Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Daughter of the Mountains

I have someone to introduce to you. Her name is Shyla, "daughter of the mountains".
She is super affectionate toward people. I feel like she's already bonded strongly to me and the Runner within the past 24 hours.
She's 9 months old and only 41 lbs (very small for a Lab). She is still truly a puppy at heart. She ran laps in our living room today while tucking her butt and sliding around the corners on the hardwood floor. She was bursting with puppy happiness.

She's built to run, with a light frame and long legs. And, she's so smart that I've already taught her new behaviors today, like making eye contact on cue and poking my hand with her nose on cue. I have so many things to teach her. I can't wait!

So, here's our new girl, Shyla. We'll all be getting to know her together.
I feel grateful to have such an amazing girl to nurture and love.


  1. Congrats! She is so cute! I look forward to watching her grow. Nothing like watching pups grow and develop!

  2. And nurture and love her you will, we have no doubt. She is a beauty. Love the name, and so very appropriate!!! All the very best to you and your special new girl.

  3. *squeeeee* She is gorgeous! I LOVE her eyes and her coloring! I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to hear about all of your new adventures together. Congratulations to you and Shyla!

  4. What a perfect name for her. And how full of life she is. Can't wait to learn how she is with R. Is he happy about having her there? This is so fun to get to travel this road with you guys.

  5. Gooooooooood choice, KB! I like her pink nose! She is small for a lab, but that just makes it easier on you when she wants to be a lap dog :) Ziggy at 85 pounds is a little ridiculous!

  6. What a beauty! And she has a very feminine look about her. She doesn't know how lucky she is!!

  7. Shyla!!! So pleased to meet you, puppy girl. You are super lucky to have several new best friends and your very own mountains to explore.

  8. We been looking forward to reading and seeing Shyla all day, now my crazy mom is crying for your happiness. She's a real beauty.
    Congrats to the the new mom and dad.
    XO Cinnamon

  9. She is gorgeous. I love her name and can't wait to get to know her better right along with you.


  10. Pretty girl! And woohoo puppy zoomies!

  11. Welcome, beautiful Shyla! I have been watching this blog off and on all day waiting for you to appear.

    What a wonderful life you have waiting for you . . .and friends by the galore!


  12. Shyla is adorable! The start of a wonderful new adventure...

  13. KB, she's just beautiful and something about her expression in one of those pictures reminds me of K. She is truly a blessing in your life.

  14. Wow, What a sharp looking pup! So, How's her toy drive? (Just asking Carrie, that's all) I could be in love with floppy eared dog. I don't comment much on blogs but she got me to. Anyway, hope you enjoy the numerous new adventures that you are about to embark on. -Mr. Taleteller.

  15. Welcome beautiful Shyla! You and your wonderful family are incredibly blessed to have found each other (even with some help from your Guardian Angel). May your lives together be long, healthy, amazing, and filled with love!

  16. Shyla is lovely, absolutely lovely. I'm so glad you've found each other.

  17. Welcome HOME Shyla!

    We know you have landed in one of the bestest places in THE WORLD!

    We can not wait to read more about adventures!

    BTW, K: woo done good!

  18. Welcome to our world Shyla. :) We can't wait to hear all about you.

  19. Welcome Shyla. She sure is beautiful and it is obvious she is smart, fast learner. This is going to be great watching her grow and discovering who she is. What fun.

  20. Oh, she is beautiful! Congratulations and here's to lots of puppy fun!

  21. Oh she is beautiful! Love her name! Congrats!

  22. Shyla, a beautiful name, and you have been welcomed into a most wonderful home with KB,R and Runner.We at bloggerland have been waiting all day for your photos, and finally get to meet you.We will watch you grow, learn,have adventures, and explore places where beloved K has left paths for you.She will be so happy for KB,and for you. Fondest greetings to all from Jean.

  23. OMG, what a beauty!

    She's going to have fun with you, and you with her. Long life, good health, and happy times to you all!

    And we're picking up a new-to-us dog tomorrow too. :)

  24. I am SO happy for all of you! Even her photos give off love and sweetness.

  25. OMG!!! Shyla is beautiful! Charley is a long legged lean (now tripawd) lab and he still "zooms" laps around the house butt tucking the entire way!

    May you have many many many happy and healthy years with Shyla!!!

    Hugs and chocolate labby kisses,
    Ellen & Charley

  26. LOVE her already,, yup, we do! Shyla is absolutely beautiful!!!!! We are soooo excited for you and know that K is looking down and giving you a high paw for a job well done.

    Many blessings to you all.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  27. Hi Shyla...You're beautiful. Welcome home. Hope R is taking to her well. Can't wait to see her grow and learn all the new things you have in store for her.
    Hisqueen1 with Aria and Mikey

  28. From the mom - just been reading the past few days with no time to comment but I can't leave without a few words or so about this beauty. Congratulations on your decision - Shyla is definitely a good fit there with you, the Runner and R. I love her name - also a good fit - when I look at her pic then say her name - it's natural - no other name would be as good.

    And I thought maybe I was just seeing things but Amber Daweenie also saw it - something in Shyla's face - and it's more than just in her Lab eyes - there is definitely something there - spirit-like - that reminds me of K. Yep, pretty sure Angel K had something to do with your decision to get Shyla and maybe even something to do with naming her.

  29. Welcome SWEET Shyla! Adorable
    Benny & Lily

  30. What a beautiful name with so much meaning for Shyla.
    She is a beautiful pup! She looks so attentive, and full of spirit and wanting to please!
    I am sure the moutains are as happy as you are.
    We love her color so much,, and love her eyes!
    We can just see her zooming everywhere--- she will be a pup for a long time!
    Thank you for sharing.
    We cannot wait to hear what R thinks of her too!

  31. Ann....from..Outer Banks of NC...said.....You are so beautiful ..sweet baby girl....with a special name to go with it....looking forward to hearing and seeing more about you....It is just amazing that I noticed just like Amber did... an expression on Shyla... that reminded me of K .... Congratulations....KB...the Runner and R...."May you cherish the gentle scent of those beautiful flowers in the meadow and the glory of the view of those mountains as you souls are warmed in the love that is about to begin".....HUGS

  32. Welcome to your new home Shyla, you are going to be so loved!

  33. Many , many congrats to your family member. Beautiful name he has, is it the name the breeder gave her or did you give her a new one?
    She´s a beauty already with wise eyes. You will have a lot of happniness with her. I´m sure R is very happy to have someone to play and run with.
    It will be very nice to follow you all with her.
    We have now one month to the hunting season with our small ones. Cant wait to let them loose. On Sunday we will go test trial on blood tracking with Vilja and Trym.
    Hugs from us!!!

  34. She's a beauty but totally different from K. And I love the lighter Labs, though with nine months she will prbabely not gain many more hight but will put on weight.
    Looking forward for the pictures and stories you'll share!

  35. Welcome beautiful Shyla. I love your name and you are so pretty. I can't wait to get to know you better and see your adventures. I know R will love you and will teach you the ropes. You have so much exploring ahead of you. I am so happy for all of you.

    Anne and Sasha

  36. Have a terrific Thursday and a BIG WARM WELCOME to Shyla. Looking forward to seeing her first few days, can't wait
    Best wishes Molly

  37. Oh what a beauty! She looks totally switched on too...

    Elsie has had me in stitches running laps of the living room too, ears back, paws bounding. Under and through the tables again and again and again. Although she wrecks the joint when she's doing it, and may well scratch the wooden floor, I know she'll only be small enough to do it for a short time so have vowed to enjoy it!

  38. She is just gorgeous and we love her name!
    We're also horrified that Molly already weighs more than she does! YIKES!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  39. She is so beautiful ! I love her eyes . Welcome Shyla !


  40. Howdy Shyla, looks like you have come to the right place. A family to love and cherish you and we know you will love them right back. So happy for you all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  41. Shyla is so beautiful! So happy for all of you!

  42. Oh, how I love that adorable butt tuck cracker running that happy labs do. Welcome home, little one.

    Mango Momma

  43. Welcome little Shyla. We are so happy for you! Wishing you all many happy romping and rolling miles.

  44. What a beautiful pup! I love her soft expression on her face. She looks like she's going to be a wonderful choice!!

    Congrats again! :-)


  45. Congrats KB, and runner and R!!!! Love her name and meaning. She is a beauty and I can see fits right in! She is one lucky girl to be part of your pack!!

  46. Congrats KB...she is a beautiful girl. I think you and Shyla are going to rock those Rockies!!
    Seize the DAY!!
    P.S. Puppy Zoomies are the BEST!!

  47. So excited for you KB - she is so cute and obviously very smart! You're going to have a blast with Shyla and lots of smiles and giggles too. Congrats!

  48. Wow! What a beauty! Congratulations and welcome Shyla! Here's to the start of a long happy life of caring, sharing, and romping together. :)

  49. Welcome Shyla! She is beautiful! She is going to love exploring the nature with you and R!


  50. that is just so wonderful!!! we can't wait to hear more about her adventures.....

  51. Such a beautiful girl!

    Welcome, Shyla, to a wonderful home and a life that will be filled with love and adventure!

  52. She's amazing and sounds wonderful! Nothing like that puppy exuberance to put a smile on your face!

  53. Welcome Shyla! KB, you have totally surprised me here-I thought you were getting a really young puppy. Shyla is beautiful, the perfect age and size. Oh what joy; since she is Hunter's age, I wish you lived close to teach me how to teach him. Have a joy filled day, filled with puppy love and laughter.

  54. Shyla is gorgeous. What a tall, slender girl she is - perfectly built for keeping up with you on your rides. I am so happy you have found someone new to add to your circle of beloved family.

  55. Shyla is beautiful! You are very lucky to have one another!

  56. Welcome, Shyla!! You sure found a fantastic new family to love.

  57. She is a beauty! We will enjoy watching her grow with you!

  58. Welcome Shyla!

    You is one lucky pup to have found such an amazin' furever home! We can't wait to get to know you better too.

    Woofs and Welcomin' Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  59. Congratulations! Shyla is stunning--such a petite girl, too!

    How does R feel about having a new pup in the house?

    May you have many years of fabulous adventures together! I'm so happy for you!

    Sue T in AZ

  60. Hello Shyla. I know you have much to learn and much to teach. You've come to the right home!

  61. So happy for you and yours!!! Sending big happy hugs and pats from SoCal --


  62. Welcome Shyla. We are looking forward to getting to know you and reading all about your adventures.

    Riley and Enzo

  63. Welcome Shyla!!!

    Oh she is simply gorgeous! So happy that you have her in your life.

    I'll be praying for R.

    BIG hugs to you guys!

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  64. ahhh welcome to the gang Shyla, i hope you have many many years of fun and photos xxx

    Charlene and Stormy

  65. OMG she is beautiful! Much love to you sweet Shyla - we have all been waiting for you :)

  66. Hi Ho Shyla....this is Sophie calling you!!! Now listen to KB, she has lots to teach you....welcome to our world!!
    Sophie Doodle and of course, Ron and Jim

  67. Hi Y'all,

    The last close up of Shyla she has the sweetest smile on her face.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  68. Oh, we are so happy for you and Shayla! She is beautiful! Looks so much like our little Reesie Cup.

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful news!

    Painter Pack

  69. Shyla is a beautiful dog, is she a chocolate Lab? She reminds me of my old Chocolate Lab Maui.

  70. It is sooo nice to meet you Shyla!! You truely are a daughter of the mountains!


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