Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dark clouds

I cannot lie - this has been a hard day, so far.

K and I headed out for our morning hike, and I immediately noticed that she didn't feel good. She stayed right on my heels at first as we walked through the drenched forest.
Then, about 100 yards into the walk, she stopped and sat behind me. Her message reached me loud and clear... she didn't want to hike through our beloved forest. For K, that's serious. I let her rest, and then I checked whether she was interested in walking. No, she didn't want to walk. I cannot lie - I wept.
I took K home, hoping that maybe, just maybe, she's just tired from playing with our nephews yesterday. In the photo below, one of them put the Duo through their paces. Everyone seemed to be having fun.
After our aborted hike this morning, K stayed home to snooze with the boys, and I headed out on a bike ride with a heavy heart. I spent the beginning of the ride trying to convince myself that it was just a bad day and K would rebound. Only time will tell if she will climb to Hug Hill again, like she did so easily yesterday.
My mountain bike ride was rough... My spine hurt, my tooth hurt, my knee hurt, and my heart hurt. The world was gloomy due to dark clouds hovering over it. I rode through big piles of hail left behind by last night's storms. It's hard to tell from a photo but this pile of hail was about 3" deep.
I only felt worse the further I rode, counter to the usual soothing effect of bike riding for me. So, I turned toward home just as the clouds truly enveloped the forest. Never has a nature scene reflected my mood so perfectly.
K is still snoozing, hopefully rebounding for a better day tomorrow.


  1. Yes, let's sleep on it -

    Thanks for sharing the beauty of the day albeit with the sadness associated with life and reality -

    Hugz from PA AND Khamp Khyra!

  2. It's breaking my heart just reading this tonight! We're praying it's only temporary and that tomorrow will be another blessed day with K.

    Lily Belle

  3. Hi Y'all,

    Our hearts are heavy with yours. Our prayers are hopeful and we prayer for support and strength for you and K and your pawed and footed family.

    BrownDog's Human

  4. Ah, sweet K. Rest easy. Come back if you can.

    We worry with you, and grieve with you.

  5. (((Hugs))) I know it's a hard day! It would be for me, too. I am hoping for a better day tomorrow, too! Maybe the rainy weather made walking/breathing tougher than usual.

  6. We share and care right by your side,I cannot find any more words for today. From Jean.

  7. Thinking of you all, sending our love, hugs, purrs & wags.

    Mom Nora, the Carolina Cats and Callie the Pup

  8. I agree with the others--These 'bad days' come, but continue to have hope, rest and I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a better day for you both!!

  9. You said, the other day, that you thought it must be hard to read your blog these days...........it IS, KB, but your words, so full of grace and love and bravery , give us all a gift that words cannot express ~
    Gentle hugs to dear K

  10. I second bibi, I know it is hard for you, it is hard for me to read, many tears, yet you have brought us this far with strength and dignity. K is your guide now. We are her followers.

    Much love
    Bert and My Vickie

  11. K is so good at teaching us how to handle disability with grace. Hugs to you all -- our thoughts and prayers are with you.


  12. Bibi has put into words what I too feel but could not have expressed so well. I also send gentle hugs to K and my thoughts and prayers are with you, the Runner and R. Heather

  13. K knows, just listen to her. Tomorrow may be fine, the kids may have worn her out, but she will tell you tomorrow.

    Prayers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  14. So hard to go from such a good day yesterday to such a difficult start the next. I hope things are better after K has rested and that some of your internal and external pain subsides.

  15. I bet she's just worn out from playing with the boys. A good sleep will make everyone feel better!

  16. I can only imagine how difficult today was for you and for K. I do so hope for a better day tomorrow. Take care, good blogger buddy and try to get some rest.

  17. It's breaking my heart right along with yours. I hope to god she bounces back, as she keeps doing
    Nola's Mom

  18. I'm so sorry you and K had such a difficult day. It sounds like she knew exactly what she needed to do: snooze with the boys. In spite of all that, you managed to capture the most stunning photos of the water droplets on the leaves--nature's reflection of your tears. The photo of the duo watching your nephew intently for a cue is priceless! May tomorrow bring you joy, not pain. Thinking of you all.

    Sue T. in AZ

  19. Ann...from..THE OUTER BANKS OF NC...said..I think with all the excitement and playing with the boys..I agree..it might of tired K out..(and maybe R too)she wanted to go but decided she better stay home and rest...she probably knew you weren't feeling good either and the way the weather looked neither one of you needed to go out....you both are good teachers...by the way ..and it might sound funny when I got up this morning.. this song was on my mind""LOVE ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART"I thought of you and K-(your special moments and the bond that you have with each other)so I looked it up to find out who sang this song(THE RAY CHARLES SINGERS)..believe me.. beautiful song so soothing and the words are meaningful(I sang it all day)it may sound a little crazy but its like you want to fly while listening to it...that's it..I have talked too much again.. hope tomorrow brings peace and harmony and the weather is much better..Hugs and Happy Trails

  20. Sometimes we all need to be quiet. Maybe that is how K feels right now.
    The drops of rain- say so very much- "let it be"

  21. I do hope that tomorrow is better!

  22. I am sending strength and love and compassion and more love on this difficult night for all of you. Hopefully the insanity of the monsoons is simply making sweet K feel this way. I can't believe she hiked Hug Hill yesterday and feels this badly today? This just can't be right...it must be the weather and a bit too much excitement with the boys?

    Thinking of you so much and sending all of our love and hoping very much for a much better update tomorrow!
    all of us at DVR

  23. K has been so strong and resilient, she'll dictate and direct the path. Snuggle in to her and breathe deep.

  24. Hoping K was just tuckerd from playing with the boys. Listen to her she will let you now what to do. You are often in my thoughts and always in my prayers, always.

  25. Just sending a big, heartfelt hug from Washington State to your whole family. Let's hope tomorrow is a better day.

  26. Ann...from..THE OUTER BANKS OF NC..said....LOVE is Patient and LOVE is Kind..I know you love K with all of your heart..may those dark clouds be gone tomorrow....Hugs and bunches of Hugs...

  27. The pic of the duo with your nephew gives me huge warm fuzzies; they're so focused on him! Good dogs!

    (((((HUGS))))) to all of you and here's to a good night's rest for all of you as well.

  28. Thinking of you all.
    Best wishes Molly

  29. Great photography, lately we experienced rain in our city, but were glad that we have a great weather today, and I hope you too K Enjoy your daily adventure with your Mom :D

    Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond

  30. My heart is aching for you. I hope it was just a bad day. You are both in my prayers.

  31. Great pictures! Like that one with the misty forrest. The leavs are fantastic. K needed a days rest you see, tomorrow she will go with you. We think of you and sending a lots of hugs.

  32. We hope that today is a better day for you and K, KB.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  33. K's heart is so big. It must have made her sad too to tell you that it just wasn't a good day for a walk.

    Mango Momma

  34. We are crossing all paws and thinking of both of you.

    That first shot of the leaf with all the raindrops is utterly beautiful.

  35. My heart hurts after reading this post. I know it must have been not only hard for you to deal with K's lack of want for a walk in the woods, but it also must have been hard for you to report it back here, to us. Hoping she rebounds today.

  36. hugs and purrs for more happy tomorrows.....mom's heart hurts for you.

  37. Sending wishes for today to be a better day for all. Hugs.

  38. Our hearts are heavy for you. We are so sorry.

    (((K and KB)))

  39. What can I say that hasn't been said already? Take your cues from K - she is your guide thru these waters. All I can do from here is pray and send love from Indy and I.

  40. I wonder if some of your pain is triggered by your worry for K. I hope you're not having more back problems; that's the last thing you OR K need right now.

    Those leaf shots are magnificent, and proof you'll do just fine until a macro lens makes its way into your home.


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