Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Although K lost her battle with the evil C, she would want all of us to Live Strong. This photo is from one year ago.
Here's to my girl and living in her spirit.

You can see a badge in the right column of my blog that says "Pillars of Strength". That was from an incredible day when all my blogging friends joined together to honor K. Above it, you can see the painting of K that was commissioned by all my blogging friends. I think that our community is the living spirit of Live Strong. I am grateful to be part of it.


  1. We are grateful to have you here in blogland! I love the strength that you continually show in all areas of your life. It is hard to believe that Pillars of Strength was a year ago. The days do fly by, especially when you have an active pup by your side.
    Have a wonderful evening KB and pack.

  2. That's one of my favorite pictures of K, although she never took a bad one! And I agree, she would want everyone to celebrate her spirit. I read a post yesterday on a blog called Greyhounds Aren't Grey about advances that have been made in cancer treatment in dogs and about a study where they think they've found the gene in Greyhounds that carries the predisposition for osteosarcoma. It's heartening (for me at least) to think that there may be things that can be done to eradicate the disease in the future.

  3. We too will always remember K for her incredible spirit, her zest for life in the Rockies, and the love she had for her pack. She will never be forgotten.

    We are remembering her today with much love in our hearts!

    Lily Belle & Muffin & Mommy Kim

  4. What a lovely picture and how nice. She will always be in you heart.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. I miss reading about K, what more you having to deal with the loss. You have our full support and love, even though it is thru e internet. Looking forward to seeing Shyla and R. He will be just fine, I just know it. I love that boy.


  6. Lovable Lily said it best! You will never ever be forgotten, K!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  7. That day was one of those magical moments -

    It will rank up there with when we gobsmacked Max Mom will our Max Adventures Day -

    K SO livedSTRONG!

    Thanks to YOU for helping inspire her!

  8. We have received far more strength from you than we have given. The blogging community is indeed a living spirit of Live Strong.

  9. We will always remember K for her wonderful spirit, her zest for life, and the love she had for her pack. She will never be forgotten.

    We are remembering her today with much love in our hearts!

  10. So glad that we have found you and your wonderful pups through our blogs. K will always live on in all of our hearts!! Thinking of you today and sending hugs!
    Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  11. K will be forever in our hearts. She was one very strong and very courageous gal, just like her human.

    Live strong and love always.

  12. We proudly stand with K and your family in the fight to end this monster. No one should ever have to feel the horror and pain of experiencing the evil c within themselves or helplessly watching the battle take place inside the body of someone they love. You know we will not rest until cancer.touches.NO.one!

  13. Live string ALWAYS. K showed us all how to live and live life to the fullest.

  14. You have no idea how you and your pack have inspired me...Thank you!!
    the picture of K really captured her spirit--gives me chills, she was so beautiful (inside and out:)

  15. Remembering K on this special day
    Benny & Lily

  16. Sending love to you all today, remembering our beautiful, strong, spirited friends :-)

  17. K changed how I look at life forever.
    She never gave up!

  18. I will never forget K and her spirit. I am blessed to have seen her life through your eyes. Thank you.

    Anne and Sasha

  19. Your strength, your love, and your generosity in sharing so much with us all, this should be sent back ten fold and more. K would surely be so happy to know she is mentioned every day, we see her photo often, and always remember her spirit, and she will always hold a special place in all our hearts. Greetings from Jean.

  20. Even though her battle could not be won in the end, K was for so many of us a real embodiment of the LIVESTRONG spirit.

  21. We hope that some day in the near future we can say GOODBYE forever to the "C" Monster!

    I think Mom furgot to add us to that linky list! Sorry!

  22. Cancer is so vile in all living things - Pillars of Strength is a good thought to help us along.

  23. Glad I found your blog and can share it with all your friends here...K did go much to soon and it was so sad and we all felt sorry....now is happiness for us all. Shyla is sharing her joy and R has a sister again...
    My dogs are little tired after went hunting two days...no its time for us to go to bed, hugs !

  24. If ever there was an example of living strong, KB, it would be you and your special pooches. K's spirit lingers - she will never be forgotten. I love that photo of her; I remember that magnificent eye picture too.
    sending lotsaluv to you

  25. So sorry I missed that special day KB....Sophie has her paw draped across my foot as I type....she is living strong daily. Cheers to you and yours!

  26. What a wonderful tribute to K and to LiveStrong. I didn't know there was a LiveStrong day, but I'm glad there is. Awesome.

  27. Hi Y'all,

    She still has the most beautiful eyes...windows to her soul.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

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