Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 13, 2012

See Beautiful

Since it's been such an emotionally hard week, I thought that picking out photos of the beautiful things in my life would be good for my spirits. This post is inspired by See Beautiful.

During a walk, K and I saw a hummingbird hovering while drinking from an Indian Paintbrush flower.
This week, we saw rain, a rare and beautiful sight, here in our parched and fire-prone part of the world. It had drenched some Fairy Trumpet flowers that K and I saw during a walk. I first noticed these small gems on the day that my beloved dog, Acadia, died almost 9 years ago so I've always associated them with her.
Our world has been full of fluttering butterflies, more butterflies than I've ever seen in our world. Enchanted...
My trail camera caught a glimpse of the first fawn of the year. Mom looked at the camera suspiciously while the fawn sniffed the base of a bear-marking tree.
Nearby, a muscular predator walked through the night. I think that mountain lions are beautiful, and I'm so happy that we humans have learned to coexist with them.

Most of my attention this week has been on K as the ending to her journey feels closer. I captured her beauty one evening.
I also remembered a sight from when we camped in a glorious spot in the San Juan Mountains last summer. We've been so lucky to share so much mountain beauty and love with K.


  1. Every photo , beautiful. The spirit and emotions behind each one overwhelmingly beautiful.

  2. They were all such beautiful pictures. Each brings peace to my heart, especially the sweet look in K's eyes.

  3. Hi Y'all,

    I can tell you how beautiful all of the photos are, but I especially love the hummingbird. Perhaps it is because I know how difficult they are to photograph.

    K has one of the most expressive faces I've ever seen on a dog.

    BrownDog's Human

  4. Hummers are one of my very fav's! I love the way that they just float in the air. A timeless beauty.

    IF... we could only stop the hands of time...

    Lily Belle

  5. Thanks for sharing all this beauty with us. I love See Beautiful. I always find something uplifting on that site.

  6. There truly is Beauty all around you! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  7. I, and I am sure all your blog friends, see the beauty in each photo, every look in K's beautiful face, R standing tall, and beauty in your words . We all need to look for the beauty that is there, and thank you so much for showing and sharing with us your days. Fond greetings from Jean

  8. Just simply "beautiful". Hugs to you and K from all of us here.

  9. Incredibly beautiful and heartfelt
    Nola's Mom

  10. Looking for beauty...that's what we all need to do. And it is all around us even when we forget to look. Thanks for reminding us with your gorgeous photographs and outlook.

  11. It is fitting that you and K, who display such a beautiful friendship day in and day out, live in such a beautiful place where the pureness of nature shows itself again and again.

    My heart aches for you, KB, knowing how the events of the past week have affected you. But then I see a picture of your beautiful girl basking in the red sunset and it eases me just a little bit.

  12. We lost my heart dog Kasey in 2010 to lymphoma. My heart goes out to you. continue to make the most of every day. Chemo bought us 6 precious extra months. I still cry for him. I'm in tears for you. Check out the book by J. Katz "Going Home". Lots of comfort there.

  13. Thanks for sharing such beautiful moments of your life.


  14. Ann...from..THE OUTER BANKS OF NC..said...What beautiful pictures put into words..the lovely reflection of K... makes my heart dance ..what a sweet face she has..and the beautiful footprints of friendship that she shows each day....Blessings my friend...we all love you....BIG HUGS

  15. Beautiful pictures! They're a reflection of K's and your beautiful spirit. You are both in my heart. Much love from SoCal --


  16. Thank you for sharing those pictures. K makes me feel peaceful, what a beauty.

    Anne and Sasha

  17. simply beautiful. It is all around us if we just look...

  18. Of all the people I know, you are the one with the greatest gift for seeing beauty! There's a certain beauty in sadness, even, and in the grace that comes near the end of life, which I think you have captured amazingly. I am glad that you are still able to see K's beauty, and the other beauty around you, and share it with us!

  19. It so hard to imagine that you are capturing these beautiful photos!
    Everyone of them are so exquisite!
    And the look on K's face- so mesmerized by the world that you all share. The look of love is in her eyes.

  20. All the best. Love EM in Dk

  21. Your pictures are always so beautiful, especially the ones of you, K.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  22. You are a natural photographer , your pictures are stunning. Have a lovely weekend and we hope K is doing well.
    Best wishes Molly

  23. Sadly, all of our journeys end one day -

    SO we need to remind ourselves to have fun whilst we can -

    And be who we must that's a part of the plan -

    One day we all will understand -

    Yes, a Dan Fogelberg earworm for the day!

    Great pictures!

    And greater smiles!

  24. Gorgeous photos! And thanks for the link to See Beautiful. I need some help in that area...

  25. So beautiful!!! You capture K's beauty always...she's just that special.
    ♥hugs for you♥

  26. What lovely pictures you do, you are very talented.
    K is looking great, you cant understand that she´s sick. How qute the fawn is and that mummy deer is lookig right in the camera..
    Hugs from us!

  27. Hi..We're having company the entire month of July and I've been unable to get to my computer (it's in a guest bedroom). I have been checking on you guys every couple of days from my laptop (which I have trouble trying to type on). Glad you finally got some much needed rain. Benji is also slowing down a bit. Of course he has his extremely old age against him also. He still loves to eat but the cancer is making him weaker over the past couple of weeks. It's so hard and I know just how you're feeling right now. We both have to cherish each and every day we have with K and Benji. My prayers still go out to you, K, and your family.


  28. Wow you saw lots of beautiful things on your walk, but we thinks K is the most beautiful of all.

  29. Thank you for the wonderful images. K does top them all! Beautiful K accept the hugs and positive vibes we send your way.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  30. This is a beautiful post! How lucky you've been to share your life with such a wonderful spirit like K. :)

  31. We are so incredibly honored you joined us on the See Beautiful blog hop. You're seeing so much beautiful that you've captured through the lens on the camera and we're thrilled to be a new follower to we can return often to be inspired. K is just beautiful!

    Happy seeing beautiful!


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