought I'd let you know so it didn't go to spam.

    love the pics!

    mamma heartbeat

  29. Have goose bumps looking at this picture of pure happiness; we are so glad you were able to have a nice family getaway!
    Big Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and Avalon

  30. Hi KB, I loved reading this; I know being out in nature always makes my heart sing and I imagine the same is true for you and K. Last week was a hard week for me as our dear old Reggie crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but I'm thankful he is no longer in pain. Cherish every minute with each pup and keep sharing your life with us.
    Hugs, Noreen

  31. Fabulous photo of you and K!
    So pleased you all got to go on your camping trip. Look forward to reading all about it together with seeing more stunning photographs!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  32. Looks like you were a bit south of us! Glad you had a good time and that K could join in the biking!

  33. Well, I think that picture of you and K says it all, doesn't it?! You both look so happy! Beautiful!

  34. That photo moved me to tears it is so beautiful and it speaks volumes of your love for each other.

    So glad you are having some good times together

    Momma Tea
    xxx xxx

  35. Awesome pic of you and K enjoying each other and the nice weather.Such love between you both! So glad you all had a wonderful family trip! Looking forward to hearing more about your trip.

  36. Sounds like a wonderful trip for all of you. Love that pic with you and K. :)

  37. It looks like you had a great time! Awesome!!

  38. Oh the photos are so beautiful. We have never seen such beauty!
    I wonder about all those things that you worry about too.
    The stars are amazing! Did you know which star was the North Star? Does the North Star always stay in the North? Well, I think it does.
    I love all the photos, and especially the one of you and K!

  39. That is such an awesome photo of you and K. Every once in a while, you share yet another that becomes my new favorite, and this is it... until the next one comes along!


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