Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Heart

Blue skies and a happy heart...
My girl was bursting with joy today as she ran through the hoar frost laden world.
 Shyla had clear eyes and a heart of happiness.
Indeed, her happiness was causing her to levitate!
The combination of white frost, fall colors, and Shyla's chocolate fur was a work of art.
These aspen leaves reminded me of Shyla's "Heart of Gold".
We seized the day, and it was an incredible day! My Shyla is making me so very happy! I'm seeing our mountain world through her naive eyes, and the beauty is popping out everywhere.


  1. U has a flying dog? And she is made out of chocolate? Awesome!! :)

  2. Her body is changing and filling out so much. Just such a muscular look. Been a fairly short time but she is going to be a real knock out when she gets to be what she's gonna be!

    Cheers for You and for Shyla ( R gets some of the credit too, maybe runner?)

    Hugs all around,


  3. She is becoming a true mountain girl!


  4. The tone of your words and the beautiful pictures define happiness and I'm glad you shared your feelings with us! What beautiful pictures!

  5. We are so happy for you to be so happy. Your photos are incredible, here and in the past posts we didn't get to comment on. It may be cold, but it sure is pretty there.

  6. Go Shyla, Go Shyla, Go Shyla!!!

    What a beautiful day in the Rockies...

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  7. Oh, KB! What a beauty she is! And what beauti-full photos!

  8. Thank you for sharing this joyous experience! :)

  9. I am so happy that you are happy! What a beautiful girl! She has that joyful Lab spirit!


  10. We is so happy dat you has a happy heart again :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  11. The joy just flows from your words and photos. Just can't help but smile and enjoy the joy you are sharing. Thank you!!

  12. What a "Feel Good" post. Thanks.....

  13. your talent is amazing...the job of capturing pure joy and communicating well enough to make another's heart swell with the happiness of being able to share such a sacred moment is nigh to impossible and today you worked magic!

  14. What a beautiful post! The joy just radiates from both of you.

  15. What a beautiful adventure and the joy in Shyla is very easy to see as she explores. The photo's are pawesome from Milo & Jet

  16. Your post gave me a happy heart too. Thanks for sharing.


  17. Look at your girl, happy and leaping with joy, ice crystals and colours. All golden in our wonderful world. Fond greetings from Jean.

  18. We are so thrilled to hear that Shyla is happy in her new world...and we are extra happy to hear that she is making you VERY HAPPY! These photos are amazing!! What beautiful country you live in!!

  19. We have huge smiles on our faces so early in the morning! You are a beauty, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  20. Her is so dog gone purties and her is gettin' big! Well, her has always been big compared to me but you know what I mean.
    I just loves to see her havin' so much fun.


  21. Nothing like seeing the world through fresh eyes!

    Mamma Heartbeat

  22. Seeing Shyla run always makes me smile!

  23. I am so glad you found back happiness with this girl. I do know there will always be that big hole in our hearts, but we can be happy again!

  24. And you are bringing all the joy and beauty to us. Thank you! That Shyla is just high on Life. I can feel her energy through the photos. :)

  25. Shyla really hit the doggy lottery when she came to live with you! :)

  26. Can't wait for little one to experience all that snow
    Benny & Lily

  27. Wow what frost you have, love Shyla..shes a great dog for you....

  28. The wonder of fall as it slips toward winter is what Shyla is so excited about! I hiked today and all our leaves were down. It was in the teens here overnight.

  29. Shyla looks so good! I miss the days that I was able to let Java run free and see that kind of fun-filled enthusiasm.

  30. Hi Y'all!

    And Shyla is seeing a world she never imagined and no dog ever dreamed they could be so lucky!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  31. You did seize an incredible day! Shyla looks like she is just bursting with happiness!

  32. The frost makes everything look even more beautiful and Shyla's joy is infectious. :)

  33. Wow, those first and last shots are incredible. They would make awesome greeting cards or posters with motivational quotes!

    I'm so glad Shyla is adapting to the change of weather. I wondered how she'd do when we had our first snow.


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