Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

An update and some wildlife

I don't have time to write the next chapter of our trip today so I thought that I'd tell you about a few odds and ends. First and foremost, although K's health has definitely taken a step in the wrong direction, she's still having fun in life.

She and I take a hike in the woods each morning. Although her limp can be incredibly pronounced around the house, she forgets about when she's outside. She runs around having fun, with barely a hitch in her stride.
Some may disagree with our approach but we've decided to give K the freedom to have fun and do as she likes during our hikes. We realize that there could be bad consequences that could shorten her life. But, we think that it's better to live fewer days with joy than to live more days without the sparkle. I like to think that K agrees.

I do have to admit that I'm sad that I believe that, barring a miracle, our mountain biking days are over. I took this photo on our last ride up to Hug Hill about five days ago.
Ah, what adventures K and I have shared on our mountain bike rides. I am so grateful for every single one.
During the day after that bike ride, it seemed like something "happened" to K's formerly cancerous leg. Our regular vet thinks that it was a microfracture. We'll see what the oncologist thinks tomorrow. I am still holding out hope that K will be able to walk up to Hug Hill at least once again. However, it feels like too far for her right now.

But, I still revel in what we *can* do together. We take our evening hikes, usually with R and the Runner. I shall never cease to love the red hue of K's fur at sunset. I also love the sensitive side of R. In this photo, he gave her a long and searching look. I'm sure that this is a confusing time for him.

On the wildlife front, I captured some hilarious video of bears marking a tiny tree but I'll have to collate it into a presentable form for another day. I find that editing video is SO time-intensive.

Although I hesitate to call them "wildlife", we've been having a mouse issue in our house. I can't bear to kill any living thing so we capture them alive and take them into the meadow for release. I'm sure that some find their way back to our clearing. Here's one right after I released him.
My wildlife cameras have shown me that our bobcat is helping out with the mouse "issue"! Here, he arrived in our clearing, just outside our bedroom window.
One minute later, he departed with a mouse in his mouth. You can see the mouse tail hanging out of his mouth. I guess that the bobcat isn't squeamish about mice like I am!
He must have devoured the mouse in one gulp because he was returning to our clearing within another minute. Go Mr. Bobcat, Go!!!!
As a final note, tomorrow will be a long day with K's oncologist appointment and hours of driving. I'll try to post but please don't worry if I am delayed.

Oh, how I love our K. I think that tomorrow will be a tough one but I'm holding out a glimmer of hope that the oncologist will have a trick or two up her sleeve to keep K comfortable for a bit longer.


  1. I love K's grin in the first couple of pictures! I appreciate (granted, from afar) that you've made the decision to let her live her life, even if it shortens her time with you. That's such a hard thing to have to face.

    We also occasionally have a mouse problem. I envy you your bobcat helper ;)

  2. You completely have our support...why deprive all of you from something K loves?

    Putting her in bubble wrap won't help...so let her snoof the day!

    Paws SO crossed for tomorrow.

    Khyra says HI to the nice khytty!

  3. Ann.. from THE OUTER BANKS OF NC..said....I totally agree ..live your lives to the fullest...taking one day at a time.. will be thinking of all of you tomorrow ...may your day be blessed.... like the sun that lights the sky and may you always have the courage to spread your wings to fly

  4. I understand your decision with K. It makes more sense to me than what I see humans often do in the same situation. I do believe that quality of life is more important than number of days, even though it is so hard for those left behind. What you are doing is putting K's needs above your own.

  5. Paws crossed and lots of prayers

  6. Totally and completely in support of your approach with K - she knows what she can do and if she wants to do it, so be it! R is a great brother. We find Ciara getting closer and closer to Phantom these days, almost as if she is trying to give him comfort. She is probably about as close to giving him what he had with Dakota as any could be.

    Sending more hugs.

  7. That picture of K standing on the stump is stunning! Good luck tomorrow at the vets and like the others I totally support how you are handling this time with K.


  8. I just got home from a trip and am catching up on your recent posts. I think it is wonderful that you are fully enjoying your time with K, she is lucky to have you.

  9. I will hold you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow and I know you will make the best decision for K nomatter how hard it is. You have let her enjoy her days the way she loves, good for you.
    Take care,
    Lucy (Troy, Ohio)

  10. We agree with your approach. We'll be purring and praying for you tomorrow.

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  11. will be sending you positive thoughts from Sandy Eggo...K is living life to the fullest, enjoying her remaining time with you, R & the runner. I don't think it should be any other way.

    The picture of R&K together is beautiful. He is looking at her with such knowing, as if he is aware of what's coming, but he's also sitting up so strong and tall...so he's not sad, but watching over her as a brother should. You can see that in his eyes...

    Murphydog's Mom

  12. Every one of your photos today was just gorgeous! Well, except maybe that mouse picture! :P I'm not the biggest mouse fan, either.

    I'm glad that K is enjoying life and doing the things she loves! You've done a fantastic job managing things for her between keeping her "safe" and letting her live. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

  13. Every one of your photos today was just gorgeous! Well, except maybe that mouse picture! :P I'm not the biggest mouse fan, either.

    I'm glad that K is enjoying life and doing the things she loves! You've done a fantastic job managing things for her between keeping her "safe" and letting her live. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

  14. I love the picture of R standing next to K, looking at her with such understanding. I think Dogs know when changes are happening and they try to handle things as best they can(both dogs!) K looks great in her "standing picture".

    Good luck tomorrow for your family!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  15. I think you are doing the right thing with K. Do what you usually do, she will tell you when it´s not ok. Very beautiful picture of her standing on the tree. R look at her tells a lot.
    We will hope for the best today and can´t wait to her from you.
    Hugs from us!

  16. I think that is a definite look of love from R to K.
    Thinking of you today.
    Take care.
    Eileen and Annie xx

  17. I would do the same as you--No regrets and no looking back! I continue to hope right along with you!!

  18. Live every day to the fullest, K!
    Our paws are crossed for you!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  19. Wow I would and did the same as you quality of life is what is important and you and K certainly share that. Im sure R knows knows that something is wrong with K, Khumbu certainly knew about Bruno, ok so Bruno did have a leg amputated but before that he knew something was not right. Dogs are so intuitive. Good luck to you all, we are keeping paws crossed here that your oncologist can pull that something special out of the bag.

  20. I admire your attitude re enjoying each day to the fullest - we are sure K loves being on hike and bike outings no matter what! Love the pic of her and R! We're praying that your oncologist has some hopeful words - and sending golden vibes for continued strength for you. You are a rock.
    xxx Sam and Avalon

  21. Hi Y'all,

    Dear K deserves every day of fun to do as much as she wants for as long as she wants. You owe it to her to share as much with her as possible. That's my pawed point of view.

    My paws are crossed for good news today.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  22. That picture of the Duo is priceless! I didn't know R could sit still long enough. :) Very sweet.

    You are all in our prayers...

  23. Momma and I are keeping K in our thoughts. I know she values every day she has with you!

  24. Nothing like a walk outside to make those aches and pains disappear !

  25. Sending you more prayers and strength!

    Lily Belle

  26. I really admire how you are embracing each day - and how K is holding up and perks up during her adventures outside. That pic of R and K is amazing - it brought a tear to my eye. Keep us posted as you are able and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  27. Oh let's hear it for tricks up the sleeve and hope there is one left for K! I love that you are still allowing her her freedom and happiness! It is no ones call but yours and I'm glad she still remains happy! Good luck tomorrow! Actually today as I am behind. :)

  28. Quality is better than quantity in this case, my friend. Let that precious girl do what she pleases! And a hitch in your giddy-up should NEVER slow you down. Go K!

    Mamma Heartbeat

  29. What a striking photo of K that last one is... she is just a stunning pup. Paws are crossed you get some good news today... we're thinking of you!

  30. You are very brave to share you feelings and pictures. We think of you often.

    K is just so beautiful and full of spirit. You know how lucky you are to have her.


  31. Absolutely, completely understand and agree with you. Be here now...be somewhere else later. If you could ask K, and she could answer you in a common language, what would she say? I'm sure it would be the great line from Steel Magnolias: I'd rather have thirty minutes of something wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.
    So much we have to learn...
    Walking with you,Jeanne & Bob & Rex

  32. K has carried you this far, and now it is time to carry K. She hasn't stopped enjoying the life you've had, even if it means you rides together are to the end of the driveway.

    Sending you hugs.


  33. What an amazing trooper K is! She seems to be doing wonderfully considering her illness and she is looking gorgeous as ever. Love the second photo down of her. She is just stunning. And the photo of R giving her a loving, concerned look touches my heart. Beautiful! I am sure R is aware of K's condition and trying to understand and process it. It is difficult for all in K's life, I am sure. Good luck at the Vet's and prayers and paws crossed the Vet can help.

    Suka and K

  34. Still can't find words, but wanted you to know we are here. Everyday we are here.

  35. Live life to the fullest is the best. We all got our paws crossed fro you and K.

    We constantly think of you and we're always happy to see the smile on K's photos.

    Paws up from the Piappies!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  36. We agree with you KB, and I know K feels the same way.
    She loves that "sparkle" that she feels in each new day. You can see the joy in her eyes.
    K is telling you so, she says "this is what I want".


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