Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Each day counts

Imagine if K and I had given up on our outdoor adventures back when she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma on December 23. Think of all that we would have missed. We would have missed yesterday evening's gorgeous lighting on a meadow.
K wouldn't have danced in the grass with the sun setting behind her.
She wouldn't have run through the meadow full of happiness. Look at those clear and determined eyes! I'm so glad that I decided to ignore the vets' advice to keep her on a leash for the rest of her life!
And, she would have missed playing with her brother on every evening hike.
There's a lesson for me here, too. Every single day is one day in my limited and precious life, just like it's a day in K's all-too-short life. It's hard to realize that important fact until the end of life looms too close. If there's a gift from this terrible disease, it's that I've learned even more acutely how gloriously precious each day is.


  1. you remind me with every beautiful blog....hugs to you and K...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A perfect reminder--I've also learned that life and its moments are so fragile and so precious.

  4. Despite the pain of knowing life is ending too soon, those special moments can be more precious.

    Live and share and hold close to your heart every moment. It's only a shame if we never share or treasure and let the moments slip away only to regret their loss when it's too late.

  5. A lesson all of us need to be reminded about again and again and again.

    Amazing photos, beautiful memories being created.

  6. I agree with you! I felt the same way as we drew to the end of all three of our previous dogs' lives. It just gave me a greater value on the balance of life and what we chose to do with it. I have a coworker who views her entire life through her job, but to me, it's just a job -- something to do so I can earn money and time to do the things that are really valuable to me. The things that really have value for me don't have a price tag.

  7. Just keep on keeping on with all the joy your heart can muster!


  8. Such beautiful and true words. And I'm so glad for all of you that you decided to allow K to live her live and enjoy her precious time with you. I would like to think that we would have done the same for either of our girls.

  9. As others have said, you have taught us all this important and life giving message. I also don't believe you could have ever kept K on a leash. Her vibrant spirit would not have allowed that. She knows how to live and she is a beautiful teacher not only for you but for me and MOM also.

  10. As others have said, you have taught us all this important and life giving message. I also don't believe you could have ever kept K on a leash. Her vibrant spirit would not have allowed that. She knows how to live and she is a beautiful teacher not only for you but for me and MOM also.

  11. So true and so important.

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  12. I remember that every time I visit here!
    Dachshund Nola

  13. Ann..from THE OUTER BANKS OF NC said..Listen with your heart...Listen with your inner voice of wisdom....Listen to your dreams....(you have done all these) therefore you knew what was right for K .....Love will keep your mind going in the right direction...I really can see that in all these fabulous pictures.."Living in the moment brings you a sense of reverence for all life's blessings">>(Oprah)

  14. And the gift you have given us is your brave sharing every single day of this incredibly vital life lesson that is so tough for us humans to grasp. Thank you.

  15. We are so glad you listened to your heart, and to K's heart and chose to live each day to the fullest.
    This journey that you have shared with us, has reminded me everyday what is important, and how to value every second of every day.
    K is in each cloud, sunrise, and sunset- she has had so much to share with all of us- courage, and no fear of tomorrow- just live in the now.

  16. The great part for me and My Vickie is taht as you learn and as you share, we learn. Thank You.

  17. Some of us have to learn that lesson over and over because we get caught up in the ephemera of life and forget. Some never learn it. One of K's and your gifts to us is to help us remember it every day. It's joyful to see K still running with such freedom.

    Jed & Abby

  18. You summed it up perfectly . Dog owners are really the luckiest of people .

  19. Hi! Lovely picture of the lighting!! K looks wonderful...yes our moose calves are alone now and very confused without their Mum. Many accidents with cars happens. I will get our trial camera today and I now there is some of moose.

  20. You are a wise woman. Lucky K
    who came to live her life with
    you who understand her so well
    and let her live her life to
    the full. Love EM
    Enjoy your pictures as always.

  21. You knew back then that K wouldn't give up her outdoor adventures without a fight!

  22. We all learn from you and from K every single day! Her and her brother also seem to have a very special bond! Happy Mother's Day!
    xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  23. Love this post and the beautiful photos. Each day is a gift - you're right!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  24. It's got to make you feel pretty good knowing in your heart and seeing with your own eyes that you made the right decision! You've held up fantastically and been so brave through this whole ordeal with K, but you have never hesitated once in putting her first! Kudos! She is one lucky girl! :-)

  25. One of the worst prices we humans have had to pay for our so-called intelligence and awareness is that we tend to forget that the only thing that is real is the here and now. Enjoy yourselves TODAY!

  26. The joy that you have K continue to experience is such a gift! I'm a firm believer in "quality over quantity". I would much rather that my dogs (and mySELF!) live shorter lives filled with joy and love than longer lives filled with sadness and misery. You have truly given K the gift of LIFE!

    I know that your heart has to be breaking but soak up all the joy and gratitude that K is radiating. Perhaps it will help you and R when the time comes. Along with everyone else, I pray that time is a long ways off.

  27. And thankfully, you put the quality of her remaining time above all else, and choose not to go forward with the amputation, allowing K to enjoy this time to the fullest! Way to go!

  28. I am one who is glad you ignored the vets advice keeping her on a leash for the rest of life.
    That would not have been fair to her or you.
    Blessing as always.
    Cinnamon & Linda

  29. Kia ora KB,
    Your words and photos are so heart wrenchingly beautiful, the path you have chosen around this inspires and motivates me to find beauty in my own day and moments. I fully realize I can write no words of real comfort for you or for K, other than kia ora for sharing the experience here with us, so openly and honestly. Kia kaha! Te hei Mauri Ora!
    Aroha and hugs,

  30. And you and K have sent a wonderful reminder to all your readers. I'm going to have to think about this one a bit, and the ways I perhaps am playing it safe and missing out on a fuller life.

  31. Your time with K is always a wonderful reminder to let our dogs dictate their lives when they are sick. If your "sick" dog wants to run and play and enjoy life, then have at it.

    Mango Momma

  32. Reading backwards has its benefits. I hope this attitude will embrace you again during this time of celebrating each other.


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