Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Life is Short, Play with your Dog

"We're out of options" were the words that stabbed my heart today. The cancer in K's lungs has continued to grow fast, despite exhausting every reasonable option to slow it.
It's time to prepare to accept the ending peacefully. We don't know when it will come. According to the oncologist, K is functioning astoundingly well given the condition of her lungs. I hope that her incredible strength lets us have more fun days together. She's the definition of an "indomitable spirit".
On our drive home, we saw a bumper sticker that sums up our attitude: "Life is short - Play with your dog".


  1. We've just gotten our power restored after 4 days, and I just signed on and saw your post--You and K continue to inspire me with your determination and courage that I know will continue to carry you through the days ahead that I also hope will there will be many of!

    PS: I like the bumpter sticker!! On my way back from Kentucky yesterday, I saw a bumper sticker that said 'If you're lucky enough to have a dog in your life, you're lucky enough!' I think that sums it up too!

  2. My MOM has a t-shirt with those very words. They are words to live by. And I know you two will live them to the fullest. When I say you are in our prayers it is not just a flipped thing to say. They are deeply meant.

  3. BIG hugs to all of you!

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  4. This evening, as I'm playing with my dogs, we'll send smiles and hugs to you and K.

  5. You both continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We are sorry the news wasn't more encouraging. Hugs and more hugs.

  6. Once again, We can not find the words that are in our heart.

    With Love
    Bert adn My Vickie

  7. I've only just found your blog and have know as you have that K's days are numbered. But this post brought tears. Go, play with K while you still can. We'll be here when you get back. ((Hugs))

  8. I don't often comment but I am here reading. I think that you and K have given each other tremendous gifts. Many hugs to you. xoxoxo

  9. Many hugs and crossed paws.
    Nola and family

  10. That bumper sticker sums life up perfectly. My heart is breaking for you. Enjoy every moment with your girl.

  11. Yes, surely a sign -

    Once again, please know all of us are here -

    And thankful you share K with us -

    She's teaching more lessons than any of us can truly concept -

  12. life for a dog is much too short.....play hard, as you always have....such a shit deal...thinking of you...

  13. Know that you all are in my thoughts & prayers as you take the saying to heart..."Life is short-Play with your dog". Enjoy your K and soak up more memories and wonderful pictures!
    Take care,
    Lucy (silent MOD, Troy, Ohio)

  14. We are so very sorry. We think of you and K often. Purrs of healing and comfort.

  15. While I have always played with my dogs, I have been especially keen about loving them since K's diagnosis. What an indomitable spirit indeed. It's a good thing K cannot understand the findings...she just keeps her spirit going.

    I've had tears in my eyes reading several of your posts, but this one brings the most pain of all. My heart goes out to all of you in the pack.

  16. The bumper sticker had great words of wisdom.
    We are hoping there are many more good days for all of you to share with our K.

  17. I'm so sorry today's news was bad. It truly underscores what a strong, determined, amazing being K is. But, the same could be said about you, KB. Those pebbles in the stump in yesterday's post say it all. My thoughts are with you and K, and I know you will make the most of your remaining time together. Lots of hugs to you,

    Sue T. in AZ

  18. We will continue to hope for a change, but in the meantime, we appreciate your reminder. Play and love hard and often.

  19. Both you & K are incredible examples for all of us...live life to its fullest, every single day.

    will be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers that she continues to defy the odds. She'll tell you when she's ready, and as close as the two of you are we have no doubt that you will hear her.

    Murphydog's Mom

  20. I'm sorry the words weren't different! I think that you have definitely lived that motto to the fullest. I don't know of any dog who has lived better or played better than K has. Please know that we're thinking of you! I know that hearing the words is tough. (((hugs)))

  21. So sorry to hear about your bad news. Life is short and that is the best bumper sticker...EVER!

    Wyatt's Mom

  22. I am thrilled that K has soldiered on as long as she has, bravely, with fun in her heart and you at her side.

    Those first words caused me to gasp, and yet we have all been right here with both of you knowing what was coming. My prayers continue.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  23. We are so sorry to hear the news you never want to hear
    Love you K
    Benny & Lily

  24. Live every day with love in your heart, where K will always be.Sending many many thoughts of caring and comfort,enjoy each day as it unfolds, whatever it brings, from Jean in NZ

  25. Ann...from THE OUTER BANKS OF NC...said .....Sorry to hear this....well KB ..here is what I think.. K is and always will be a remarkable and a beautiful blessing in all our lives and we have learned so much from her....for every moment is precious and full of blessings..don't let too much sadness take control...life is not measured by the number of breaths we take..but by the moments that take our breath away....For some reason ( my motto is always "think positive").... gather all your courage..> run with purpose in every step >.....for every day is a new day...and as they say... LOVE is a four legged word..my prayers are always with you..HAPPY 4th .. Hugs..

  26. It's obvious to me that as you said before, K - she does not care or understand what the vet is saying. Go with what that bumper sticker says - Life is short, play with your dog - that is what is most important. But my heart is breaking for you - it is so hard to hear what the vet says - sometimes I wish we humans were more like our dogs; seeing those pictures of K - I have to wonder what would she be thinking if she did understand - would she scoff and laugh at the vet? Would she say, "AH, that is what you say but I don't feel it - life is good for me now"

    I am sending prayers and healing thoughts to you and K.

  27. If courage is grace under pressure, then you, KB, have tons of it. And K is grace and courage and equanimity personified. You are both in our thoughts, and we send love from California --


  28. Too short, no matter how long we have with them. Sending hugs your way.

  29. I rarely comment but wanted to say I so admire the grace that both you and K have shown through this journey. I hope your next phase continues to be filled with love and wish you strength in the time ahead.

  30. Enjoy every moment with her. Give her a big hug from me xx

  31. Hugs to you and family.

    Maxx and mommy

  32. Every extra day is a blessing and we are so sad to hear your news. Much love winging it's way. Wishing you and yours a Happy 4th of July.
    Best wishes Molly

  33. Wee is so sorri dats da news wos nots good, BUTT K is such a speshul girl her will continue to makes da most ovs evry day wivs yoo. Dats da fing abouts us dogs wee lives in da now and wee dont doo tomorrows. Wot is here n now is wot is important to us so K's here n now wivs yoo is wot matters most to her. So lives in da now wivs yor pawesome amazin girl, be guided by hers as to wot her wants to do wivs yoo. Share her quite times n revels in da hikes, da sunrises, da sunsets n all da pawfectly wondyfuls moments da K shares wivs yoo.

    Wee knows yoo has da big sadness insides yoo n wee is all here fur yoo . Wee is keepin yoo in our prayers to Sirius.

    Uji, Izzy, Ziggy & Momma Tea

  34. We're sending you lots of hugs, KB.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  35. We are thinking of you and K, and sending you our love.

  36. That bumper sticker is right. All of us, every day, are faced with disappointment, heartache, pain, small or large and ultimately, there is only one thing to do: revel in the good.

    Hang in there, both of you.

  37. NOT the words we all wanted to hear.

    Keep up with the positive attitude. At the end of the day, all that matters is that you loved and loved hard!

    Our prayers continue.....

    Lily Belle

  38. Sorry to hear the news, but enjoy the time you still have.

  39. we wish the report had been better - but it is about the quality of your days....and she has been proving that her will to live and enjoy life is neverending.

  40. We are keeping you and K close to our hearts.

  41. She is such a beautiful dog. Enjoy each day as much as possible. I agree, life is short and playing with our best buddies is a great way to spend the day. Our dogs had their annual check up yesterday and we found out our oldest, 9 1/2 years, has a heart murmur, we will be playing with him more often. Thank you for your words of wisdom. Give K a hug!

  42. Hugs to K and KB

  43. Hugs to K and KB

  44. You have lived life to the fullest with K, enjoy every moment.

    Thinking of you and K.

  45. Grreat big hugs to you and gentle kisses to Miss K. I admire both of you so much!

  46. My thoughts and prayers are with you and K. Such wise words on that bumper sticker.

  47. We are so sorry to hear this. You and K are in our thoughts!
    ~Milly, Shelby and Maggie (the Mom)

  48. I'm so sorry for the bad prognosis, I know how much you love K and how much she loves you. There are no words I can say to help you but know the both of you are in my heart and my thoughts. We will be here when you need us.

  49. I knew this post would come one day. Nevertheless it left me with tears. This coming saturday it will be 3 years that we had to say goodbye to our Josy. After just two days of sickness. No time to really say goodbye.
    Make the best of her last days as many or few there will be. Is there the possibility of the vet coming out to your place and go for a last hike with the two of you? K would be happy to her last second...

  50. I've got the same message on my e-mail signature at work. A dog's life is but a breath in our life - why miss out on those precious moments? Give K a hug from all of us, and tell her she has a community of people that love her and her people. ...and we are sending hugs to you too.


  51. How little time we have with our dog, children, with this season of our life -- we forget this all the time. Until we are reminded. It's good to do whatever we can to keep the thought forefront in our hearts.

  52. Oh sweetie. My heart aches for you. With you. You have been nothing short of perfect for K, as her family, friend and protector. I don't know what to say. Much love to you and K.

  53. Hi Y'all,

    Sometimes it seems cancer is overwhelming everyone and every dog we know. Y'all continue in my prayers.

    BrownDog's Human

  54. We sneaked in an extra trip outside before hiding out from the fireworks today. That extra lap of zoomies with the avocado...that was for you K.

    Hugs to all of you.

  55. What a perfect and perfectly timed bumper sticker. We should all have one of those.

    More hugs coming your way...

  56. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I know it's so hard for you. K is strong, it's amazing how well she's done and that's because of your love and care. Thinking of you all.

  57. I'm so sorry to hear this news....even though I did expect to hear it at some point, nevertheless it still stings to read it in print.

    I don't think that bumper sticker was seen by accident, and I hope you consider it a message from God that you needed to hear after the vet's painful words.

    We think of you and K everyday and know that you are riding an emotional roller coaster. We are with you on this ride, and if we could, we'd be beside you to hold your hand and paw.

    Chester & Mom ♥

  58. I know how hard it is. My Goldie Girl is starting to slow down at the age of 9 and I am scared for her and us. K is in my thoughts and prayers.


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