Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Count Down!

We're back and counting down until our pup's arrival on Tuesday evening. The flowers have bloomed very late here due to the delayed moisture this summer so our pup will see the meadow in bloom!
R insists that he's mature enough to be the big brother in the family now. He looks sincere, doesn't he?
Full speed ahead, he says!
I think he's going to love having a sister to play with him. They can race for sticks in the water, chase each other, and do all sorts of fun stuff! (The next photo is our "Black and White Sunday" photo).
The excitement is building here in the mountains!


  1. Welcome Back....I bet you can hardly sleep knowing your new pup will be "home" in just a few days. Oh, the excitement. R is going to make a wonderful big brother....let the romping and rolling continue.

  2. And the excitement has spread to PAWSylvania as well!

    We can't WAIT to see her with R!

  3. We are all anxiously awaiting your new family member. Love the pictures of R and I'm sure he will make a great big brother.


  4. Welcome back! OMG its so close! Can't wait to see her! Do you have a name...? :)

  5. R will make a ggreat big brother, I can tell! Good luck!

  6. I'm so happy and glad to read you are getting a new furbaby :) i know is it going to be wonderful and R's going to be an amazing big furbrother for the new kid in town

  7. R, being a big brother rocks! I never knew I could have so much fun!


  8. R will be a super big brother, and you will give the pup a wonderful home full of love and laughter.Waiting for a photo and a name. Cheers, Jean.

  9. We can't wait to meet the pup either!


  10. I was hoping you'd have her here already! lol I hope Tuesday is here soon. I think all of you will love her!

    R looks as fantastic as ever!

  11. oh my goodness, so exctiting
    Benny & Lily

  12. Looking very much forward to Tuesday. I think R will be a great big brother.

  13. So exciting - we are looking forward to seeing your photos of the big day.

    Riley (and his human)

  14. Hi there KB,
    That certainly was a 'short' blogging break. I can hear the excitement in your tone about the new 'pup'. We can't wait to hear what you are going to call her. I am so pleased for you after everything you have been through. You deserve some joy in your life...nothing like a new pup :).
    BTW That 'star' pic in the previous post made me quite dizzy...pretty amazing.
    Sending lotsaluv to you all

  15. I can't wait to meet the new addition to your family. R looks like he will be a wonderful big brother, he has so much to teach her. Good luck and happy happy days

    Anne and Sasha

  16. We are so excited for you! You are going to love having a younger sissy, R!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  17. We are so looking forward to your new addition to the family. Have a great Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  18. R will be a great brother to her learning what he learned from K.
    I think you will have a sleepless night before Tuesday....so excited about the pictures we will see of her

  19. i am so excited too!! can't wait to meet the new family member....

  20. I can hardly stand it and it's not my pup! R is going to be an awesome big brother to his new sister.

    Xxoo Diane

  21. I'm really looking forward to "meeting" her. I think R will be a great big brother and teach her all his fun and cracker ways.
    She is certainly coming to the best home ever and will have the most beautiful places to explore.

    Hisqueen1 with Aria and Mikey

  22. Just one more day and off she goes into the wild of the Rockies. Rono will be fabulous with her. Labs are super pack dogs, they take care of their own. Humans could take lessons ;-)

  23. So much excitement in store! And we're sure that R will be a wonderful big brother!

  24. We're waiting with anticipation too! R is gonna be the BESTEST big brother. We're going to be expecting lots and lots of pictures. We're waiting too, to hear what you've named your new little girl.

    We're pacing the floor for you all.

    Lily Belle

  25. R will be the greatest!
    good luck
    stella rose

  26. His red collar is stunning! I think R is ready to be big brother and teach the new kid on the block the ropes!

    Can Tuesday night hurry up and get here already? Gosh - you must be on pins and needles! So exciting! I'm sure K is smiling up there at your anticipation.

  27. I think all your regular readers are just as excited as you are!

  28. The excitement is building here, too ... we can't wait to "meet" the new pup! And we're sure R is going to be a great big brother!

  29. Ann...from...Outer Banks of NC...said... SO EXCITED.... K has taught R so much...that he is going to be such a wonderful.... loving brother...what a blessing....for the love we all share....when God listens to our hearts.......HUGS

  30. Tuesday is tomorrow! Whee! We are really almost as excited as you are and Stella tells me R is going to be a "good" big brother.I think by that she is going to allow him a couple of mistakes!

    Looking forward to our new girl.


    Jo and Stella

  31. Ahhhhh very excited for you! Did I say this to you before? Or did I just think it? You're not replacing, you're reallocating some of your love :)

  32. We are so happy for you! I know R will be a great big brother and they will have a great time together!


  33. Looks like you've had a very fun day of romping! And that's coming from a cat who sleeps all day long!

  34. Happy to hear about you new pup!

  35. We are all excited here too! Lightning thinks it would be great to have a puppy sister:) Ciara sometimes begs to differ:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  36. Holy moly! Just like welcoming a new baby into the family! Love the excitement and poise in R's portraits. Gonna be a GREAT big bro!

  37. We're excited for you too!!

    The Florida Furkids

  38. It's new pup eve! I can't wait to hear all about her! :-)

  39. We cannot wait to learn how excited R is to have a little sissy- and he can be a big brother. I wonder what they will do first?
    We cannot wait to hear how many kissys you and the Runner get from the pup.
    We cannot wait to hear all about it.
    We wish the pup could talk so she could tell us how she feels to be chosen special.
    We bet she would tell you she was led to you by Angel K.
    We cannot wait to hear about the smiles!

  40. Yur excitement is contagious! We here in the Land of Enchantment are waiting anxiously as well! We know it will be a very special moment both joyous and bittersweet.

  41. R's photos are beautiful! He is so handsome, and his smile really lights up a room! He will make a super big brofur! We anxiously await your new fur-baby's arrival!

    Suka and K

  42. R still looks like such a pup himself! I can hardly wait...

  43. This is exciting news to come back too! A new puppy will be wonderful to build new memories with and I am sure R will love a buddy to romp in the woods with. Can't wait to see your photographs.


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