Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 4, 2012


The news today wasn't good. In fact, I'm not sure that we've had a single oncologist appointment that has involved good news. K's lung tumors are growing fast. Her leg is very swollen and sore but the oncologist isn't sure why. It could be that the bone cancer is stirring again (but it's not obvious on x-ray yet) or it could be tissue damage.

We're taking what the oncologist calls a "shot in the dark" and trying a new drug that has worked to slow tumor growth in some very aggressive cases of other canine cancers. As the oncologist put it, "we have nothing to lose". I hate to admit it but she's right.

Despite K's pain when she walks around the house, she ran like this in the meadow yesterday. She looked almost like a puppy.
She has the strongest and happiest spirit that I can imagine.
I'm letting myself fall apart for today... but tomorrow I'll pick myself up and find the spirit to make the best of the days that remain.


  1. Oh sweet K. The feel of the meadow makes you so happy. Our hearts are breaking.

    Mango Momma

  2. Praying for a miracle. She looks so beautiful. No one would ever guess how sick she is.

  3. I keep pwaying, I keep hoping, but deew K, I know that yoow spiwit is stwong and yoow love of life will let you enjoy evewy moment yoo have

    May all yoow moments be filled wif yoow special joy and love
    Smoochie kisses

  4. Thanks for letting us know before allowing yourself to have that well deserved fall apart moment

    We are here...and we were alongside you today

    Khyra and Phyll

  5. Oh K. I have my paws crossed for you, sweet girl. And KB, as I've said before, Blogville is here for you

  6. So, so, sorry! We are sending hugs from the other side of the hills!


    Mr. Nubbin's Mom!

  7. So sorry to hear this new but we have all paws crossed in Thornton for a better day tomorrow.
    Winston, Chloe, Cecil and Mom Shawn

  8. All our best thoughts and wishes for you both. This is a hard time, I know. ((hugs))

  9. Huge hugs from all of us at Chez Herd. Know that you are in our thoughts. Keep living bright, K!

  10. Lots of hugs to you and K.

    We are keeping you and K in our thoughts and prayers.

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Brutus & Ellie

  11. Beautiful girl! We are standing by you. Sending gentle Rottie kisses to all.

  12. Keeping you both in my thoughts, and sending strength and hugs.

  13. There are no words that seem adequate. Please know we're sending love through the miles.

    MayzieMom and Mayzie

  14. Here's to the shot in the dark doing some good. We are all here for you. But you already know that. Hang in there - there's is always room for hope. Hugs.

  15. Stay strong. K is showing you that she is going to enjoy live fully. What a brave girl she is.

    Please give her a BIG hug from us.

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie, Hailey and Staci

  16. Keeping positive thoughts that the shot in the dark is a good shot.
    Keep the hope alive for just a bit longer and take care:)

  17. We are here for the entire journey feel the strength and support of all of us. Indulge your fears for a bit but NEVER give up. Hope, and love and dignity...and every possibility for a miracle are being sent from the heart of the White Dog Army.

  18. As long as the treatments don't have bad side effects go for it. Boo's cancer diet was a shot in the dark that the vet thought might give him an extra month and it gave him eight months. You never know.

  19. Take a break whenever you need one. This is a lot to go through with a faithful, beloved friend like K.

  20. Thanks for the update....sending good vibes to you K
    Benny & Lily

  21. Many hugs to you and K! I'm sorry the news wasn't what you wanted to hear. It wasn't what any of us wanted to hear! Please know that we're thinking of you and willing to share your burden in any way we can.

  22. Been thinking of you and imagining K's fur glowing in the sunshine...so grateful to see her on your trip, reflecting red...at home in her meadow, eyes reflecting the sunshine...hugs and snuggles to your girl.

  23. keep on fighting K, your always in our prayer specially to your dad, your so lucky to have a human that he really loves you.

    Dog Shock Collar | Human and Puppy Bond

  24. Belly rubs and hugs from cousin Dan and family.

  25. Sweet K is an inspiration. Beautiful and lovely in looks and Spirit. So deeply sorry the news was bad. We are here with you and K, sending much love, wishing K wonderful moments with you and the family as she lives each moment to the fullest.

    Suka and K

  26. Blogland is circling all of you in love.
    We are hoping the new medication makes a miracle of more time.
    If you fall- we will catch you.
    We love you

  27. We love you, KB. This is one of the hardest times for you...be gentle on yourself. (((Hugs))) and prayers surround you.

  28. I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope that the drug helps somewhat. It's times like these when they need the comfort of their pack around them.

  29. Yes, tomorrow will be better. Have a good rest and fight again tomorrow. You have our full support.

  30. K is such a strong, brave, beautiful girl.
    ((((A great big hug for you both))))
    Love from Eileen and Annie xx

  31. Sad to hear that, but we will keep hoping all the best for K. She´s seems so happy and fighting a lot.Hope the new drugs will help her.
    Take a hike today and find som strength all of you, we are thinking of you a lot.
    Hugs from us!

  32. Take as much time as you need to, to fall apart and really feel the broken pieces. I'm a fan of "wallowing" as long as the spirit needs it. You will know when you've had enough and when it's time to be strong again, you'll have it in you, when you need it most.

    Big hugs to K. We love her dearly.

  33. Dear KB so so sorry for your bad news, Poor brave K. Love and at lot of thoughts from DK - EM

  34. WE are thinking of you all, and send loads of gentle licks to K and big hugs to you KB.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

  35. K is so beautiful. (((hugs))) to you, KB and to K.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  36. KB - we ache for you. K does look like a pup in the meadow; glad she is enjoying her outdoors time with such a huge smile...
    Sending so many hugs and prayers that this new medicine will be effective-
    HUGS xxx
    Sam, Avalon and Mom

  37. Sometimes it is just too hard to find the right words...

    We continue to keep you all in our prayers!

    Lily Belle

  38. Oh K, if only we could take you in our arms and give you a hug. Its just not fair. KB, you know you have our love! Love Carol x

  39. It's true. You have had appointment after appointment that have absolutely sucked. But you have also had your beautiful girl seizing each and every day and revelling in life and love. She is the one who is right. Hang in there!

  40. Yes, we humans do need our down time,our moment when we feel like the world is crashing down on us and we have no more to give - take the time you NEED to be there, try to relax and rest, regroup then take a cue from K - follow in her stops, let K be the guide through your time together - she knows what her life means to both of you. Draw on K's strength.

    Praying for both of you - wishing only the best for what time you have. Pray that God will give you the strenth to get through this. Hugs to you both.
    Kim, Shiloh'n Shasta

  41. Let yourself fall apart...we'll be heres to pick you up.
    We is heres furs ya'll and to support you through it all no matters what.
    We loves ya'll and we is sending our bestest vibes.


  42. I'm so sorry to hear this. Hugs to you and K.

  43. Your in our thoughts every step of the way.

  44. We are sending you and K lots of purrs.....that picture says it all though - she has a lot of joy in her spirit!

  45. Holding you and K in our hearts.

    Joan and the Barkalots

  46. Sometimes you just need to fall apart, and that's okay. We're all here to support you. We love you K!

  47. Let yourself fall apart. What you and K are going through is heartbreaking. Take your time. We will be thinking about both of you. It's so wonderful that K is so strong for you. Embrace it.

    24 Paws crossed.

  48. Hi K.B.,

    I think that falling apart when we still have our loved one, human or pawed, to bring us some comfort is God's way of helping us when the time arrives.

    It happened to me with my mother and later with my Dad who spent the last 3 months of his life in ICU against his wishes and mine. Right on top of that, the time came for the decision with our old Chessie...not a good year. Thank Heaven for my husband.

    So, mourn and then submerge yourself in sharing love and enjoyment.

    BrownDog's Human

  49. Sending hugs and prayers from Florida. K is a fighter. I think we can all learn an important lesson from her. Live life to the fullest and enjoy every minute of it.

  50. We our putting out our best purrs for K, and for you.
    The grace with which both of you move through lives, is inspiring.

  51. You are allowed to fall apart and cry your eyes out....now do it and rest!

  52. Dear KB,

    I know that you are terribly busy, treasuring every moment with our much-loved K. I wanted to let you know that I picked your blog for an AWARD. You can pick it up on my blog, if you want, but I'll understand if you don't have time. I wanted to choose you so that more people learn about K's journey and can add her to their prayers. Cuz we all love her too!



  53. We are sending you hugs and love.


  54. We are sending thoughts and prayers your way. Hang in there.

  55. If I wasn't at work, I'd be falling apart a bit myself. Being that I am at work, I'm controlling it but there is still a huge lump in my throat. So hard to grasp that such a beautiful and vibrant dog has something so evil growing inside of her.

    I hope it brings you comfort knowing that you did well by making the decisions that have given her many days of joy running and living life outdoors the way she would choose instead of being miserable watching from the inside. She has had many wonderful days of good sniffs and exploring your mountains.

    I'm sending the biggest virtual ((((((HUG)))))) I can. ♥
    Chester's Mom

    *LOVE that picture of K standing proudly on the rock in your last post

  56. We're right there with you, KB. Thinking the best thoughts for you and K and hoping this new drug does some good.

  57. We are offering more prayers for you and K.

    You got us and the rest of blogville behind you, KB. It may be good to give yourself the time to fall apart and be back stronger for you both.

    Hang in there dear K! We love you lots!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  58. I wish I had words that would help. Just know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Magnificent little friend you have there, with such strong spirit and endurance.

  59. My heart breaks for you. But I am also amazed at your strength and at K's strength. We can definitely learn from our animals.

    Sending tons of hugs and purrs.

  60. Treasure these moments as we also treasure them. We all wish we could share your burden and in a distant way we are.

  61. Sending lots of love and hugs to you & K. Praying hard that this new drug will give you more time to make beautiful memories together.

  62. Thinking of you both, sending our love and prayers to you.

    - Clive & Co

  63. Cry out some of the sorrow so you can keep strong for your girl, KB. Look at that face - she's still full of life.

  64. We are so sorry, and pray the drug works. K loves you. You love K. Love does conquer.

  65. We are late..but sending every positive vibe we can!

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  66. I'm sorry for the bad news. I think we can all learn something from K and her spirit!


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