Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 8, 2012

A goofy mountain lion

I had fun times on the trails with the pups today. R's eyes gleamed.
And Shyla glowed in the low angle sunlight.
After spending time with the pups, I headed out to check some trail cameras, to an area where I don't take any dogs. A young mountain lion made the rounds here last week. I captured photos of him being goofy at multiple cameras. Here are the highlights from just one. A week ago, I departed the camera with my protective pepper spray on my belt...
Later in the day, a mountain lion sporting ear tags and a GPS collar arrived at the camera.
He immediately zeroed in on the camera.
He moved closer to it.
Then, he put his nose right on the lens.
Then, he hung out directly in front of it for a while, giving me many closeup photos of his fur. As he turned away, his GPS and radio collar came into full view.
Then, his ear tags were obvious. I feel kind of bad for these cats, so bedecked in hardware installed by humans.
After leaving the camera, he headed for the base of the bear marking tree. It's one of those trees that many bears have stood up against and rubbed with their fur.
This goofy young mountain lion then did something that I've never seen before.
He rubbed and wriggled all around the base of the tree.
Then, he lay out flat for a moment.
Suddenly, he came to his senses and looked up, perhaps realizing that he was being too goofy for the fiercest predator in the forest.
He stood up and shot my camera an evil eye before sauntering away.
That was one of the most extensive and fun series of photos that I've ever captured of a mountain lion!


  1. Great Pics...He is surely thinking "this better not end up on Facebook".. It upsets me that they put those huge collars on them. Tags,fine, but we have such advancements in technology that there is no need for collars that big. If they want to track their gps location I'm sure there is a much smaller device to put on them.
    How is R feeling? His eyes look bright and alert. Shyla is looking very beautiful. She has really filled out since she came to you.
    Hisqueen1 with Aria and Mikey

  2. I don't think I've ever seen you write out R's name before!
    Rono, that's a nifty name.

    Ha! What a funny lion! That is a really neat observation. I'd definitely tell some biologists/wildlife people, see if they have something to say about it.

  3. I was wondering something. When they put the collars on they seem pretty tight, and if the lions are young, is it possible that the collars grow too tight for them as they mature and fill out? Do you know if they try and capture them and adjust the collars as they grow.
    These were such fantastic views of the lion. I am so glad you have your trail cams out and that you share with us. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to see the beautiful creatures at all.
    Bert and My Vickie

  4. Hi Y'all!

    Just stoppin' by to say "hi" . Tryin' to catch up with y'all.

    Cat does look like he's givin' you a really evil look!

    Humans have been busy doing and going, plus computer "malfunctions" at most inopportune times. ..so I've really been missin' y'all! But I am havin' new adventures to relate to y'all!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Awwe! I love R's name! He has the most gorgeous eyes! They remind me of black beauty marbles. And Shyla definitely glows. That series of pictures of the mountain lion are hilarious! Even mountain lions can be goofy I guess. Those radio collars are huge, it's just too bad they have to wear them. Besides being awkward, you'd think they would get itchy. How do the people who put them on know if they're not too tight? What if thy put on weight?

  6. OMD! We too can't believe we now know handsome R's name!! Rono?? Is it true? What does it mean? You're gonna get us all going now.

    That poor lion with the tracker on him. I agree with Anon above, we can microchip our precious one's with something as small as a grain of rice, Hello!

    He was being a silly guy today.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  7. That's a fabulous series of cat photos, indeed! And yes, I agree that the ear tags are too much and the giant GPS collar is WAY too much; I understand and appreciate why the scientists want to track the top predator populations (since that's a clear indicator of the health of the ecosystem as a whole), but can't they do it a bit less obtrusively? I just hope that this cat's mate/future mate isn't put off by all the hardware!

    Thanks for once again showing us some of your beautiful, beautiful forest (and your beautiful dogs!). Your photos are truly breathtaking; I'm actually shocked that you haven't been contacted by a publisher wanting to put out a book of your photos. Between the trail cams and your stunning pictures of the trees and meadows, you could produce a gorgeous book that I, for one, would buy in a heartbeat!

  8. Wow, those are amazing pictures of the mountain lion! I always feel bad when they have the collars and tags. I'm glad R is feeling better.

  9. That was so awesome to watch! Maybe he thought he was trying out for a Disney movie and was "hamming" for the camera lol. That last look is priceless. The pictures of R and Shyla are especially beautiful.

    Anne and Sasha

  10. Until now I did not realize how BIG those collars are!! I only wear my collar when I have to, I cannot imagine wearing something like that. What we be wrong with just a small chip?
    And did I miss something with R's name. I see others commented about his "full" name. But I just don't see in in the post. Maybe I need glasses. In any case MOM and I love seeing both R's and Shyla's beautiful faces.

  11. Until now I did not realize how BIG those collars are!! I only wear my collar when I have to, I cannot imagine wearing something like that. What we be wrong with just a small chip?
    And did I miss something with R's name. I see others commented about his "full" name. But I just don't see in in the post. Maybe I need glasses. In any case MOM and I love seeing both R's and Shyla's beautiful faces.

  12. Thanks for sharing such a unique glimpse of nature.


  13. Eek, those ear tags are HUGE. And the collar. He kind of pulls it off, though, like he's going to go clubbing or something.

    The R picture is fantabulous. Just how I like to see him!

  14. What a neat close up view of the lion! I've seen house cats do some of those moves before, but never a Mountain Lion. Maybe the weather made him feel like a kitten! I can understand putting the radio collar on them for study purposes, but the ear tags seem like overkill...

  15. Its hard for me to imagine that these animals aren't affected by the huge collar and those big ear
    things! Ach! I wouldn't blame him for rolling and rubbing trying to get rid of those things.

    Where are we getting Rono from? The boy is looking good and his shark eyes sparkle!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  16. Your mountain lion just looks like a great big kitty!

  17. What a cutie pie that mountain lion is! Reminds me of my own "fierce" cats. lol Thank you so much for sharing. That was awesome!!

  18. That mountain lion looks like a big playful kitty!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  19. Nice to see the mountain lion again. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  20. hahahah WOW!!! That is sooo awesome and amazing!!! What a screwball!!

  21. hahahah WOW!!! That is sooo awesome and amazing!!! What a screwball!!

  22. great lion pictures! i agree the hardware looks so cumbersome.....the dogs look great and R continues to do well!?
    thanks for your comments...(i think obama just didn't want to stoop to his level at the debate.....) unfortunately when people make their decision based on one tv show, or an ad, it can be frustrating...

  23. I agree with rottrover! It's just a big ol' kitty cat! LOL
    Despite the hardware, he looks pretty happy!

    Mamma Heartbeat

  24. Love those lion shots!!!


  25. Hah! My kitty brother and sister act like that all the time. I don't see the big deal. :)

  26. Looks like "R" is back...he is so handsome!! The shots of the mountain lion are amazing. Thanks for sharing with us.

  27. How refreshing to know that even the majestic lion gets goofy now and then.

  28. What pawesome pictures of R & Shyla enjoying there walk. The photo's of the mountain lion are amazing but It's a bit sad seeing him wearing such a huge collar you think the could make it stand out a little less.

    From Milo & Jet

  29. Fascinating photos of the mountain lion! I feel sorry for him, too, wearing all that gear around his neck. I thought a chip was inserted under the skin, not a gigantic necklace.

  30. He is very beautiful! All those awful devices on him; That is just so sad that humans can't live and let live.

  31. Glad R is feeling more himself, and I LOVE the lion photos.

  32. Lovely photos! The sequence of the mountain lion was really neat!

  33. Behaving like any other yearling cat, only bigger! The pictures made me smile.

    Do those collars fall off after a set period of time, or what? They seem so clunky and obtrusive. I'd be interested to read about the collar design and the technology, and the purpose for these particular studies, if you happen to know, or can link to whatever group is doing the research.

  34. That was too funny. The mountain lion must have suddenly realized he was on Candid Camera:)

  35. Very cool! I wonder what it was rolling in?

  36. He just wanted some sun on his belly for a bit!

  37. Wow what a serie of the mountin lion, great and very exciting to see.
    We are out this week for moose hunt but no succes.Yesterday lovley wheather and today rain...

  38. I have worked in GIS and know that the technology exists for microtransmitters that do not encumbered these beautiful creatures...but they are more expensive (it is always about $$, eh?).

    What a fabulous series of photos!

  39. Almost looks like he was putting on an act just for your benefit! :o)

  40. I'm glad to see R feeling better!

    The mountain lion photos made my day! Just wonderful! I think we all feel for animals like this lion that have been interfered with by humans. I wonder if the biologist(s) doing the study plan to recapture these animals and remove their collars and tags at some point? I hope so.

    Susan T and Wrigs in AZ

  41. I think he was worried you weren't getting his good side. Be safe out there!

  42. Beautiful photos you captured of the big cat!
    R your eyes look like dark chocolate candy!

  43. Truly remarkable! What personality that cat shows! I'm with you; I don't like the jewelry they must sport. I know sometimes important research is possible because of the tags and locators, but I still wish there was another less-invasive way.

  44. I'm catching up now. LOVE this series of pix of the big cat. Excellent work!

  45. Sorry I am so late, but I love those pictures. Great to see such majestic beasts just be a little fun loving every now and then.

    I shared some pictures on the Herd's facebook page of a black bear and some horses hanging out together. That is a combination I did not expect to see. Let me know if you did not see, and I will send you the link via email.


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