Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 20, 2012

A New Soul

Happy news. Our new family member will be a 9-month-old chocolate lab who is sweet, very sensitive, and people-oriented. She'll be arriving next week. The Runner commented that my face broke into its first genuine smile since K's death when we made this decision.

I believe that she is the kind of soul who I'll be able to form a deep bond with, the kind that K taught me all about. A few sentences written by the owner of our new pup's sister ("Rush") made the decision. Our pup is much like Rush in terms of personality. So, when I read the owner's words, K's spirit told me - this is the "one".

Rush's owner wrote (FYI, "Lottie and Rip" are our pup's parents too):
"Rush (my girl) is my life, I love her more than words can express. When she looks at me I can't imagine how I could love anything more than I do her, when she moves, I move. I have never had a bond with a dog the way I am with her, she sees nothing else. Lottie and Rip pups do that, they make you feel like you are their entire world and that nothing else matters to them but you.

I know that the thought of missing out on the cute stage in life is scary, but I can tell you that one glance from Rush warms my heart enough for an entire lifetime.

That last phrase about "one glance" is something that I could have written about K. The instant that I read it, I knew. This pup is right for me.
This decision has come with a roil of emotions. I am happy to have such a sweet spirit to look forward to nurturing and loving. At the same time, it makes K's loss even more real. I never, in a million years, would have imagined that K would be gone before she turned 9 years old. I never would have imagined that last year's birthday celebration would be K's last. So, I am riding waves of emotions - a wild mix of hopefulness about our new pup and grief about K. Regardless, I know that this pup will help me heal, and I feel certain that K approves of anything that will help me be happy. After all, K loved nothing more than to make me smile and laugh.

Almost a year ago, on her birthday, K and I climbed a mountain in celebration. She beamed at me, giving me one of those glances that "warmed my heart enough for an entire lifetime".
Thank you, K, for teaching me so much about love. Our new pup will thank you a million times over for all that you taught me. Please keep watching over us.


  1. Happy, happy news. Congrats. Tic-toc ... savor the anticipation as much as you can.

  2. We're smiling with you! Happy news and congratulations!
    Nola and crew

  3. Your heart has spoken and so has K's spirit.

  4. Absolutely wonderful!

  5. We hope you can see all the happy smiles headed your way from OP:)

    All the very best to you and your new girl!!! We can't wait to meet her.

  6. Hi KB,

    Hawk was 14 months when I picked him up.

    Before him was Candy, a dark brown Chessie female, 9 months old when my husband brought her home, in heat, from the shelter. Since she wasn't spayed they showed him her papers that her owner had surrendered with her, but would not allow us to have them. You wouldn't believe how perfect she was. I had just lost my 16 yr old Flat Coat and thought no dog could ever, ever replace him. After she passed it was 2 years before we found Hawk.

    Candy was the first dog we had that wasn't a pup and I was surprised at how quickly we bonded. Hawk and I bonded almost as quickly.

    I know this is right for you. Don't worry, the bond will happen. You can skip the early struggles and start right in with the "higher education" and the bond happens. The older pup tests you, but then so does the pup as he matures.

    I'm so happy for you.

    BrownDog's Human

  7. Wonderful news! I'm thrilled for you and can not wait to see pictures of your adventures!

    Winston, Chloe, Cecil and Mom Shawn

  8. We're so happy for you and believe, as you do, that this will help in the healing process.

  9. We is doin' da boxer wiggle butt dance of happyness fur all of you!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  10. Such happy news

    Stop on by for a visit

  11. I'm sure K brought this little gal to you, she is smiling too you know.

  12. Those words said it all, and K will be looking down with much approval and happiness,she will know this is what you are meant to do, and we can only imagine your emotions and feelings right now. K's spirit will always be by your side, as you begin new days. Fond greetings from Jean.

  13. Next week???? How can you stand it??? I'm betting that within about 30 seconds of having this new pup, you'll forget all about the puppy stage. You'll be to smitten to care:- ) How fun!

  14. I was kinda hoping you'd get the 9 month old.

    I'm so happy for you! Long life and good health to you all!

  15. K gave you the ability to love again so soon. We can't wait to meet your new friend and watch you two bond together!


  16. Congratulations on the new baby...K will always be with you
    Benny & Lily

  17. I am THRILLED for you! I knew she was the one, way back when you first mentioned her. I am so very happy for you! I remember a lot of those emotions when I brought Bunny home, but you know, it turned out okay. Here's hoping the week goes quickly and your new girl is there with you soon!

  18. Congratulations! Can't wait to meet her ;)

  19. Congrats! Mommy often tells me when I am bad that my biggest fault is she doesn't have any cute puppy memories of me to fall back on because I came to live with her when I was 6 months old. But I don't think she really means that.

  20. Congratulations on your new addition! I know that K is very happy that you've opened your hearts to a new pup. She can play freely at the Rainbow Bridge knowing she's left you in good paws!

  21. Two thumbs and twenty paws up!! Hugs from SoCal :~)))))))

  22. We are happy that you were led to this pup.
    We thank Angel K for guiding you.
    And we ask Angel K to keep guiding all of us too.
    You listened with your heart KB, and your heart heard K.
    Thank you for being courageous and for listening.
    Keep on healing, this is a new journey for healing.
    we love you

  23. Thanks for sharing this happy news! I can understand the mixed emotions, but I know this sweet pup will help heal your heart. I'm so glad you found each other, and I know you'll have many fabulous adventures together. R will be happy to have a canine companion, too. Congratulations! :-)

  24. I'm so happy for you, KB. :)

  25. Well done my friend.
    I smile to the point it hurts my poor face every time I think of it.

    The decision made, the journey begins.

    Berts My Vickie

  26. Huge congratulations to you! What beautiful news, and such a beautiful dog. I am sure K's tail is wagging in delight.

    This post brought tears to my eyes. Very emotional. I completely understand the "roil of emotions" you wrote about. Enjoy the anticipation leading up to your new Soul's (love that!) arrival. Can't wait to meet her!

    K and Suka

  27. Congratulations! I can't wait to meet you new addition!
    I think K is very happy and she will forever be watching!

  28. I'm so happy for you and your new pup. She will have a wonderful new home. Anxiously awaiting her arrival with you.


  29. Ann..from..Outer Banks of NC...said.... Wonderful news..... I can just see beautiful K's face smiling..... because ....she wants all of you to be happy..... K will always love you and her presence will always be with you....every day will be a new day to live and to love life as you see it....Just let your thoughts of joy ...lift you up....while you heal...HUGS

  30. I am so happy for you!!! I wish you all the very best. :)

  31. We came back to look again...
    she is such a cute pup!

  32. Oh boy, Congratulations! I bet K sent this girl right too you. :-)

  33. I can feel the love and hope in your words. Can you feel the BIG smiles on our face?

  34. Isn't it amazing that humans shed tears to express both extreme sadness AND extreme joy? For the second time in such a short while my cheeks are wet with emotion. May you both grow together to be each other's source of peace and solace and delight!

  35. I am so happy for you! I know K is just beaming for you now too. Her goal was always to see you happy. Since her spirit lives on in you, you can use it to guide you and grow with your new girl. Because of K, your heart is that much bigger!

  36. You have to know that K sent that beautiful pup to you. I can't wait to see more and learn of new adventures.

    Anne and Sasha

  37. Hooray for you and your family!

    This pup is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Those eyes! The pups spirit will be a blessing to all of you. I just can't wait to meet her and know that she is "HOME".

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  38. Congratulations on finding your new girl. K has made room in your heart for another. xx

  39. Congratulations, KB! We ware smiling through tears for you here.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  40. Congratulations and we so look forward to sharing your adventures together, We are sure R will also benefit too. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  41. I'm so happy for you !! congratulations !


  42. What exciting news. She is in for a wonderful life.

    Mango Momma

  43. I am in tears over this post - but this time tears of absolute joy. I truly feel the same way about my chocolate Indy. He is such a gentle giant with eyes that look deep into my soul that helps to restore me when I can't bear the pain anymore. A true companion and faithful friend!

    I am so looking forward to many happy years of reading about all your adventures to come, KB.

    Thru God, all things are possible....

    xxoo - Diane and Indy Bones

  44. so so so so so happy for you guys, i cant wait till Rush arrives and you start taking your pics, i am dying to see them already eeeek!!!

    Big Big Hugs

    Charlene and Stormy

  45. Congratulations on your new pup. When I read what Rush's owner wrote about her - I was thinking about my golden Neeli - I have the same feelings about my ray of sunshine.

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  46. A big congratulations on your choice. I think you made the right decision and you will love her like crazy!!

    She has a beautiful thoughtful face! :-)

    She's the ONE!



  47. Congratulations on the new choice. Yes, there are things to miss from the puppy stage, but every member of The Herd, except Natasha, came to us around a year old.

    We are sure K had a paw in guiding the choice. I am always so amazed at how many mannerisms Frankie shares with Kodiak - and yet how different and unique he is at the same time.

  48. We are SOOOOO excited for you all! That is such awesome news. She is such a BEAUTIFUL little girl. We anxiously await her arrival and can't wait to watch her learn and grow with your family.

    Sweet K is smiling down upon you and saying "good job Mama, good job!"

    It will be a long week for all of us too.

    BIG Hugs,
    Lily Belle & Muffin

  49. I am so happy for you and Rush. I bet K is smiling happily and watching over you all too!

  50. I am so sure that you will find a piece of K's spirit in this pup. I got Lucy when she was around the same age & we were able to bond just fine.

    So happy for you and this precious girl.

    Mamma Heartbeat

  51. Awesome news! We know K will be watching over you 2 as you grow and bond. Your new pup is beautiful!! Love her eyes!!!
    Mom Barb and the Clampet Pack

  52. What wonderful news! The new pup sounds wonderful even though you will sadly (grin) miss all the joys of potty training...

    The most wonderful thing about love is how it expands to embrace everything we want it to. Your love for the new pup will be your love for K.

  53. Congratulations! She looks precious and I'm sure K is looking down on you with a great big smile!

  54. Congratulations! I know it is bittersweet for you. K was amazing and you had the best time with her - not something that will easily be forgotten. But here's to praying that you make new fun memories with the new puppy and bond with her in a unique way!

  55. Congratulations , I for one am grinning like a loon and I know K will be watching over you and smiling down at you too.
    I have lost three dogs over the last couple of years and I know deep down in my heart they each had a paw in guiding me to my next dog and each new comer has shared a small trait of the one guiding me. Maybe it is me looking for a trait, but then again maybe not but I find it comforting none the less.

    I wish you all many years of happiness and joy together

    Momma Tea
    xxx xxx

  56. I write through tears, KB. This is wonderful news, K and Gizmo are smiling.

  57. Oh wow! What great news! Am so happy for you. :) :)

  58. I am so happy for you! I know the pup will bring so very much joy to your life.

  59. Wow! Different than the other two you were contemplating. Again, it's so marvelous people were coming together to get you and the right pup together. Can't wait to see the newest addition to your family joining you on your adventures!

  60. Congratulations on your newest addition. We look forward to seeing the pictures of her. We know exactly where you are coming from as we adopted Bella just 4 months after loosing our Cleo to the "C" monster. We also believe that Cleo sent Bella to us as she has definately blessed us with her wonderful personality and she came into our Basset Rescue just 2 days after Cleo passed away. Have a blessed day! Sherri and The HoundDogs

  61. She looks beautiful..Her eyes seem to draw me in to just stare at her for hours. I'm sure K had plenty to do with guiding you to her and she to you.

    I can hardly wait to "meet" her when you get her.
    Hopefully this waiting period will pass quickly for all of you.
    Hisqueen1 with Aria and Mikey

  62. The pup and you are both lucky, KB. K's spirit is wagging its tail. She'd want you to be happy.

  63. Congrats. Then your family will be complete again.


  64. And watch over you, she will from above. She will guide your new pup and you will love again. This is so exciting. Can't wait until your new baby joins you and we start hearing all the wonderful stories.


  65. We are so happy for you - know this sweet pup will send you soaring Over the peaks of the Rockies as K watches over you both. Sending hugs and congrats xxxxxx
    Sammie and Avalon

  66. So very happy for you!

  67. Oh KB, this is wonderful news. We look forward to meeting your new pup and all the adventures you will have together. Hugs to all. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  68. I am rejoicing, KB! Somehow I knew that this pup was the one! We are all smiling with you.

  69. Dear KB,

    Can't tell you how big a smile I have right now in reading this post and seeing the dear face of the new young soul who will soon be joining your family. K will always be a huge part of your heart, it's just that now her place is IN your heart rather than by your side. This new little one certainly has some big paws to fill, but I'm sure that if K sent her to you, she must think that she is up to the job! Wishing both of you all health and happiness in your journey together.

  70. I´m so glad for you and your family. You made the right decision. Tears came again reading your post but this time more for your happiness.
    We cant wait for your pictures of her, name??
    R will be very happy too ....dogs need to be more than one...
    Hugs from us!

  71. A new family member! Moving forward is hard when you are still grieving but then with some losses, the grieving comes and goes in waves so there's no avoiding the mixed feelings or finding the exact right moment.

    I love the photos you took while camping, especially looking out over the lake. There is something about water that fills me with peace and calmness even when it's a rockin' and rollin' bunch of waves.

  72. I'm so happy for you and pray it brings back happy, beautiful memories of K, with less pain and more peace.

  73. So very happy for you! Truly believe this is K's way of letting you know...this is the right thing! Cannot wait to hear all about your new adventure!
    Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  74. You are absolutely doing the right thing KB! If not for you, then for "the pup". She's as chocolatey as K was coppery. Good luck, and congratulations on your new daughter-dog. You are not replacing, but supplementing!

  75. I am sure it is the right decision to take her! She doesn't fill the gap that K left, that gap will always stay. But she will be there for you as K was before and if you are lucky you will get a bond with her similar to the one you had with K.
    I see so many things in Myrtilly (we got her 9 months after Josy died, and they are completely different in size and look) that remind me of Josy, it is really amazing.
    Looking forward to see your great pictures of the new family member!

  76. How could I miss this fun?!! I am sooo happy for you KB!!!!



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