Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 1, 2012


It is that brilliant time of year that leaves me feeling as if Nature is putting on her grand finale before the long winter.
Shyla and I enjoy every morning out in the forest. She's getting faster and stronger by the day, and I love watching her romp.
Her fur with the yellow aspen leaves is the perfect combination.
Our bond is getting stronger by the day. She is so sensitive - I often feel like she is carefully observing me, trying to figure out what makes me tick. I can tell her - it's puppy dogs like her! Our trainer keeps commenting that, as Shyla is very slowly letting go of her fears, she's behaving like a younger puppy. On Saturday, we joked that she was acting like a 5 month old rather than the 10 month old that she truly is. I don't mean that in a bad way - I adore watching her explore the world and slowly find her confidence and happiness with the goofiness of a puppy.
R seems to be full of vim today, playing joyfully with his sister. I'll take that as a good sign. He romped through the aspens this morning. He's gone 24 hours without anti-nausea meds, and he still seems to be feeling good. Yay!
Now, it's time for our sunset hike... an event that is happening earlier every day.
We even see the moon rise at the end of the hike some days.
I saw so many moons with K, sitting quietly on what we now call "K's boulder"... but I can feel the start of a new era, one that K prepared me for.


  1. What a moon rise! I'm so glad Shyla is having a happy time and that R is doing better. I think we're to have another snow on Wed.

  2. Shyla is really changing...i can see it in her eyes and posture...i am always in awe of the animal/human bond....such beautiful choreography....
    glad R is romping again!

  3. I cannot wait to meet Shyla, when things here calm down.

  4. I think it's great that Shyla is acting like a much younger puppy! It means she's getting acquainted with the world in the way that she needs to. She will probably need to be young at heart to keep up with crazy R anyway! lol They're going to be quite a pair when he's feeling all the way better.

    What beautiful evenings you captured! I love the moon shot! Was that the harvest moon?

  5. Our best wishes to R, hope she is feeling better... Wonderful to see Shyla coming along. The good news is that fall was beautiful this year. The bad news is the cold in the 5 day forcast.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  6. I was thinking about how Shyla is feeling inside her soul. Her look is the look of greatfulness. She looks like the happiest pup in the world- and I know she is so greatful to you for choosing her and sharing your world with her. Now it is her world too. She is so beautiful- more and more.
    I am so happy R is doing good- and he looks like he feels good too.
    We love your moon shots- ohhhh it gives such peace- thank you , thank you.

  7. Just beautiful! So glad R is feeling good

  8. We decided Shyla is a reincarnation of K. She looks so comfortable in that environment
    Benny & Lily

  9. So glad to hear R is doing better. Shyla is so beautiful inside and out.


  10. Yay R! I hope that he continues to improve like this!

    Yay for Shyla too, and her puppy goofiness. I confess, I've encouraged that in Elka, and she's 3! Sometimes when we're walking, people ask if she's still a puppy. Really, I just don't "need" her to grow up!

  11. The beauty is eternal and so is the love. It is wonderful that your heart can expand to include this amazing new family member. Your Universe grows richer daily. Glad R is on the mend; we still are sending woos of strength and vigor...and confidence that your boy is past his crisis.

  12. So beautiful, the photos and the relationship that is blossoming.

  13. Love the dog shots and love the moon shot too. Everything looks just wonderful to me in KB Country.



  14. Shlya is stunning in front of those aspens! Wow!

  15. Hi,

    I am back! After news of K's departure and R not feeling well, I got too sad to read your blog. Now, I am finally ready to face reality again. Shyla is gorgeous. She looks so much like K. And I am sending good thoughts to R. That puppy will make it throught. He has to. We will it to.


  16. Great pix as always. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  17. Your moonrise picture is gorgeous, KB, and we are so happy that R is feeling better! Enjoy life like a puppy forever, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  18. Love the good news about R! We pray that it continues. Sounds like he is getting back to being himself once again.

    The changes of the season ~ Such a beautiful time in life! Our trees here are very slow to turn this year. When they do, they will just be popping with color.

    Shyla is loving her new surroundings! You'e doing great with her KB!!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  19. Lovely pictures withthe autumn colour...great that R is feeling better....
    I´m happay what my dogs did these two days of hunting/traiing

  20. Gorgeous! Someday I will get out to see those lovely aspens. Glad R is feeling better.

  21. We're glad to read that R is feeling better. Your pictures are just breathtaking. I couldn't imagine having all that scenery and beauty close to my home - thank you for sharing!

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  22. I'm glad R's feeling better! Shyla seems liked she was paw-picked by K to take over. I know K's beaming with pride up on the Bridge.

  23. Your photos are so stunning, both of the dogs and the scenery! You are so lucky to live in such an amazingly beautiful place -- and thank you so much for sharing it with us. I'm also very happy to hear that R is feeling better, and that Shyla continues to learn and grow! They are beautiful creatures indeed.

  24. Brilliant photos, KB!! I am so happy to see and read that you are all having such wonderful times together. :)

  25. Beautiful photos! I bet Shyla thinks her life has taken a magnificent new turn - running all day, freedom, and the love of her new family!


  26. I love that Shyla is starting to feel so comfortable with you that she is living it up as a puppy! That is how it should be!

    Great news about R! I hope he continues to improve!

  27. Shyla is clearly thriving in her new home and it's beautiful to see. She's a lucky girl.

  28. Your pictures are beautiful as always. I love the inquisitive looks that Shyla gives you. You really can see the puppy in her. I am so glad to hear that sweet, goofy R is doing much better and I hope the worst is over for all of you. I love that you now call the boulder, "K's boulder". She did pave the way for you.
    Thank you so much for your kind words for Freddie. We are just keeping our fingers and paws crossed until the 11th! :)

  29. Glad R is doing better. But how scary that what is considered a top brand of kibble could be so contaminated. Have you had the actual kibble lab-tested to see what they can find? Don't know how much that would cost, but if they find contamination or a toxin, the kibble manufacturer might pay for R's vet bills without your even having to sue. Hope his blood tests start to come back normal soon.

    Jed & Abby

  30. The last lines made me smile -

    AND I think I saw a tail wag in the sky as well!

  31. Hi Y'all,

    Love the sunset and moonrise.

    Hawk aka BrownDog


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