Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 14, 2012

See Beautiful

Today is "See Beautiful" Friday. As I'm emerging from the haze that surrounded K's death, the beauty of the world is more apparent to me. Through this process, I've realized, more than ever, how "seeing beautiful" is a state of mind.

The season is changing. Although I am sad to see an autumn without K by my side, I am seeing the beauty around me and smiling.
Yellow aspen leaves against blue skies.
Rain is worthy of rejoicing.
And, R's continued energy is beautiful. Here he is, the class clown as usual!
I see a lot of nature's beauty while I ride my mountain bike. I rarely see a photo of myself on the bike. My trail camera captured one, and my blurriness seems to show my absolute love of whooshing along on two wheels.
Last, but certainly not least, a new girl has leaped into our lives. Her spirit is beautiful.
She makes us smile.
Although I shed a tear for K almost every day, my spirit is reawakening to the beauty around us.


  1. Woof! Woof! We LOVE the beauty of FALL season and missing it this year. What a leap ... a beautiful. Happy This Moment See Beautiful Friday. Golden Thanks for joining our blog hop. Lots of Golden woofs, Sugar

  2. Beauty IS a state of mind. I'm so jealous of your beautiful fall weather

  3. I see you're also experiencing a lovely fall, KB. So glad you're outdoors enjoying it.

  4. Such beautiful pictures! I love R posing on the stump. What a goofball he is. :)

  5. Lovely post! My husband and I were married in RMNP beside Sprague Lake in Sept '03, with the aspens turning gold and the elk bugling... autumn in the rockies will always have a very special place in my heart... :-)

  6. Very nice, KB. There is so much beauty in your world. We are so happy that you have the clown and the new girl to bring even more smiles to you.

  7. So glad to hear you happy!

  8. Perfectly wonderful thoughts and post!

    We have had such an odd fall that the leaves are falling without changing color!


  9. Beautiful happy moments... What a lovely post!


  10. Beautiful post KB. You make me and MOM smile and there is great beauty in that my friend. Happy Seeing Beautiful.

  11. Ann..from..Outer Banks of NC..said...the fall is such a beautiful time of the year... I just love the beauty of the softness of each of these pictures KB....so refreshing ... and it looks like the pups are ready to enjoy their week-end...their joyful spirits are like a sunny day that spreads its brightness over everything... and then it sweetens and soothes (OUR) souls....HUGS

  12. What a beautiful post, KB!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  13. Have a lovely beautiful Saturday. Enjoy
    Best wishes Molly

  14. We thank you for letting us share in the smiles AND the tears -

    Happy Weekend!

  15. Such beautiful, joyful photos! Thank you.

  16. Your photos are gorgeous. I want to go hiking now! I'm sorry for your loss. Your dogs are so handsome.

  17. Okay, I already have SERIOUS fall leaf envy here! I have a feeling that with the drought and heat we experienced here this summer that our fall is going to be rather drab. Every one of those leaf photos is stunning! You could make a postcard with those alone and everyone would want to visit Colorado!

    I am also glad that you have so many things to celebrate right now after such a sad time in your lives!

  18. So glad that the beauty of nature, K and your new girl are bringing joy to your lives!

  19. Great colours...nice to see an action picture of you :-) Shyla is the bests thing that could happen your family. I´m sure K is so happy over there at the Rainbow Bridge. Hugs to all of you..some extra for R and Shyla

  20. Hi KB, yes wonderful photos and sometimes we have to 'stop and smell the roses' otherwise we miss all that beauty. Thanks for sharing. We can't say enough how much we love your photos. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  21. We see the beautiful too KB, and we have been feeling the smiles that are growing in your heart.

  22. Beautiful pictures! Love the one of R--he is so handsome and your Shayla is beautiful!


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