Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 12, 2012

See Beautiful

Every month when "See Beautiful" Day comes around, I am reminded of how much seeing the beauty of the world is a state of mind. Despite tumultuous winds, I saw nothing but beautiful during my hike up above treeline with Shyla this week.
Someday, she and I will climb that beautiful peak behind her but the wind was too strong the other day. We would have been blown off of it!
We're approaching the end of leaf season here at our elevation but I spotted this gorgeous medley of leaves.
As fall is starting to give way to winter, the animal patterns are changing. I've photographed very few bears recently but I was thrilled to capture this big fat bear twice in one night. This beautiful bear rubbed all over the tree but never went up on his hind legs. I have a video of him marking a tree that I'll post in the next few days. Autumn tree-marking is a slow-motion dance compared to the frenzied dances of the mating season.
Miles away, he passed through a notch in a hogback that I've staked out with a camera. He showed us his huge rump.
A mountain lion who was intrigued with my cameras passed several of them. He climbed up on a log to look at one.
He peeked at another with a beautiful gold eye.
Then, he contemplated the camera. He is beautiful to me.
There is so much beauty that we miss every day... so I love be reminded to notice it!


  1. I love the second photo of Shyla!

  2. Yes beautiful is around us everyday. And it is inside each and everyone of us all the time. I love that second photo of Shyla, what a look. Love it! KB you bring so much beautiful to all of us through the sharing of your photos and your words. I just want to say on behalf of me and MOM THANK YOU. You are beautiful!

  3. What Goose said!

    Me, too!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  4. Woof! Woof! It's amazing all the beauty you guys see on your hikes. Winds provides additional beauty. Happy {This Moment} See Beautiful. Lots of Golden Thanks for joining the hop. Happy Seeing Beauty. Lots of Golden Woos, Sugar

  5. What gorgeous pictures! All we see is beauty when we visit your blog, KB.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  6. Ditto Goose. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly.

  7. The puma is so beautiful - my favourite big cat...


  8. You definitely found beauty, but then I again, I think you always see it! :)

  9. So beautiful! Thank you so much for capturing these images so others can see beautiful in ways we'd never be able to! We are just inspired by it!

    Lydia @ See Beautiful

  10. The photos of the mountain lion are great! What a splendid animal!

  11. Way cool! Is this a stationary camera? You weren't really that close to the bear and cougar were you? I'd love to draw that cougar!

  12. I love the last shot - what a beautiful animal!


  13. I can't decide which I prefer, your photos of your beautiful dogs, your closeups of the trees and scenery around you, or your trail cam photos of the wildlife. They're all amazing in their own way! I especially love the cougar closeups -- they show its fur and markings so well, and also show by its curiosity that even though it's a giant predator, it's still a distant cousin to our household kitties!

  14. Great pictures of Shyla...love the trial camera shots.
    We must put our out now beacause there is a lot of moose on the "moose filed" where we hade it before.

  15. Hi KB, your photos always amaze us. We just love them. Shyla is looking wonderful isn't she. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  16. I see beautiful every time I visit this blog. Thank you for that

    Anne and Sasha

  17. Your pictures never cease to amaze me! There is so much beauty in your mountains and I thank you for always sharing it with us. :)

  18. Hi Y'all,

    We all needed to be reminded from time to time about the beauty that surrounds us.

    Hawk aka BrownDog


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