Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Duo and Black Bear Marks Trees!

I've had the chance to spend extra time with both halves of the Duo out in the forest recently. The two of them have gone with me for short mountain bike rides in the mornings. It's a gift... because I love seeing the Duo together.

It's been warm and sunny - simply glorious weather.
These two dark-colored dogs believe it's been a little too warm so we retire to the shaded north-facing slopes when we can.
K had a blast, and that's what life's all about! R and I had fun too!

Today, after I rode with them, I did a solo ride that included checking some faraway trail cameras. Whoa - I hit the jackpot.

A male bear had ambled around a bear-friendly area that houses numerous marking trees that bears like to rub their scent onto. He passed three of my cameras, and the first one was shooting video! It's a super fun video... and here's one photo to give you an idea of what this male bear was doing.
I've made a short video of the behavior of this amazing bear (who might be "Tiny" from last fall). As some of you know, I adore bears, and I love capturing their natural behavior with my trail cameras. Today was a bonanza.

You can watch it here or at Youtube.
Enjoy. Happy Spring!


  1. fascinating look at wild animals in their element!! love the tongue pose! major score today!

  2. KB, these are awesome. I just gave the presentation I contacted you about in the first place, at the Northeast Natural History Conference. People were fascinated...oh how I'd love to come to your neck of the woods to look at these marks!

  3. I have a Jungle Book earworm going on in my head!

    Look for those bare necessities...

    Thanks for sharing these great moments!

  4. So reminds me of the Jungle Book LOL! That was great!
    Dachshund Nola

  5. so awesome to see these videos and pictures
    Benny & Lily

  6. Wow, you have a good weather and you really enjoy playing and running with each other. :D

    Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

  7. The Duo never fail to make us smile.
    The bear pic and video are amazing. WOW! I don't know why but somehow I thought they would mark or rub up against bugger trees. I thought for sure he was going to fall over in the first part of the video. THANK YOU for sharing.

  8. So good to see the Duo having such a good day together.

    In the first video, it was amazing to us that the bear didn't snap that tree he was rubbing against AND that he could bend so far backwards and keep his balance - very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  9. The bear sure looks like he's enjoying his Spring day!!

  10. I always love your glimpses into the wildlife world around you. And I adore those pictures of K and R together!

  11. I'm with the OP Pack in that I can't believe the bear doesn't just snap those trees when they are leaning back on them. Now that would make a funny video if it did happen while they were rubbing and leaning back. Thanks for sharing as always.


  12. Hi KB, I always love seeing your videos and photos but again I was concerned with our camping this summer in the Rockies. We will just make sure we catch anything that has a food scent on it.
    I also want to say I love your painting-I saw Kathleen's video and cried; your K's eyes remind me of my Sadie girl. Everything I think of you, I ask for healing of your girl, or at least extended days. Sending lots of love your way.

  13. It's great to see the bear came through the winter so well; he looks nice and tubby and ready for love.

    Jed & Abby

  14. We love to see K and R having such a great time running and playing together in the spring sunshine!
    And I cannot believe that giant bear.
    He is doing some serious itching, and he is so limber!

  15. K and R look just terrific together and are having fun!

    Stella, Jo and Zkhat

  16. Gee! I thought I had it made getting to run and play in a great big pasture but R and K get to run in the woods! Do they ever see bears?

    I've never seen a bear but my Mom said the one on your video is a really handsome one. I think he looks kind of scary...

    Tail wags and sniffs,


  17. Whoa! I thought he was going to fall over backwards! What balance and awareness of others in his scent path! Love the pix of R and K together - so beautiful there! Thanks for the amazing pictures!
    Sammie, Avalon and Mom

  18. What an incredibly delightful way to end my day. I always try to get my head in to the thougths and actions of the animal. (not in a :she is weird way) I just like to try and imagine what they are thinking and feeling. I think he was really into the moment. and what a beautiful boy he is.

  19. That was great watching the bear.
    The Duo look so beautiful and happy in the sunshine.

  20. What a great video! Thank you for sharing it, KB.

  21. I finally figured out why K is so unique-looking - her ears flop forward whereas most labs' ears hang more to the side of their heads. You can see that so clearly in these pics... She's so pretty!

  22. Hi there KB,
    What an amazing video! Thank you for posting it. We have so much wildlife here in SA, but not bears, so it was such a treat to view it. Thank you.
    My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and K as you travel this journey.
    With love

  23. Love the second photo with the Duo in the trees - you can feel how much cooler it is in the shade.

    Loved the video too, what a good looking bear!


  24. Hehehehe...love dat foto of R's jaw all flppin' in da wind.
    It has actually been cold heres today...like 60 degrees and dat be too cold fur me.

    Dat was a fun video towatch...it was likes I was theres but good thing I really wadn't cuz it [rolly would has eaten me.


  25. What great video. I enjoyed it very much. Your pictures are great again.
    We´ve been away this week end but I read it all, love the painting. Hugs from us!

  26. I'm so glad you and the Duo are getting out together. That video is the cutest and funniest! That bear really looks like he's dancing! I could almost hear music as I watched!

  27. How great to be getting out with the duo every day! I was going to comment on K's tongue until I saw that bear's tongue! Whoa! That is one big beautiful black bear! Great catch!

  28. How do those little trees not just snap under that weight?

  29. I FINALLY got back here to watch your bear. How cool is that?? I love bears too but have only ever seen one in the wild and that was a long time ago on a family vacation in Tennessee.

    You hit the jackpot with these videos. Thanks for sharing!

    Chester's Mom ;0-)


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