Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Good News

We received some great news about R. His blood work is finally improving rapidly, for the first time since this whole episode started with nausea and advanced to damaged red blood cells.
We feel pretty certain that some unknown toxin in his commercial food caused the problem but there's no way to prove that. So, for the moment, we are simply switching foods and considering whether to go with homecooking like we did for all of K's life. As I read more and more about commercial dog foods, I don't feel certain that we can trust any of them.
Even before the blood results came back, I had the feeling that R's trademark spark had returned. He was running with wilder abandon in the forest and had a happy look in his eyes that I hadn't seen in a long time. He was finally the alert, happy, and high voltage character who we know so well.
We are thrilled with R's news. He has one more blood test tomorrow, and then another in a month. After that, I hope that we can declare this whole episode to be behind us.

This recall, which the two Labs did yesterday, shows R's high energy! I called, and R was a smidgen faster off the mark.
He did his trademark move of cutting in front of Shyla, just like R did to K on so many recalls in their lives together.
As they arrived at my feet, Shyla had been squeezed out but she hadn't given up. She's such a resilient and amazing dog.
I think that Shyla will figure out how to win the "recall races" before too long. As we watch her run, she's as fast as R... she just has to learn to be crafty like R.

For the moment, I'm just happy that R is feeling better again!


  1. Such wonderful news!! Who gets the ticket in R stops short and Shyla runs into him? hahhaha. His sparkle in back in his eyes for sure. Love to see the two of them together! His expression in the first photo is priceless.

  2. Love the last photo! Glad R is doing so much better. Back in 2007 at the peak of the pet food poisoning by China, Iowa State University's College of Veterinary Medicine offered to test foods for toxins. If you saved any of the bad food you might contact them and see if they would still do the testing.

  3. Wonderful news!!! Here's hoping R holds the gains. He is quite the jokester, sneaking in front during the recalls. Loved the photographs of those two together.

  4. Such incredible news! I'm so happy he's getting better.
    I don't think I will ever put Nola back on commercial dog food, I'm just not comfortable with it.
    Nola's Mom

  5. Whoopee! Such good news about the boy! He is such a handsome guy, with those black eyes of his and sparkly coat. He and Shyla make a great pair!

    I tend to agree with you about commercial dog food. It can be very good and then some flawed ingredient causes it to go bad and we usually don't know until pups start getting sick. Its a scary business.


    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. OMD... such a relief! We are THRILLED too hearing the news about R.

    Your pictures... Look at the two of them together.... Oh goodness, just warms my heart today!


  7. Great news. WE are so glad to hear this.

    Love the first photo (we love them all) but we love how you are able to catch such great pictures of both dogs. Black dogs are so hard to photograph, let along a picture with a black and a brown one and still get the faces to show up so clearly .
    Bert Nd My Vickie

  8. Three cheers for R feeling better!! Great photos KB. Have a great friday :)

  9. Yipee for R!!!
    Hisqueen1 with Aria and Mikey

  10. YAY for R! I'm so glad he's doing so well! :)

  11. I've been a reader for a year or so and I have a slightly strange question. Are K and R the dogs' real names or are they just identifiers?

  12. I'm so glad he's better!

    It's hard to fully trust a company. With all the recalls, and the China nonsense, feeding a dog has been pretty scary the past couple of years.

  13. I'm thrilled that you got such good news for R! And I love these photos of R and Shyla together. What a great pair they make! :D

  14. Delighted to hear the wonderful news about R and seeing the sparkle in his eyes. Shyla has come so far and grown so much. You can see the confidence in her eyes and the way she carries herself.
    Enjoy all the photos of the pups and your wildlife photos are so awesome. The bobcat ones were exquisite!

  15. Oh what wonderful news that R is finally improving and the light is back in his eyes. Shyla & R look awesome sitting together from Milo & Jet

  16. We are pleased to read that R is feeling better too.

  17. Great news about R and we were pleased to read it. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  18. We are so happy to hear this great news!
    Don't worry, Shyla - us girls are smarter than those boys are! Hopefully, the next picture we see is your butt in R's face!

    Love ya lots,
    Molly and Mitch

  19. Hurrah! That is such wonderful news! But also so sad that one really cannot totally trust dog food manufacturers anymore...

  20. As a black lab fan, I am thrilled to see him back on form!
    Great news indeed.

    Not sure what brand of food you use, but I mix mine around a bit and don't buy extra large bags - always worry about food going off/mouldy.
    Also worry about some of the food/jerky bars etc coming in from overseas....

  21. Those pictures have me smiling SO much -

    Thanks for the great news too!

  22. Fantastic news!!!! Always good to see lab results to confirm what appears to be a healthier dog!!

    They are a cute duo!!!


  23. wonderful news!! have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Great news on R! So glad to hear that he is feeling better! Beautiful pictures!

  25. Dear Anonymous,

    K and R are not real names but quick and easy ways to identify them. I decided to change that with Shyla, using her whole name, but it seemed too odd to suddenly change R's moniker now.


  26. Oh Thank Goodness! This is such good news to start the weekend with!

  27. There's always a competition in our house. Usually it's under my feet in my tiny bathroom in the morning while I'm getting ready for work. I'm always getting pushed or leaned on!

    Oh well, makes me feel loved!!

    Mamma Heartbeat

  28. That's grreat news! They're so beautiful together.

  29. Oh my goodness this is such great news. Bet you feel a ton of relief
    Benny & Lily

  30. So glad R is doing better - love the photos, especially the last one - too cute. How do you get them to recall so good? I'd love to be able to do that with my 2 labs.

  31. Wonderful photos, and such great news!!!! I'm smiling as I write this.

  32. Yeah - we are celebrating with you that R's doing so well! That's fantastic news!

    Love the pics - both dogs look amazing!

  33. Ann ..from...Outer Banks of NC...said ....my heart is smiling KB...so glad to hear the good news..but it makes me so mad that we have to be on guard with the pet food industry...they should be held accountable for all that has happen...so it is a good thing.. we learn from it....such beautiful photos of your special pups ...always a treat to see them so happy....life is a beautiful thing and there is so much to SMILE about....HUGS

  34. That first picture of the "labraduo" put a huge smile on my face. I love how each new dog we get is unique and special, yet doesn't diminish the memory of those who've gone before. Beautiful. And great news about Mr. R!!

  35. Excellent news! I'm so glad he is feeling great. It's so scary to have a dog, or any pet, get sick and not now exactly why. Thinking about the food is really scary because you just never know what can get in there. I've thought about home cooking too, but then I worry that I won't get it balanced with all the nutrients, etc. R and Shyla look great together!

  36. They are such shiny healthy pups. Love that!

  37. Great news!!!!I´m so happy to read about it. R looks great with Shyla , what a duo....Hugs from us...

  38. So happy that R is feeling better and good enough to win the recall races! I agree that the commercial pet food industry is extremely scary ... the two dogs and three cats here have been on a home prepared (raw) diet ever since the 2007 recalls. I breathe a lot easier now. But even still, I do let them have some store bought treats (carefully selected) so I still have to watch out for recalls. It's exhausting sometimes.

  39. So, SO glad to hear good news about R!!!

  40. Awesome, awesome news, KB!!! Those two furries are going to keep you very busy AND very happy for a very long time.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  41. I'm sharing that good news with you from my corner in Virginia!! I'm so glad, and very thankful that he's doing so well and loving life!!

  42. They really are a sweet pair. They look well matched.

    K has a new friend up there now, my Star let go last night.

  43. Great news KB....R is looking spritely and clearly is enjoying life again!! Love the push over I'm first picture. Shyla will figure it all out!

  44. Clapping for R's good report! I cooked for Bree - Bob used to kid that her dinner smelled better than his. I also used an organic, no beef, no wheat, no corn food sometimes.

  45. Hi Y'all!

    Hip, hip horray! for R! Great news! Great day!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  46. Yay! I'm so glad to hear that R's blood work is good. This must be such a load off of you. How good it must make you feel to see the spark back in your cracker guy! I love these pics of him and Shyla together. Her head on his butt in the recall.....hilarious! Yes, she will learn! :)

  47. What a relief that R's lab work is improved, KB! Now you can finally relax and enjoy Shyla and R with NO worries! It's great to see R back to his usual energetic self.

    Susan T and Wrigs in AZ

  48. Good news! Yeh! If you do make your own food I'd be curious about how and what. I've tried to do so before but been dismayed at how much time, labor and expensive ingredients I ended up using.

  49. Good news! Yeh! If you do make your own food I'd be curious about how and what. I've tried to do so before but been dismayed at how much time, labor and expensive ingredients I ended up using.


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