Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wordful Wednesday

Thank you so much for your wonderful and warm comments. We are very excited about our pup! We don't have a name for her yet so that's why she's "the pup" right now!

We need to take a short blogging break. In the meantime, here are a few photos from our recent camping trip that I hadn't shared with you. This is from a campsite near Crested Butte, Colorado.
Frolicking! We're glad that R will have a sister to play with soon!

Exploring the trails on my mountain bike.

Sunset view from the campsite.
Wishing upon the stars...
We'll see you back here very soon!


  1. Great photos!

    Can't wait to hear about the new pup - I'm sure you will pick the perfect name for her.

    Enjoy your blogging break!

  2. I am sure the perfect name will come to you! I am also sure that R will love having a new sister. I wish you safe travels! :) Take lots of pictures!

  3. Geez, I goes away fur a little bit and come back to read such wonderful, heart warming news! I can't even begin to tells you haow happy I is fur ya'll! Dis little girl is gonna be overwhelmed withs love and her is gonna be in da most perfect home evers. I knows K will approve and hers will be proud ya'll has opened your hearts. I can't wait to meet hers...squeeeeeee.
    R is gonna be an awesome big brudder and show her da ropes.


  4. OMC We've been away and are so happy to hear that you have a new pup!!!! We're looking foward to learning more about her!!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Some night whilst under the stars, K will send it!

    Happy Prepping and all!

  6. Hi Y'all,

    The last 3 pictures, especially the one on the bike path, look more like paintings than real life.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. Such beautiful photos. I love the sunset one with the little pond. I know my MOM would love to see that in person and so would I. We are very excited for your family.

  8. We is glad dat R will have a sister to play wif soon too. As always your fotos take our breath away.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  9. Beautiful photos! Enjoy your break!


  10. What stunning photos!! Good luck with the new pup! We are so excited for you!!

  11. Beautiful pictures! We'll miss you and can't wait to hear all about the new puppy

  12. Oh you must be feeling anxious, happy and panicky all in one waiting the arrival of your new girl. R will be so happy to have a new little sister to play with. Love that first pic of him! :)

  13. And you will have someone to share these wonders with! That makes our hearts sing!

  14. Such beautiful photos.
    Love the stars of course!
    R is going to be soooo happy when the pup gets there!
    Have a good time doing what ever you need to do!

  15. Enjoy some time away,the new family member will be welcomed with much love, your heart is big enough for all this and more,lovely photos, especially R leaping into the water.Take care, Greetings from Jean

  16. Wow that last pic is brilliant. Have a great break. Have a terrific Thursday and look forward to when you are back.
    Best wishes Molly

  17. We hope that you and your new sissy hit it off immediately, R!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  18. so happy for you! can't wait to hear all about the new family member!

  19. Oh we are so glad you are sharing your heart with a new baby....she will be blessed to be a part of your family!!! I know K is looking down from above wagging her tail so proud of you!
    Your last pic reminds me of a starry starry night picture...its just beautiful!!
    stella rose

  20. We'll be anxiously awaiting your return with hopefully a little baby girl in tow.

    Love the starry night picture!

    Lily Belle

  21. Lovely pictures, you are lucky to live where this great countryside is...
    Why not Soul like you called in the post before "A New Soul"?

  22. Great pictures. Can't wait to see "THE PUP". Enjoy your break...we'll miss you bunches.

  23. Sending so many beautiful wishes on those stars for you.

    Happy seeing beautiful!

  24. I cannot tell you how very, very thrilled and happy I am for you!! I know the joy your heart is feeling as a new chapter in your life is getting ready to start. I cannot wait to meet her!!

  25. Perfection! Have a fun break.

  26. KB,

    I sort of thought that was the route you were going to take, the 9 month old "pup" just sounds like a perfect fit, especially hearing what her siblings owners says!!! "Wishing upon the stars" picture is wonderful. Have some great away time and we will await your return!!!
    Take care...thoughts & prayers,
    Lucy (silent MOD, Troy, Ohio)

  27. Ann....from...Outer Banks of NC....said ....You are going to be such wonderful parents...and R (in the first picture) looks like he is going to have fun being the big brother.....Yippee....way to go R...I love your style .....you make all our hearts jump for joy...Enjoy your time off and I am sure K will be helping you with a name... HUGS

  28. Phenomenal star tracks, and LOVE that action photo of R. We were up in the same area for the race... did you catch any of it??? :)

  29. Beautiful photos. I wish we lived somewhere like that. *sigh*


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