Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

High in the Mountains

A fun day at 13,000', high in the Rocky Mountains! It's rare that we can climb so high this late in autumn without wading through deep snow so Shyla and I seized the day.
Shyla is becoming a true mountain dog. More tomorrow when I'm not so tired!


  1. seize the day indeed! MOM and I love doing that. Looking forward to the photos. And to answer, if I could, for Shyla Khyra's question- "No question about it these people are keepers and I am where I belong. I LOVE them. And it is clear I am loved VERY much." That's just what I see in her eyes. And believe me I am a very good at reading eyes.

  2. you sure do have big days Shyla. You must be very tired
    Benny & Lily

  3. You really climbed! Shyla looks like she's questioning your sanity!

  4. Wow zeros! We were pooped just going to the beach
    , bet you sleep well tonight, Shyla!

    Bart and Ruby

  5. We are so happy to see R looking so bright eyed and healthy again! Did his former kibble turned out to be the culprit? Hope his blood work is back to normal.

    Shyla's progress sure shows what love and care can do for a dog in a few short weeks. We're sure you have years of wonderful adventures ahead of you.

    What is with the green ear tags on the mountain lions? It's bad enough they have those bulky, tight collars on without also having their ears pierced and inviting constant infection. Can't help but worry all that gear interfers with their hunting success.

    Jed & Abby

  6. What a great day! And Shyla looks so introspective! I love that picture of her!

  7. Shyla looks so happy in her mountains! Just look at that face!

  8. Shyla looks like she is ready to keep going.

    Anne and Sasha

  9. You sure have one fun back yard to play in, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  10. Whew... We got tired just thinking about your big hike! We can't wait to hear the story.

    We hope that R is feeling much better today.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  11. We're taking a little short break to both mourn Benji and also spend time with the two newcomers, but wanted to stop by and say HI. Shyla is doing great! We'll have to take lessons from you as one of our new little ones is also very shy.

  12. What a beautiful day to share together! Can't wait to hear more about it!

  13. THAT's the kind of outing I crave!!! To have so much fun and be so energetic, all you can do when you get home is collapse into a pile of self-satisfaction (with a wonderful four-legged best friend to cuddle with!).

  14. Love your area....its wonderful and so special....would really like to got there.
    Shyla looks too qute....Hugs from us all

  15. All we can think is what a wonderful choice K helped you make!

  16. Well squirrel snot...she gets more beautifuls every time I sees her.
    I can't wait to see her in da snow.


  17. Hi Y'all,

    Beautiful portrait. Especially expressive eyes.

    Hawk aka BrownDog


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