Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Future is Bright

The biggest news is that R's blood test showed no signs of a heart hemangiosarcoma tumor. So, we're finished "hunting" for cancer for now. We'll wait a few weeks and hope that his blood spontaneously returns to normal. We feel optimistic that R will be fine.

This morning, Shyla and I were out on the trails before sunrise. It was dusky in the low meadow but then the eastern horizon brightened. Soon, the sun peeked over the eastern hills and bathed us in red light after we'd climbed up to a high point.  Although Shyla is a dark chocolate Lab, her fur turns red in the sunrise light just like K's did.

Shyla is already amazingly good at keeping her eyes on me when we're on the trails. This was just after sunrise.
I called her, and she accelerated toward me, wide-eyed and happy.
She adores clambering on the boulders that are strewn all over our mountains. She gracefully leaped onto one this morning and then looked at me quizzically.
After our morning outing, we went to town for training class and some socialization. This girl is incredible. It's as if she landed on Mars a few weeks ago, and she's already adapting. During training class, she decided that it was time to shower other dog handlers with kisses during playtime. They all knew that Shyla was shy so they were so nice to her! The key thing seems to be that *Shyla* chooses to approach them and not vice-versa. If a person walks straight toward Shyla or looks straight at her, it's scary. But, if she wiggles her way until she's next to a person, it's not at all scary. In fact, it's fun for Shyla.

And, our little girl was the ringleader for playing among the dogs. At one point, the other three dogs in class were all chasing her in circles around the facility as she had a "zoomy fit". Everyone was laughing.

Yes, I am smitten. The future is bright.
And, it looks like Shyla agrees!


  1. KB

    You know we is doin' da boxer wiggle butt happy dance over dis news! YIppee!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  2. How could one ask for better news? First, R's blood tests !!!!! and, now, Shyla's ability to conquer her fears with your guidence....she is sooooooo sweet and I am in love !!!!!!! ( and so happy for you, KB !!)

  3. Great new about R's blood work. Shyla sure is a beauty.


  4. My smile is so big my face can not contain it! It has spread to my whole body. One big smilin' Goose! Smilin' for R and for sweet Shyla. The future is bright indeed.

  5. I can't get over how pretty Shyla is! Every time I see her, I'm just stunned by her beauty. It's hard to believe that face could be the ringleader of mischief! We might need a video of this for confirmation... ;)

    I am so happy to hear that R is doing well, too! I have a feeling we'll be hearing about his antics until he's a very old dog. And I like that about him -- partly because he doesn't live with me and I can hear the stories! Just remember, R, misbehaving dogs make for more interesting blog posts! :P

  6. Hi Y'all!

    First, I'm so happy to hear about R's blood test.

    Second, we dogs consider the direct approach, especially with eye contact is aggressive, so we try to avoid the confrontation. It doesn't really matter whether the aggression is being displayed by pawed or footed creatures.

    Just wanted to stop on by and see how y'all are doin'. Hope y'all have a wonderful and safe weekend!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. YAY for R!

    And YAY for Shyla!


  8. So incredibly happy for you both! What a bright future with this girl. Sending hugs to you both.
    Noreen & Hunter

  9. We've been waiting for this post!!!

    So glad to hear the news about R. What a relief!

    We also enjoy hearing about the adventures Shyla is having both with you and in her training class. Sounds like all your efforts are paying off.

  10. the future is bright!.... with such a new light and love in your life! she really is a beauty...it always amazes me how quickly dogs and people bond..i can tell it is true love!

  11. Ann...from..Outer Banks of NC....said.....HOORAY...Hugs for R...so happy to hear such good news about sweet R (I bet "even the hills/mountains are clothed with gladness")....a big smile on my face too and prayers were answered....And in the pics..there is something special about Shyla that reminds me of K.....maybe it's that beautiful face that you can't resist.....Have a blessed Sunday.....HUGS

  12. Oh, I'm so glad about R!

    And so very happy to hear about Shyla, and see her lovely pictures.

  13. Wonderful news all round, tears of joy and relief. Your girl glows in the morning light, and her eyes tell a story that shines right out to us all.She is so happy!!! Fond Greetings from Jean.

  14. yeah R!!! Hopefully things will continue improving.
    Shyla is just beautiful. I love hearing about her everyday.
    Thank you for keeping us posted on how R is doing. I may not comment daily but I certainly stop by everyday for my daily stalking.
    Hisqueen1 with Aria and Mikey

  15. Shyla is absolutely beautiful! I've been away for a few weeks and just getting caught up on blogs. So glad to hear R is OK and that Shyla is bringing so much joy to your life.

    Your pal, Pip

  16. Thank goodness about R's bloodork - he certainly looks healthy. Glad Shyla is adjusting so quickly - enjoy her!

  17. Great news about R! I wonder if eating a mushroom could cause something like this? With all the rain we've had lots of them in the forest. I know they can be very poisonous, but I'm not sure of all the different kinds of effects they have. Shyla is doing such a great job. I bet she will make huge progress with all your guidance.

  18. I am just thrilled to hear the news about R. I KNEW he would be OK, so why am I so happy!

    You are doing a wonderful job with Shyla and its great fun to see the bit of change in her expression. Since dogs often pick up our worries, she probably picked up the giddiness today!


  19. We are soooooo happy about R's blood test!! We are taking a deep sigh and feeling good inside.

    I was thinking of Shyla and thinking about how much her world has changed in the past few weeks since you've had her. I am sure she never dreamed in her wildest imagination that she would ever be this happy- running in the mountains, climbing boulders, having someone love her as much as you do, and having a fun big brother.
    It's excitinkg for us also to hear your words as you talk about how Shyla's confidence is growing so much.
    We are happy with you!

  20. We are so very happy to hear that R is doing well and Shyla's pics are just awesome!!! Those eyes! That coloring! Amazing!!

  21. What a great picture of happy Shyla and we are so happy to hear this news, R!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  22. Brilliant news about R. Shyla is shaping up well and we too realise she is a fast learner. Have a lovely Sunday and yes the future is bright.
    Best wishes Molly

  23. I am so happy for you about the news of R and of Shyla too!!

    Excellent! And *whew*, quite a relief for you I imagine.


  24. Great news all around!!

  25. We are so relieved to read the news on R!! Whew.... But we're still gonna continue sending our bestest prayers his way. We can all use extra prayers right?

    Shyla is coming around ~ Pawsome! We were happy to hear that she is now approaching people. In such a short time, that is tremendous strides. You're doing so great with her KB!! You're little girl is SOOOO worth it!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  26. What a happy post!! My eyes are leaking!

  27. I'm so, so glad that the classes are going well--I think the socialization is just as important (if not more) than what Shyla will learn!

    I'm also glad to read that R is doing well too!! I hope you've enjoyed your Sunday!

  28. Strange things happen, with both people and dogs; I just knew in my heart R would be ok :) And that third picture! It's like K reincarnated...

  29. Beautiful Shyla, daughter of the mountains :):) And I am so happy to hear that R is ok :):)

  30. Awwwe! How can you not be smitten with such a wonderful girl! so glad to hear the scare with R is over. You must feel such a weight off!

  31. She's making such tremendous progress! Such good news about R. I've been hoping the news would be nothing but good.


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