Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 28, 2012


Thanks to all of you who have been checking in with us. We're doing fine. And, our amazing K is still joyfully romping through life. In the photo below, she stood in a red rock desert at sunset about two weeks ago.
After much debate, we decided to take a trip during our blogging break. Honestly, I initially was terrified of taking a camping trip because of the possibility of something bad happening to K when we weren't near our trusted vets. Then, even our own vet said that she thought that now was the time to go do fun things so we did! She sent us with a van full of supplies for every conceivable complication. Happily, we didn't need any of the emergency veterinary supplies.

We headed west and south, visiting deserts and high mountains. I'll tell you more about it in the coming days but let me show you a highlight today. We made it to the zone of the country where the solar eclipse was "annular", meaning that the moon blocked all but a ring of the sun. We sat in the rocky desert watching this amazing phenomenon.

In the photo below, the bright ring is the sun and the black circle is the moon. Because the moon was very far from the Earth, it didn't totally block the sun.
As the sun fell lower in the sky, the moon glided across its surface, leaving a crescent of sun showing. Then, the sun crescent set behind a rocky desert hillside. The rocks appear as silhouettes on the bottom of the sun in the photo below (yes, the orange orb is the sun!). The special camera filter that I used to photograph the solar eclipse only allowed light as intense as the sun to go through it. The rest of the world was black as viewed through the filter.
I was so happy that we made the trip. The solar eclipse was amazing. But, the best part was spending happy time with our K having fun in the deserts and mountains of our area. She's still loving life and so are we.


  1. So glad your back and all is well. Love the pic of the solar eclipse. I missed it totally so this was great for me.

    Bert adn My Vickie

  2. So glad you're back and everyone is okay! What a gorgeous eclipse
    Dachshund Nola

  3. You are so lucky to see the eclipse!

    You need to take her places and not worry about the "what ifs". Before each trip, get copies of your latest vet reports to carry with you and check the web and print maps for yourself of the vets where you are going and along the way. Things work out. I only ended up with one crazy six-hour ride to my vet in Boo's last year when he had an emergency that required more than the local vet on our road trip could handle.

  4. I was just thinking about all of you today and was thinking of coming by to leave a comment on a previous post. Now I can leave a comment on a recent post. So glad to hear that K is doing okay. Enjoy your time together.


  5. I'm so happy that you all had some quality time away and it all went okay for K! What awesome pictures of the eclipse! That must have been amazing to sit and watch with K by your side too! :)

  6. Once again, thanks SO much for sharing your world with us!

    You've been missed!

  7. We are so happy to see you back and to know that K is still enjoying life.

    Awesome photos, words we seem to repeat every time we visit:)

    Hope you have a great week ahead of you.

  8. Very happy to see you back. Even more happy that you took a trip with the family. Looking forward to seeing and hearing about the adventure.

  9. Beautiful...glad you are back!! Don't think there was a day that I didn't think of you and your pack, hoping that you were enjoying your time together. The shot of the eclipse is wonderful.
    Look forward to seeing more photos of your trip.

  10. I am very happy to see you back safely, and to hear that you have good stories to share with us now that you're back. :)

  11. I've been thinking about y'all and hoping for the best! Glad you had a good time!

  12. Thank you for sharing your new memories with us.
    We missed you immensly, and thought about all of you every day.
    I can just imagine all the awsomeness that you saw and the togetherness that you all felt as a family.
    I am so glad you all had a good time, and were able to experience
    the solar eclipse, up in your beloved mountains and deserts.
    Welcome home

  13. May you continue to find wonder and joy in your togetherness.

  14. Hey there KB,
    What absolutely incredible photos of the eclispe! I am truly amazed at its breathtaking beauty. How special it must have been to share this with your family and your beloved K.
    I am so glad you've been able to enjoy it with no emergencies.
    Thinking of you often and continuing to send warm thoughts and prayers for your comfort.
    With love

  15. So wonderful to hear from you ad to hear that you are basking in the beauty of the world around you and each other's presence. The moon pictures are particularly amazing!

  16. I was really amazed while viewing your shots, K was so lucky to see that eclipse, and I'm sure that you really enjoy your vacation. Welcome back K!

    Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

  17. Glad you're back here with amazing photos and the news that K is still enjoying life.

  18. Thank you for the good news. Have missed you. Fingers crossed for the future. Love EM in DK

  19. We have been thinking of you!!! How wonderful that you had a nice vacation and that K is enjoying time with you!! The eclipse photos are awesome!! Glad to hear you are all enjoying good times together!!

  20. We're so happy to hear that you're doing okay and having fun! The pictures of the eclipse are just gorgeous!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  21. Oooooooh, I has missed ya'll sumptin' awfullies! I was gone too cuz I hads a 'puter virus.
    I am so glad ya'll gots to take a trip and K was AOK!
    Dat moon is absolutely AMAZIN'...I mean dang girl...props to you fur such an awesome foto!


  22. We are so glad to see your post that all is well with you, K and R! Yay! The photos of the eclipse is amazing! We continue to send you lots of love, K!!!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  23. Wonderful photos KB :) I have been thinking about you and praying your break was a good one. I disappeared off the grid for a few days with my husband and Indy for a much needed trip to the ocean. I'm so glad K is doing ok and you are all back safe and sound :)

  24. Thanks for posting an update and sharing your eclipse pics with us. I've been wondering how K is doing and am glad to hear she is still romping. What a girl! I'm so glad you took this trip despite your concerns. It was a break you deserve and I'm sure needed.

    Peaceful trails,
    Chester's Mom ;0=)

  25. We were so thrilled to see you post such wonderful news. Welcome back friends!

    Lily Belle

  26. Hi! Great your´re back and after a wonderful trip I really understand. The pictures are very hich class, super!!
    I did have some success on my trial camera, check out last post.
    hugs to you all!!

  27. How wonderful! We think of you always, especially when the sun hits our boys - I think we see a bit of K in them then.


  28. Lovely eclipse pics! I didn't have any of the proper equipment to look at it so had to do the pinhole onto a piece of paper trick; it worked fine, as it was only partial here and while it was noticeably dimmer obviously looking at the sun was a Bad Idea.

    Every time I see somebody's happy lab living in these mountains I think of you guys and K and R in yours.

    I'm thrilled to hear you're all still having such fun and if it were up to me I'd make you go out and have more. I only wish I could go with you and your lovely girl. Many virtual treats and scritches to her, and hugs to you!

  29. So glad for the update. All of you are much in my thoughts.

    The eclipse photographs are truly amazing! I haven't seen any better ones anywhere! Glad you got to view it.

  30. So glad you're back! Thank you for sharing your lovely trip and photos. It's great to know that you're all having fun together. Hugs to K. Wishing you even more happy adventures. :)

  31. Happy you are back!! She is the Cutest!!!))

  32. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Those pictures are just amazing!

  33. Ann.. from the OUTER BANKS of NC said...so glad to hear from you we have all missed you as you can see such a beautiful picture of the eclipse.. glad all is well and looking forward to hearing more about everything...our thoughts and prayers have been with you the whole time... the love shines through in all you do

  34. Happy that you're back, and that all went well and you made some amazing memories to cherish always. That eclipse must have really been something to see!

  35. Great update! So happy K is doing well and was able to have a fun time camping. I am sure you all made some special memories to last forever.

    The eclipse photos are amazing and I bet it must have been an awesome experience.

    Yay K! Keep going, and my paws are always crossed for you!


  36. Smiles...love the solar eclipse photos and to know the trip was all positive so could to hear...cheers!

  37. I'm guessing you will always remember this trip. Thanks for sharing the great photos.

  38. Hi Y'all!

    My Human has been checking for new postings and wouldn't you know she was not using the computer yesterday and you were BACK! Wonderful!!! K looks amazing!!!

    Licks, kisses and wags to you K! Rums and romps for you R.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  39. So glad you went on the trip. The eclipse photos are amazing (as always). Nice that K enjoyed herself and didn't need any of those emergency supplies. Go K!

    Mango Momma

  40. We are so glad every buddy is doing well. Amazing pictures we think about K all the time
    Benny & Lily

  41. we are so glad you are back we missed you. How wonderful you got to go away and have precious time all together.
    Fabulous amazing shots.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  42. One blessing after another! We had overcast skies here and so get to enjoy the eclipse only through amazing photos such as yours.

  43. I've been thinking about you daily and watching for an update. So glad to see you got to take this trip.

  44. So glad you took the time to take a fun trip together and make more happy memories.

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