Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dancing bears and frozen treats

The bears are still dancing, despite the end to mating season! Up on his tippy toes...
All over the forest, I am seeing evidence of bear foraging - ripped up logs, flipped rocks, excavated ant hills - but they're still finding time to dance!
K is enjoying her frozen kong treats. Our walks are quite short now so we're finding other ways to keep the sparkle in her life.
Licking her lips.
Analyzing the best approach to emptying the kong...
K has an amazing spirit that lets her find happiness regardless of the situation. I am treasuring every moment with her.

Right now, she's letting me know that it's time for a little walk... Like I said, her spirit astounds me. Her wish is my command so we are heading out!


  1. You can't beat a frozen Kong. Enjoy your walk. :)

  2. That looks refreshing to me too. Enjoy that walk. The pack wishes they could join you.

  3. K looks so beautiful and content with her kong.
    bears are silly!

  4. K looksso beautiful and peaceful. It melts my heart. Yesterday I saw a very well-behaved lab and I was thinking of K.

    I would like to send you an email. Could you let me know you add one more time? I know you left it in a comment on one of my earlier post.

    I love your blog.

    I'll be back,

  5. K we hope you had a great walk. we enjoyed seeing the dancing bears.

  6. Oh beautiful K, what a light she is....

  7. Sigh...she looks stunningly beautiful. Her eyes have such depth and wisdom-what a amazing soul she is. Give her a huuuuuge kiss for me! And one for her sweet little brother, too, of course :)

  8. Do you have empty marrow bones?

    I make Khyra 'bonesikhles' using them - just mash banana with some yogurt and/or cottage cheese and/or peanut butter - spoon into the empty bones - stand them on a plate and pop into the freezer

    It so makes use of all the empty bones around the house!

    Thanks for reminding us of those 'bear' necessities!

  9. You have really captured such a beautiful side of K in these pictures. (Not that she isn't beautiful ALL of the time...) You can just see the contentment in her eyes.

    We love frozen Kong's too. Especially one's filled with peanut butter. Yummy!

    Lily Belle

  10. I do so love the bears! What a thrill to see them in their own space.

    And lovely K with her iced Kong treat. Living in the now. And like you, treasuring every happy moment.

  11. K makes me smile.

    I send smiles back to you both. :)

  12. There should always be time to dance.
    I hope your walk was filled with joy.

  13. K knows what is important-- the kong and another walk. Your ears are in tune with each other.

  14. I hope you both enjoyed your walk! Bunny would like K to know that if she needs any help with emptying that Kong that she's available. :P

    I wonder if there's more to the bears' dance than just mating season!

  15. Mmmm... frozen kongs! Hugs from SoCal --


  16. Ann...from..THE OUTER BANKS OF NC..said...All is beautiful...even the bears..."The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes and surely it is in the every-day things around us.. that the beauty of life lies" (quote from Laura I. Wilder)....Hope you and K enjoyed your walk....God bless you for sharing the beauty of this day..Hugs

  17. We would treasure every moment too
    Benny & Lily

  18. Frozen Kongs are definitely the way to go! I love seeing dogs enjoy them ^^

    Also, the bear pictures are absolutely fantastic. I've never seen anything like it!

  19. K is so special and using each moment to find happiness. I hope you had a nice walk.
    Loveys Sasha

  20. Again, you share so much with us, and we can share our caring with you,frozen treats, quiet times together,perfect photos of a golden girl. Fond greetings from Jean

  21. I hope you both enjoyed your walk xx

  22. Have fun on your walk, K. Your stuffed kong will be waiting for you when you return!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  23. Have a lovely Sunday with K.
    Best wishes Molly

  24. Oh K! Frozen kong treats! Yum! Sure, short walks are the order of the day, but they are fun too. You get to smell the great outdoors and feel the sun on your fur.


  25. Our woofies are jealous....they want frozen Kong treats! Enjoy your walk!

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  26. Oh that second picture of K with her kong is priceless! That girl knows how to enjoy everything to the fullest!

  27. It looks to me that both the bears and K are teaching us humans a valuable lesson - enjoy the now, savor the small things, and dance even if it is not the time to do so.

  28. The bears are looking so funny when they mark their way. What do you put in the kong?
    Great pictures of K with her treat. Shes looking very good though
    Hugs from Sweden!!

  29. So happy you posted the bear pix. They are so powerful and HUGE.

    K look content with her kong and snuggly sun.

  30. I thought about you while I was out of town when I saw a quote that said to 'remember to take life by the hand and dance.' It fits this post perfectly (I think) and what you and K are doing so beautifully!

  31. Snack, walk, hug, rest when you must, love nonstop. Time together is what is important...but you already know that.

  32. Good morning to you and sweet K and of course R and the runner. Frozen kongs are my boy Indy's favorite treat. Enjoy your kong sweet girl - praying as always.

    Diane and Indy Bones

  33. We have awarded you and K a little award. Pop over and collect it when you can. Wishing you the best.
    Best wishes Molly

  34. Yummy....thanks mom! K looks stunning!
    ♥hugs to you♥

  35. So beautiful. I love the thought of dancing bears and I love the sweet time of enjoying a kong treat. Lilly likes to drop hers down the stairs - this way everything comes out quickly. ;)

    Enjoy every second with sweet K. Sending see beautiful thoughts your way.


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