Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Each day is a gift

Every day is a gift.
Time with Duo together.
Time with K on her own.
Time playing in the snow drifts that still inhabit our north-facing slopes.
When K was diagnosed with the evil C, I wished with all my heart to have one more springtime with her. Usually, spring doesn't truly begin in the mountains until June. We get big snowstorms in March through May. But, we've had spring weather very early this year. We'll pay a price later with fire danger but I do enjoy being out in the sunshine and warmth with my girl.

We saw blossoms today, some that we usually don't see until a month from now.
I hope that they can survive being buried in snow, because it's sure to happen at least once more!
In the meantime, we will all enjoy this glorious weather and give thanks for the gift of each day together.


  1. And thank you for sharing all of it with us!
    Dachshund Nola

  2. What beautiful spring blossoms! I love that last picture of the duo! Look how handsome R is looking over his K! :)

  3. We are all enjoying every day with K too - what a beautiful day you had together!

  4. Sweet, sweet photograph of the duo. I loved the bear videos. Wonder why they choose such small saplings for marking?

  5. Really wonderful photos! Happy Spring!

  6. A good reminder to cherish each day, each moment and to never forget the precious gifts of amazing pups like K!

  7. Wow, what a beautiful day and with the beautiful duo! I so feel for you and am so glad that K is still having wonderful days. You certainly will have fantastic pictures to remember the good times.

    Love the bear scenting video; what a hoot, did not know they scented that way and on such puny little trees!

    Take care, Lucy (Troy, Ohio)

  8. Oh, I LOVE that last picture. Another one for the book I am waiting for you to make.

  9. I am thankful that you share so much with us. And Bert is right that is a fabulous last photo.

  10. Oh my gosh, that last picture is beautiful! Their bond is so clear and so true - just lovely.

    Your pal, Pip

  11. What a beautiful post and that is very good advice for everyone.

    Loveys Sasha

  12. Celebrating another day right along with you and K!

  13. I watched that video of K's painting come to life. Stunning! Thank you for sharing your gift of K with us.

  14. That last picture made me smile! That R could make a monk break a vow of silence, I bet! You're so right, every day is a gift, and it's even better when we remember to unwrap them and cherish them!

  15. Yes, each day is a gift. That is something us humans should tell ourselves each morning when we open our eyes to a new day. Our dogs know that - they live each and every day of their lives 'full out' to the best of their capacity. Continued prayers and tender thoughts coming your way for you and your girl.

  16. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. Maybe it will snow and cover the beautiful flowers, but we need to remember they are still there. And when the time is right-the sun will shine again, and maybe those little flowers will show their faces to us.
    I just love all your photos... but the last one warms my heart- because I can feel that love, that bond...
    its beautiful

  17. We give thanks that you have had this extraordinary opportunity to take the long road lined with the important and beautiful parts of life...and that "should haves" and "would haves" will instead be "glad we dids."

  18. I too give thanks; for 'you' and for another glorious Spring day.
    Sending lotsaluv to you all from across the sea.

  19. Springtime has come early especially for you!

  20. Every day is truly a gift! Your photos are always so beautiful!

    Love ya lots,

  21. Oh the last photo! Amazing. You are so talented and always seem to capture the moment.

    Mango Momma

  22. Use the lovely spring days you have together...spring in June..then you must have a short summer. But it´s lovely landscape you live in. I like it very much.
    Very nice pictures , the last one is great

  23. Hi Y'all,

    Stoppin' by to say "hello" and see how y'all are doing. We've missed a couple days. Beautiful pics...loved the bear video. Thanks for sharing.

    Hope you're havin' a fantastic week!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  24. Each day is a gift and the biggest gift of all is that you realize it.


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