Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 2, 2012


We were out hiking fairly early this morning, and we made it up to Hug Hill. K loves to stand with her paws on a stump atop the hill.
A couple of weeks ago, I thought that we'd made our last hike to the top. Then, K rebounded and we climbed to the top of the hill again. On that hike, I started adding a small pebble to the crevices in the top of the stump each time we made it to the peak together. You can see them in the lower left of of the photo below.
You can see that we've made it to the top quite a few times after I believed that we'd done our last Hug Hill hike.

K has been able to climb Hug Hill easily in recent days despite the endless heat and the smoke. Another lesson learned - don't ever give up when there's still a wisp of hope.
I'm not feeling very well today, and I'm loopy from pain medicines so I'm signing off, hoping for a better tomorrow. I'll use K as my inspiration.


  1. She truly is an inspiration to so many of us. We hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Hugs.

  2. K will know how you are feeling, take comfort from her by your side.The pebbles tell a story all on their own. Cheers from Jean

  3. Maybe you did too much pounding on the bird houses, d'ya think?

    K is looking so good. She must just amaze your vet.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat who would love to trap a squirrel!

  4. She inspires us all. Feel better soon!

  5. Hope tomorrow brings you relief from your pain. Remember... Never give up the ship!

    Lily Belle

  6. I love it when the universe surprises you with unexpected gifts! I hope you're making a pretty mosaic in the top of that tree stump. :)

    I also hope you're feeling better soon! I can understand that pretty well!

  7. Take care of yourself, good blogger buddy. I'm so sorry you have been having more pain.

    Couldn't help smiling at your own beady-eyed little devils.

  8. I love to stone idea. I hope you are feeling better tomorrow, I know that K makes another trip to the doctor (I think I have that right). Prayers for both of you.

  9. Been catching up and so glad to hear K is doing better. I love the pebbles on the stump. :) It is always darkest before the dawn.

    Hope you feel better and are keeping safe.

  10. Love K has energy and the will to keep going on. Another great day
    Benny & Lily

  11. We hope you get some rest and feel better tomorrow too.
    K is an inspiration to all of us,,,, K thinks of all the living she wants to do- one day at a time, one moment.

  12. We use you BOTH as an inspiration. Be at peace and be well.

  13. I certainly is an inspiration! I can't believe how many pebbles are in that stump! Feel better soon. :)

  14. Okay, that's supposed to say "K" not "I". :)

  15. Just got our power back and we hastened to check and see how you are doing. Glad to see and hear you are all still there. Hope your pain has receded, KB, and you and K are enjoying your usual haunts.

    Jed & Abby

  16. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you KB, and I hope K's visit to her vet goes well. Thinking about you both.

  17. Looking good K. Have a happy Tuesday!
    Best wishes Molly

  18. We hope that many more pebbles will be added to the crevice in that stump! We hope you feel better soon, KB!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  19. See, dats proof dat K is full of surprises...hehehe. I gotts say dat is a cool idea bouts da pebbles...but, I hope dat stump is big enoughs fur more pebbles.
    I hopes you feels betters soon cuz pain just sucks.


  20. feel better.....love the pebbles in the stump....one day this will give you peace....
    hugs to K.

  21. Listen...you take care of yourself because K would want you to...and...R and The Runner want you well!

  22. I've been trying to take the girls for a walk in the morning too. It's been 76 degrees at 6:00 AM so there's not much time before it hits the 80s and then upper 90s. This is really not my kind of weather.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  23. What an interesting tracking device ;-)

    Here's to you feeling better!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. The first picture is wonderful. Im glad that K can go upp the Hill with you. She seems to be happy to go up there.
    I hope the medicin is doing her good.

  26. KB, Sending healing thoughts to both you and K. I'm sorry you are in pain but thankful you had a good hike with K. Thankful too that the fire didn't come to near you.
    Hugs, Noreen & HUnter


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