Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Big Day

I had a dream that meant the world to me.

In my dream, there were two chocolate Labs in our meadow. One was my K. The other was my new pup. In the dream, my first reaction to seeing the two together was "Oh my goodness, I messed up. I didn't plan to get a puppy until K was gone." (We knew that K wouldn't want to deal with puppy antics in the waning days of her life). But then, in the dream, I concluded that K wasn't really "gone". Moreover, K seemed very happy about the pup and liked the pup immensely. The two of them romped and played.
I think that there were many messages in that dream. K isn't really gone and never will be. K is happy that I am going to have a new dog friend in my life. And, K is watching over me.
Today is the big day. I meet the pup in the evening so I doubt that I'll post anything about her today. But, tomorrow, I'll introduce her to you.

The "roil of emotions" that I felt a couple of weeks ago are gone. I feel nothing but peace and happiness about our new pup. I'll tell you about how she came to us in the coming days. The miraculous process tells me that she was meant to be with us. And K agrees.


  1. We are looking forward to meeting her. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  2. I feel so good after reading your post today. I think I've always known our babies watch over us from above and also that they want us to have another in our lives. They know they'll never be replaced but that there is always room in our hearts for another. Can't wait to hear all about the new pup.

  3. So looking forward to meeting the pup. My heart smiles for you.

  4. What a special pup! We can't wait to see her : )

  5. We can't wait to meet her! Enjoy your day and your new friend!


  6. We believe that our departed loved ones speak to us through our dreams... you are so very lucky to have K watching and loving you.

    Sam and Pippen

  7. Good luck and we can't wait to hear more. Have a great Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. Looking forward to hearing abll about your new pup.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

  9. What beautiful pictures and memories for you...very excited for your new adventure in love to begin!
    stella rose

  10. Can't wait to meet the pup. I've been following your blog, but haven't been posting. i'm so very glad you're giving another dog a place in your big heart!

  11. Can't wait to meet the new pup and hear the story of how she came to you. I loved the dream, too - K will always be with you, no matter what. This new pup feels like a gift from her.

  12. Yes!!!!! Your heart is slowly starting to heal. That is awesome. We're glad you realize that K is truly NEVER gone. She is just in a place where you can't see or touch her at the moment, but she still remains in your heart (forever and ever.) As hard as it is, that is what we have to believe.

    We, as pending "Doxie Aunt's" {tee-hee-hee} are anxiously awaiting the arrival of your Baby Girl.

    It's going to be a glorious day for one and all. Your Blogville family awaits.....

    Lily Belle & Muffin
    (and of course, Mommy Kim too)

  13. Aww. Your post made me tear up! I love it.

    Mamma Heartbeat

  14. The anticipation is causing me to eat and eat ...Oh no, thats wrong, I always eat and eat. none the less, we are very excited for you and your little family.

    Can't wait to officially meet her.

    Bert and My Vickie

  15. Oh what a lovely dream! Can't wait to see the new baby

  16. What a wonderful, insightful dream! I can hardly wait to read about the new pupster.

  17. How absolutely wonderful! We are all excited about meeting the new pup and know that K will be there with you.

  18. I can't wait to meet her! I have no doubt that K has given her seal of approval. :)

  19. KB,

    I can't wait to meet your new pup!
    K and Samantha are never really gone. They are not present in our world but will always be with us in spirits. It has been almost 4 months since Samantha's passing and some days I still sob when I think of her.


  20. Can´t wait to your presentation of her....FOr sure K wanted this and she is watching over you all now.
    Its always a meaning of things that happen.
    I think Trym was born with his lump on his head so he could stay with us. He is the most loving dog to us and really shows it...
    Hugs from us!

  21. You have us smiling through tears, KB!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  22. Your dream seems to say that the puppy isn't "replacing" K in your life, she's adding to your experience with her.

    I feel like we're ALL getting a new puppy today. I'm SO excited!!

  23. Ann...from...Outer Banks of NC..said....I am so happy for all of you .. and R is going to be so excited with the new pup....and what beautiful pictures of K...my three words....TEARS..LOVE..JOY....(tears)... for missing K so much....(love)...when K sent a new pup for all of you ...(joy)...a dream that gave you peace in knowing you will always have K.....her light will always shine and her spirit will surround you with gladness in your hearts..HUGS

  24. That is so amazing....we know that K will be watching over you and the new baby. Love never ends... it just finds new ways to move forward. :)

  25. We can't wait!!! Hopefully tomorrow won't be a Wordless Wednesday:) All the very best to you and the new girl - can't wait to meet her.

  26. " I feel nothing but peace and happiness"..........what beautiful words and ones that make K smile !!

  27. Each and every one is unforgettable and irreplaceable, but another will fill that huge hole with fun, laughter and your heart will share the love with " new PUP " as well. K will know all this, I am so sure, and approve.Enjoy the wait, anticipation is joy until the arrival, then true happiness begins. Fond greetings from Jean

  28. I am so excited for you and your pack! There is nothing like a new pup, full of life and mischief, to bring joy back into daily life after losing a beloved pup. Each day with Hunter brings me smiles and giggles and yes, even some frustration, but it is love. Can't wait to meet you new little one and hear the story.
    Hugs, Noreen

  29. You may or may not know, but I never, ever, ever thought that I would have a Scottish Terrier--I'm a golden retriever person through and through--But when you open your heart to other possibilities amazing things happen, and that's what you've done too. To say that I'm happy for you is an understatement--I cannot wait for you to introduce us to your new addition, and I'm so glad that you've found peace in the decision to open your heart and home to her -- K's spirit will always, always be part of you and with you...

  30. So wonderful. We know K approves :-) Can't wait to meet the new little one!

  31. We can't wait to meet her. We know too that K would be so happy for you and now R will have a playmate once again too. Life flows on, as it will and sometimes we fight the current, sometimes we just float along. It's all good. I'm so happy for you all. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  32. I knew she was meant to be with you from the first time you talked about her to me. I know that seems odd, but I really had a strong feeling that she was meant to be yours, and I felt like when the plans changed, that was another sign that she should be with you. I actually just checked the reader to see if you had a post up yet and if you didn't, I was going to send an e-mail! :P I'm SO excited for you! I can't wait to see what you have to say about her tomorrow. Congratulations!

  33. We are so excited for you. We are thinking that right this very moment- you possibly may have your "chosen" pup.
    There must be so much excitement going on in your home right now.
    R is probably prancing and happy.
    We are so happy that you are feeling peace,,,, you are healing.
    And Angel K is watching all this transpire. She led you to this decision. This was her plan.

  34. Oh, KB, you've made me spout tears of joy again! Looking forward to meeting the pup!

  35. OH I am so happy for you! I got tears in my eyes reading your post today! What a lucky new pup to be joining such a wonderful family!

    Patty (Blogless)

  36. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to "meet" your new girl!

    Hugs and chocolate labby kisses,
    Ellen & Charley
    22 Month OS Survivor…and counting!

  37. K is just as excited for you
    Benny & Lily

  38. So right on every level. Embrace the peace of a growing family...K will be a great mentor for your new girl.

  39. K approves of your new pup and we can't wait for our introduction.

  40. We can't wait to meet her! Enjoy your day and your new friend!

  41. Ya'll, I is just beamin' from ear to ear bouts da new pup! KB, you has a big heart...big enuff to welcome a newbie into you life and dat is what is so beautiful. Her is gonna has an swesome life.
    I can't wait to meet hers.


  42. wow, what a dream! amazing! so happy for you...

  43. What a magnificent dream! Can't wait to read about your new pup.
    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  44. What a wonderful dream to have. K is just letting you know that she will always be there right beside you romping with the new girl too! :)

  45. Your dream is such a swet reminder of how ingrained our pups are in our lives - K has sent you this special pup sealed with her love and support. I completely agree - our pups live on in our hearts forever. My husband and I still blieve that our chocolate lab Buster, who died 12/08/08, sent us our current chocolate Indy to heal our broken hearts.

    Can't wait to see her and all the joy she will bring you!!!!

    xxoo - dt and Indy Bones

  46. I truly believe that we get the dogs we need in life. It sounds like this new pup was heaven sent from your very own guardian angel, and I can't wait to read about all your adventures together. Can't WAIT till tomorrow!

  47. So thrilled for you! We're sending so many see beautiful thoughts your way, but know the second you see her, your life will be forever transformed and filled with new ones because of her!

  48. Hi KB....I've been weighed down with many things lately and have just caught up with your world...What excitement! Tomorrow will be so emotional for you and your family...the new pup is truly a beauty...the colouring and look from those eyes...melting. Until the next post...smiles Ron and Sophie~

  49. The way how we found Myrtille and then meeting her and loving her from the first second, and finding out how she is - I am sure it all was appreciated by Josy from wherever she is now. I didn't believe in things like this but now I am not so sure anymore...
    It is the right decision to get the pup, to get THIS pup. It s ment to be her. Now.
    She will never replace K but be a perfect addition in your heart.


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