Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Never wait...

As bursts of spring have arrived interspersed in wintertime blasts, I've been reminded to never put off doing the things that make you happy on this Earth.
New aspen leaves
Last fall, K and I set out to climb a favorite mountain of mine. My spine was hurting so we turned back before the top. I confidently told K that we'd summit that mountain "next summer". I've learned a lesson from that confident statement of mine - don't wait until "next year" to do something that you love!

Here's the summit enshrouded in clouds during a recent sunset. The snow on its slopes is glowing golden.
As you can see in the photo below taken today, winter hasn't fled from the high mountains yet. That's a coating of new snow on the mountains that fell last night. And, K was romping near our house this morning, at much lower elevation than the high mountains.
Last summer, I never visualized that K would have cancer now. It didn't even cross my mind. I assumed that we'd have another summer to climb the high Rocky Mountains. Never wait to do what is important to you...

We'll enjoy what we can do now... and, perhaps a miracle will make a summit attempt possible for the two of us this summer.
In the meantime, our motto is "Carpe Diem", even if we can't climb that huge mountain right now. We can seize the day in other ways.


  1. I just know you two will be climbing that mountain this summer
    Dachshund Nola

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Y'all,

    Hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend. Hope y'all have a wonderful spring and summer and fall to enjoy each others company. Hope with you for a miracle.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. Hi there, We are back in the lowlands but as we flew over Longs yesterday, I was surprised to see such snow. I have never known someone who lived Carpe Diem as much as you KB. I still hoping that K will have many more 'days of grace' as Maxdog did and that you'll kick the cancer in the butt.
    May your weekend be filled with sunshine and time together.

  5. so true....thank you KB for your beautiful words and amazing pictures....

  6. It seems to me and MOM that you two seize the day everyday.

  7. Agree, and stop to smell the roses
    Benny & Lily

  8. I would imagine that many of us would't expect to be experiencing what we are BUT we are...

    How we handle it is all part of the lesson and the challenge -

    K continues to instruct all of us!

  9. I have all the confidence there is in you and K doing just what feels right to do at any given time.

    K looks great; you see signs that say she is losing the battle, but we don't, we just see a happy dog doing what she loves. Bless her!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella, Zkhat and Ronald

  10. Thanks for the reminder. My mom person says she needed it.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  11. Yes, you and K pack everything into a day that you can. You seize every sunrise and sunset.
    I agree with what Khyra said,,
    Keep seizing those moments!
    I am hoping for a miracle that you two can climb that mountian when the snow melts.

  12. We agree! It does seem that the two of you "seize the day" every day! Love your pics!! K looks good!

  13. Next summer and the summer after .

  14. We agree. Live every day as if it were your last.

    Love ya lots,

  15. You will for sure climb it this summer together, she´s strong yet and is not giving up.

  16. KB, I've been gone from the blogging world for a while. I was so saddened, when I started checking blogs yesterday, to learn that K has cancer. What a hateful disease. You have the right attitude, I see. Just fight on every day, storing memories and the love that exists between you.

  17. Seize the moment and live life to the full!

    We learnt a huge lesson in life when we suddenly lost our beautiful Dorcus aged 5, almost 18 mths ago. "Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow - cos sometimes tomorrow never comes".

    special Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  18. We all hope to see you and K atop one of those mountains soon. Carpe diem but never give up hope.

  19. The only thing ever guaranteed is this very moment.
    With love

  20. If each and everyone of us could live by that "Carpe Diem" we would probably appreciate life a lot more.

    As for climbing mountains, you and K have climbed more together, of every kind, than most of us ever dream of.

  21. Playing catch up again...Molly went to her Forever home yesterday, so feeling a little blue. give your K a hug for me!!

  22. K looks lovely, and I understand what you are saying, but...for me, hoping to climb a particular mountain in the future is just the flip side of wishing I had climbed that particular mountain in the past. Either distracts my attention from the real treasure; the mountain I am climbing right now.
    Not an easy lesson, but I sure do get a lot of chances to practice.

  23. Seize the day. You sure can and you sure are. K looks like she is having the best time everytime we see her. Well done KB. K's life is all about fun, enjoyment and your love for her. What a wonderful life you are giving her. Hugs to all. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  24. She looks so healthy and fit and wonderful pictures! We live at 9,500 feet in the Rockies ourselves, it's a challenge I hope to overcome with my new pup Gia, as she gets older.

  25. Ah, but I think you and K are already climbing a huge mountain together! Carpe Diem!

  26. yes seize the day

    Stop on by for a visit

  27. I completely agree with you! It's a great reminder for me to do a few things that I've wanted to lately!

  28. K does look good and I hope you have many wonderful moments together. You will never have enough time, even if K lives to be 30!
    We have the opposite sistuation, it's my mama that is battleing the Big C.
    Carpe Diem!

  29. Such sage advice, regardless of whom may be reading. And from one achy back to another... who needs peaks when the valleys have such splendid wildflowers?!?! :)

  30. K's coat is gleaming and her eyes have spark, wisdom and love. I hope you will have your wish of creating some summer memories together with her brother R. Breathtaking photos as always!


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