Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Seizing the days

The bears seem to be starting mating season early. This is the most tree-marking activity that I've ever seen this early.
Unfortunately, this guy, who visited my cameras the other night, chose an incredibly foggy and stormy time of night to visit so I didn't get great photos. After he marked the tree in the photo above, he decided to take a look at the camera.
Then, he marked the tree two more times before moving onto the next bear-marking tree in the area. As far as I can tell, he visited every single bear marking tree that I know of in the vicinity of my home. That's classic mating season behavior!

On a different note, we've decided to take a break from blogging to seize the days that we have left with K. We realize that, barring a miracle effect by K's new medicines, our time together is short. We want to make the most of it.
She can still run and romp right now.
So, it seems like a time for us to enjoy our time together, having some adventures and and some quiet time together.
Please visualize us as happily playing in the outdoors together while we're gone. If things change with K, I promise to post an update. Otherwise, we'll see you back here soon.


  1. while we will miss you I think you are doing a great thing for both of you. Enjoy, as I know you will, romping together. Seize on my friend.

  2. We'll echo Goose's message!

    Seize on!

    Live in the moment -

    Seize the day with K ;-)

    Khyra and Phyll

  3. This is the best thing you can do - just make the most of this precious time with your beautiful pup.

    Sending pawsitive thoughts,
    Jackie, Angel Abby's mom

  4. We'll miss you, but we understand exactly what you are doing.

    Hugs all around,

    Jo, Stella, Zkhat

  5. I totally understand, you go enjoy your time with your sweet girl and we will be here if you need us honey.
    Please give both your beautiful babes hugs from me and the gang here in the UK. We will keep you in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.

  6. Best wishes for beautiful times!

  7. Go! Romp and play and seize the day; know that your friends have you close in thought and heart and will wait to hear of your adventures.

  8. You will be missed...and all good, happy, romping, light and loving thoughts coming your way with K and her brother...your photos of them are so beautiful, so full of happiness and life...your words and thoughts about K bring tears to my eyes. I will continue to hope for a miracle and look forward to your return to blogging with more beautiful pics of your babies and news of K. Sending Husky hugs your way and big ones for the duo.

  9. We don't blame you one bit! Enjoy yourselves!!!!!

  10. I totally understand your need to take a break and savor these moments. Just know that I'm sending prayers for continued strength and courage on this part of the journey.

  11. Enjoy this precious time together.
    We'll be here when you return.
    Sending love from Eileen and Annie xx

  12. You guys take your time to enjoy every single magical moment together!! You have our love and prayers!

  13. We are echoing the words from here tooo "seize on"-
    we will miss you and keep you in our thoughts -- we see you seize the moments

  14. We all encircle you with love and prayers for strength as you have this precious time with K

  15. Give K a hug from all of us - we will keep you in our thoughts.


  16. Little late today, I go to a photo course, one time left. Great days you have with the duo, take every chance to have happy days now....enjoy that she´s still very strong

  17. Enjoy every single moment! You are in our minds and in our hearts.

  18. Hugs and love to you all! Tell K we're all praying for her and wishing many happy days ahead.

    Lily Belle

  19. Enjoy your time together to the fullest! We'll be thinking of you.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  20. I will miss you, but I fully respect your desire to enjoy the good days and the time you have left on your journey! I think you'll have few regrets (at least about the things you can control) when all is said and done. Remember that my e-mail box is always open and that we're thinking of you! Hugs to you, K, R and even The Runner!

  21. I will miss you, but I fully respect your desire to enjoy the good days and the time you have left on your journey! I think you'll have few regrets (at least about the things you can control) when all is said and done. Remember that my e-mail box is always open and that we're thinking of you! Hugs to you, K, R and even The Runner!

  22. Good choice. We'll be holding you close in our hearts.

    Jed & Abby

  23. Enjoy your time together. I can see you running and biking free together with the sun and wind all around you! Enjoy! We will be thinking of you!

    Pip & Kristin

  24. We will always miss your adventure and you post, Just enjoy and cherish your moments with K. Were still praying for her complete recovery :D

    Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

  25. We will surely miss you, but we so understand. We think of you and K every day many times. Enjoy your time together and love that girl as much as you can and more. Lots of hugs and kisses to her from me and my pups.

  26. We'll miss you, but enjoy your break!
    Dachshund Nola

  27. Know that we will be with you in spirit, thoughts, and prayers. Enjoy every minute and let that time be in you during the rough times.
    Take care,
    Lucy (Troy, Ohio MOD)

  28. Seize the day! That is the best thing to do!
    I love the last picture of R and K! That is what I will be remembering until your return:)

  29. yes, i will envision you happy, connected and romping. grace and light to you~

    thanks for sharing the bear photos, love bear everything!

  30. Ann..from THE OUTER BANKS OF NC....I guess everyone here has said it all and I agree..Enjoy every minute.. all of you deserve it and it will be good for you to get away for awhile and have a fantastic time with this new adventure Being together is the most important thing ..and may the angels watch over you.. and shower you all.. with the many blessings you so deserve...just keep in mind we are here...and we are praying for the miracle for K... we are all here to live life with passion.believe me..K and R can really show it..Sending Hugs

  31. Enjoy and seize. This is your time with K-take it. :)

  32. Be together. Share the peace and beauty that surround you. Know you are all loved.

  33. I will miss your beautiful pictures, but of course I completely understand. Spending time with K is more important than anything else. God bless you.

    Anne and Sasha

  34. I know that you will cherish your time together.

  35. May you enjoy and find peace and happiness in every moment together.

    Brown Dog's Human

  36. I have you in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy yourselves.

  37. Enjoy your time off together. I'll definitely be thinking of you both romping in the mountains.

  38. Thinking of y'all often. Enjoy your time. We'll be here waiting.


    The Heartbeats

  39. Lita and the boys in MelbourneMay 15, 2012 at 6:38 PM

    Of course you must take time to be with beautiful K. Blessed be.

  40. We will miss you and be thinking of your special, exquisite time you have left with your K. You have allowed us to join you on this difficult journey and for that we send you our love and hugs and tears too. Love Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  41. The blog world can wait. This is time that needs to be spent in the cocoon of your world, and I think it's perfectly right that's what you want to do.

    You are in our thoughts and prayers as you spend precious time with your beautiful K.

    Chester's Mom ♥

  42. I hope you get in the trip you were hoping, and many more happy days with K as well!

  43. We will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts. Enjoy K.


  44. I'm thinking about all of you, every day. Thank you for sharing so much of your story with us, through your wonderful blog. I miss seeing you.

    xxoo gigi

  45. We will miss you. Enjoy your very special precious time together.
    Thinking of you and sending lots of positive thoughts.

    Extra Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  46. Just stopped by to see how you and K are doing. I'm picturing you two enjoying every moment together.

    Thinking of you both...


  47. Oh boy... are we ever thinking of you having wonderful times in the forests near your home. Give K and R, too, ear scritches from us and big Hugs xoxoxoxo
    Sammie and Avalon

  48. I'm sure this is a bittersweet time. It looks like you provide a dog heaven on earth for your labs. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts when you return.

  49. We will miss you.
    Enjoy your special precious time together. Live every moment.

    Extra special positive thoughts.
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  50. We also echo Goose's thoughts! We think of you each and every day and we will think of you all romping together in the beautiful mountains!! xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  51. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I'm thinking of you! I hope all is well and you're continuing to enjoy your time with your precious K!

    I also don't know if you've had the chance to read any blogs, but Wilf has gone to the rainbow bridge.

  52. We'll miss your posts, but glad you're spending the time wisely with "K". We wish you both all the best!

  53. You guys are making the right decisions for your 4 legged friend...soak up the time and love K to pieces!

  54. we realize its only been a week since you started your bloggy break, but with the passing of Wilfie we just wanted to let you know K (and your family) is on our mind.

    I'm sure you are enjoying every single moment with her & living life to the fullest...just wanted you to know we were thinking about you.

    wags, wiggles & slobbers

  55. Just wanted to drop by to let you know we are thinking of you and of K.

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  56. As much as we miss your posts and your beautiful photographs, we are praying that you have MANY days (and weeks or months!) to make beautiful memories with Beautiful K. What a lucky dog she is to be so loved.

    Many people never experience the kind of love and devotion that you have shared with K and that love is multiplied hundreds of times over by the people who know the two of you through this blog.

    We're all praying for both of you. And so very grateful to you for sharing K with us...

    God Bless.

  57. I just wanted to stop by and let you know I was/am thinking about you. hope all is well and you're enjoying the weekend!

    (PS: I don't know if you've read any of the blogs, but Wilf passed just over a week ago).


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