Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May Snow

May snow. Always a surprise, even though it falls every year.
It pelted out of the air during our "sunset hike" yesterday.
Even the "summer" wildflowers that have blossomed early were cloaked in snow.
The snow stopped overnight. This morning, sunshine briefly poured in through our windows before the storm clouds returned. K curled up in a sun puddle, looking contented. She was snuggled in the wonderful bed that some of you gave us back when K was having her "rounds" of traditional chemotherapy. K loves her bed.
I'm glad that we had a great start to the day with both halves of the Duo going for a mountain bike ride with me because things got tougher later in the day.
But, for one shining hour, the three of us romped in the snowy forest and almost forgot about everything else.
And, the Duo raced each other in recalls.
Later in the day, K had a routine vet appointment to check for side effects of her anti-cancer drugs (everything looks good right now). The vet also initiated a very tough discussion of "how the end will occur". My stomach has been hurting ever since that discussion because I don't even want to visualize the scenarios. I need to go spend some time with my sweet girl to find my equilibrium again.
The emotional roller coaster ride continues. But, K is still here and happy so I'm planning to have some fun with her this afternoon. The forest is beckoning...


  1. K is so lucky to have you, looks like she is still having a blast and living life to the fullest!

    Gorgeous awe inspiring pictures as always


  2. K looks so happy that we can't even imagine a conversation like that. We know you have to be prepared but we also know that K is very special and
    will do things her own way. Enjoy every moment and try not to think of the future.

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  3. I am always in awe and I love May snow. The duo looked like they enjoyed themselves.
    Let K guide you, she has done a beautiful job so far.

  4. The pictures of your duo in the May snow are beautiful! Enjoy ever moment!

  5. Remember - enjoy today. The end will be hard no matter how or when. But for now, savor the joy of being with her.

    Beautiful photos, happy pups.


  6. The spring snow was a surprise that you were not counting on. It looked like a gentle snow, and I am happy for that.
    I wish life could be gentle for you and not this roller coaster of feelings.
    As Methusulah- the oldest tree in the forest told me "Sometimes we do not need to know all the answers".
    I hope you found your equilibrium and had a good afternoon with K.
    K is still enjoying her moments.
    We are with you,

  7. She's so lucky to have you! Your May snow is beautiful
    Dachshund Nola

  8. What beautiful pictures of a beautiful place and 2 gorgeous dogs!K looks great and I am sooo glad you all enoying every day to the fullest. I can only imagine the pain you felt with the info the vet gave you and I admire your strength to keep going, but I don't think K would let you quit! You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Lucy (Troy,Ohio)

  9. i understand the roller coaster....my thoughts are with you....
    snow in May! i'm basking in 90 degree weather...
    hugs to K..

  10. Ann... from THE OUTER BANKS of NC said... I love the snow pictures..nature keeps us well do not resist her >I bet sometimes it works hard to create this beauty that is all around us..With the info today...I hold out my hand and my heart to you..and it makes me so proud of the bond the three of you have with each other...Two words I have....."Respect and Honor...That is what it is all about..Please

  11. Ann..from THE OUTER BANKS of NC said ...I didn't get to finish before it was sent..just want to say... Please have a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY with your loving pups..God is Good...all the time..

  12. Don't let a pessimistic vet bring you down. Enjoy every minute you are given with K. Spoil her and let her do everything she wants to for as long as she can. K will tell you when it is time to stop fighting.

  13. It's a fine vet who opens the dialog for the dreaded time. So hard but so necessary.

    But for one shining hour all was right with the world. Here's hoping for many more shining hours like that.

  14. The snow on the wildflower is so beautiful. Tell your stomach that there are a lot of steps between here and there, many days and many changes, and K will tell you what she wants. Just trust her, as you always have.

  15. K does look gloriously happy and content! I love the photos you got today.

    I know it's hard to think about that discussion, too. I'll be honest, though, I think that for me, even though the conversation was hard, I felt a little more together when that end did finally come. I sort of went on autopilot, but it was a little easier for me to function. I guess because I felt like I had some parameters to operate within, if that makes sense.

  16. Such great pictures!

    Of course, all of us have 'that' issue awaiting us -

    When the time comes, you'll know it - and it would be great if one of your awesome vets could be there - at your place - or some special spot

    But we KNOW that decision is way way off in the wind!

  17. K will let you know . Until then she'll live in the now , enjoying every minute with you .

  18. For me, I'd want to know, in as much detail as possible, what is coming. No, you won't know when, but when it arrives, you will be glad you know what you know. Its a kindness on the part of your Vet.

    Jo, Stella, and Zkhat

  19. Your May snow is beautiful! Enjoy your trip to the forest.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  20. Be sure that K will let you know when it's her time and I know that heavy feeling in the pit of the stomach.
    K is happy and enjoying her life to the full, try to live one day at a time.
    Sending love from Eileen and Annie xx

  21. Wonderful doggies and photos. I have been there a few times with my dogs and they will let you know.

  22. Oh, snow now?? I understand that it´s common to get it even in May in your mountins. I checked it on Google Maps, very big mountins.
    Love the picure with the duo and the mountins in the background.
    Great news about K...
    Hugs from us all!!

  23. What hard conversation to have to have. I know I would be feeling the same way as you. Hopefully that won't happen for some time. K doesn't seem to think so. :-)

  24. Your kind vet gave you some important information -- and you can put that information away until you need it. K is making it clear that you don't need it right now! Have a lovely day together. Wishing you many more such days to come.

  25. The vet doubtless meant well but we know that you know what will need to happen when.

    That romp in the snow looks like a lot of fun!

  26. I hoping you found your equilibrium and peace!

  27. Hi Y'all,

    Stoppin' to say "hello" and hope you and yours are having a Happy Mother's Day!

    So glad K's vet visit was positive. Too bad the discussion spoiled the good feeling for you. Hopefully you've got it back now!

    Hope y'all have a wonderful week!!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  28. Guess we're missing something about this vet. She knows you've lost dogs before. Even if none of your other dogs died from cancer, she must know you've had friends who've gone through canine cancer. You research online and mentioned an online canine cancer support group you found. It almost seems like the vet is determined to make this as painful as possible for you. What's with that? We're having a hard time with 'she means well.'

    Tune her out. Tune K in. Don't waste this precious time anticipating future pain. It just multiples the pain.

    Jed & Abby

  29. Hello there, KB!
    Allow us to greet you Happy Mommy Day! The photos of K and R are remarkable! Perfect DUO photos. We constantly keep you in our hearts. Enjoy many more happy moments!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  30. What wild weather - glad you could share such quality time with K and R; such beauty there! I also believe K will guide you in her own way - glad you could get out for a sunset jaunt to help regain some "equilibrium.". Thinking of you all lots -
    Sammie, Avalon and Mom

  31. Every day is indeed a treasured gift...I pray you have many, many more together. I love the pics of the beautiful duo - so happy and enjoying your beautiful scenery. Thinking of you all...

  32. back home in AK got snow recently too

    Stop on by for a visit

  33. I know this is the hardest part next to the actual day, but I know you'll pick the best options for every step. My boss lost his beloved canine pet last year, and it was very difficult to watch him go through that. But I think he picked the most compassionate and loving way, and I think to this day he is so thankful he was able to spend those final days with his best friend. I hope you are able to do that, too.

    The wildflower with the snow is just phenomenal, and I love the photos of both dogs together.

  34. We are thinking of you and giving you all cyber hugs. Enjoy each and every single moment you have together. xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  35. Kia ora KB,
    Ataahua! Kia kaha e hoa.

  36. We're thinking of you.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly


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