Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 7, 2012


We've had more than 2" of rain in the past 36 hours. Woo hoo!
I slept late because that nasty tooth is still making me feel bad. But, the air was still below 60 degrees when K and I started our hike this morning, making K more playful than she's been in a while. During our rests, I was focused on the wildflowers that perked up overnight from more rain in the past two days than in all of June combined!

K watched over me while I photographed the gems.
A bumblebee waved to all of us from atop a flower on Hug Hill.
I hope that you're all enjoying your weekends, be they sunny or rainy! Yay for rain and for more on the way. Look at the clouds behind K!


  1. Yay! Rain! We could use some; we've gotten a trace in the last couple of days but predicted storms haven't materialized. Mountain weather is tricky stuff. Once you've had enough, send it north, would you?

    K isn't the only one who perks up when it's cooler, so do I. She looks great up there. Many hugs to you both.

  2. Hi Y'all!

    So glad K still feels up to watching over you.

    Wonderful news y'all had 2 inches of rain! Woo hoo is right!

    Had to laugh, since Hawk's blog today was a bumble bee, but it didn't wave, and wet flowers, though they weren't wild.

    BrownDog's Human

  3. A waving Bumble Bee? That is so funny! Did you high five him back? ;-)


  4. Check out that buumble bee, gosh, that is a priceless picture as are so many of yours. K's coat looks so beautiful in that last picture. All the shiney healthy look of it.
    So glad you are getting rain, and if you feel like you are getting too much (ha ha) do send some our way.

    bert and my vickie

  5. Bring on the rain! What wonderful news to hear. I hope that it helps with the fires.

    Mango Momma

  6. Absolutely fantastic photographs. Amazing how some much-needed rain can perk up the flowers along with every thing else.

  7. I'm glad that your day has been another enjoyable one, except for the toothache--I hope it feels better!

    I wish you could send some of that cool air to us here in the mid-Atlantic, temps over 100 today.....

  8. I just got wet from a thunderstorm. It was sunshine on the front yard and pouring rain on the back yard. I hope that tooth pain goes away soon.

  9. The rain is so welcome, hope it is enough, and K will enjoy the cooler days.Flower pics are stunning!! Cheers from Jean.

  10. Yay for rain! I love that first picture

  11. I am sure the day will come when I am pleading for the rain to stop so I don't have so much mud, but right about now, I would love for the skies to open and pour down. We walked tonight in 102 degrees and I think I felt FOUR drops as we headed up the street, and then nothing.

    K looks good, bless her heart. And your photos are so beautiful.

    Hope you will be feeling a lot better soon.

  12. After our last week of 95 degree days, we have had some wonderful weather come to us. From 75 during the day and 50s at night. Tonight is gonna be 65 and it was 85 today. Very nicely done, Mom Nature, now take it everywhere!

    Hope the toofie is better and K is looking very good.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  13. Love that rain! We got some too today along with big boomers. We didn't like the loud noises. Our flowers perked right up also. Our 2 baby deer came out of hiding today and they are beautiful. Mother Nature can be truly amazing at times.

    Lily Belle

  14. beautiful.....rain sounds soooo nice. The oppressive heat just left this afternoon after many days of >100.....it is a drought here...haven't mowed in ages, the only things growing are the weeds....so nice to have the windows open!
    K looks great...hope you're feeling better soon!

  15. Oh, send that rain here, please! We need it in the worst way. I love that you were able to catch the bee waving! That has to be one of my favorite non K or R pictures of yours!

  16. Ann...from ..THE OUTER BANKS OF NC....said....hearing raindrops makes it good for sleeping ..and a good time to relax and reflect..its like rain is a cleansing in our souls..and nature loves it..K looks wonderful and with the weather change..I bet it makes her feel better too...it does it for me ..we are all so blessed to have so many pretty flowers... they fill our hearts with love(so beautiful and complete) I am just speechless some-times..Before I go-I have two words (THANK YOU) for being YOU. you are an inspiration for all of us..Hope you feel better tomorrow..Have a blessed Sunday..Hugs (for K and R)

  17. It makes me smile to see K out hiking and enjoying the cool, wet weather! She never ceases to amaze! Absolutely fantastic shot of the bumblebee! As always, thanks for sharing these beautiful images. I hope your dental pain will be resolved soon.

  18. Hurra - rain in Colorado!! Sorry for your tooth ace. Love EM in DK

  19. Your flower shots are just beautiful!
    We hope your tooth feels better today.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  20. Great! You need rain...we have rain here too today until now over 3" and its still raining....
    Hope you feel better today...K looks good ...

  21. Yippppeeeeee for rain on your dry, thirsty land! And I'm spinnin' in circles that you and K were up to taking one of your favorite hikes up to Hug Hill!

    Happy trails!
    Chester ;0=)

  22. We're glad K enjoyed her hike in the cooler temps. Enjoy your rain!!

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  23. I love rain, I find the sound of it comforting. Not to mention all the plant life that depends on it. Enjoy the cooler temps and sorry that darn tooth is bothering you.

  24. SEE...I told my guys that my RAIN DANCE would work...SMILES!!

  25. How great that you got rain! We sure could use some here. :)

  26. I can smell the rain in your world!
    The photos are so gorgeous and the bee- oh my gosh!
    We hope your tooth is better!

  27. All for more raindances and more rain... It was so good to know our forests are being saturated! You certainly found a goldmine of wildflowers!


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