Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Friday

Thank for all of your kind comments yesterday. No doubt, this isn't an easy time but the supportive words of all of you help immensely.

The Duo and I mountain biked together this morning, in cool and misty air that is typical of spring here. After climbing up to Hug Hill, the Duo rested side-by-side. This photo is so typical. R is focused on K, and K is focused on me.
Then, I released them, and they sprung into action. K can stick with R for the first step or so. The first photo is the instant that I called them, and they'd both barely started to move toward me.
Later in our ride, some of the mist evaporated as the sun burned through, and the Duo ran together. K had a step on R this time! (but R says that he was "letting her win")
These two are such different dogs from each other but they've forged a bond over the years. K is getting more reticent about playing with rowdy R but they are still happy siblings who enjoy hanging out together.
Happy Friday, Everyone!


  1. I love seeing these pictures of K and R together. I am sure this is difficult for R as well ...he must sense the changes that are happening. Pip always seems to know when one of our cats is ill.

  2. Hi Y'all,

    What beautiful smiles on K and R as they move together. The last photo could be a painting.

    Aren't we lucky to be able to immortalize our failing loved ones in photos, be they man or beast?

    Have a safe weekend.

    BrownDog's Human

  3. Holy cow - every one of those photos is absolutely stunning!

  4. What fanastic pictures - building more memories for all of us!


  5. Yes, I'm sure that R knows all that is happening.The other day our Poppy(tortie puss) had been in a fight, very sore and luckily only one scratch. Felicity looked and searched for her (poppy was snuggled on our bed), and after I lifted Felicity up and showed her Poppy, she walked away quite satisfied.These wonderful photos are giving you memories always, and yes, we all share these days with you. Cheers from Jean.

  6. Love that happy last photo of your dynamic duo!

  7. Hope your wonderful day lowered your stress and eased your back pain. The Duo sure know how to carpe diem.

    Jed & Abby

  8. I love to see K and R run side by side. The love they have for each other can be seen in the photos.
    Beautiful photos- we especially love the last one

  9. Hope the weekend brings you some comfort and easing of your pain. Those two pups just make my heart melt - gorgeous.

  10. I just love all the pictures, the two sibs look happy and energetic together!

    Hope you are doing well, too, KB!


    Jo, Stella, Zkhat and Ronald

  11. the last picture is stunning....

  12. Wonderful photos -- you have gorgeous pups! Thank you for sharing.

  13. I am so glad you are all enjoying this beautiful spring together.

    I know we always talk about K but boy that R has a beautiful coat. That last photo is so sleek.

  14. They're so sweet together!
    Dachshund Nola

  15. ...and happy Saturday and more! May this weekend be bright enough to ease your tensions and let the "kids" enjoy the season.

  16. Wow, your two are so close. Your photos warm my heart.

    Love from Eileen and Annie xx

  17. We sure do love watching this duo in action! Beautiful photos...most of them would make awesome paintings!!

  18. What beautiful pictures of K and R together, KB!

    Love ya lots,

  19. Wonderful photos of your two beauties. Hope your weekend is great. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  20. Always a beautiful day when K feels good enough to play and romp with R.

    Sending the duo, big Doxie scratchies on their heads.

    Lily Belle

  21. Awesome pics of the duo! K really does focus on you doesn't she! Love it!

  22. I love the pics of the Duo in action! If only I could come and play with them, it looks like such fun!

  23. What lovely pictures of the Duo. They really love to go out hiking with you..
    Hugs from all of us!

  24. Fabulous shots of The Duo!
    Have a great weekend
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  25. I always love hearing about them together and stories of their personalities! They seem almost larger than life when I read about them and I admit that I've gotten very attached to both of them. I know I've loved seeing our own dogs' interactions evolve over their years together.


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