Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Mountain Peace

Shyla was wide-eyed and ready to charge out into the world this morning.
To my utter disbelief, we stumbled upon a blooming harebell flower, a flower that usually shines in mid-summer. I suspect that the summer drought prevented it from blooming until very late. Now, it has to endure regular freezing temperatures and snow!

I stopped to appreciate the flower... but Shyla just wanted to run! The fire that has ignited in her eyes over the past weeks absolutely astounds me. In some ways, she seems like a completely different dog from the girl I met at the end of August. Her confidence and joy grow daily.
Our morning outing was the highlight of the day. After an emergency visit to the dentist and some town socialization/training for Shyla, we returned to the peace of the mountains just in time to see a spectacular sunset together with R.
At the end of the day, there's no place that I'd rather be than on the trails with my pack.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Beautiful sunset, beautiful dog, beautiful day. Yep nothing like being home with the ones you love and who love you.

  2. You are so lucky to be able to spend so much time with your pups!


  3. Perfectly awesome photos!! So glad you are able to share these with us!

  4. Gorgeous colours in the sky,truly we live in a world where nature captures it in a fleeting moment. Shyla is a trick with her ears flapping. AOK here, Greetings from Jean.

  5. Wow, what a sunset! You have such beauty in your life, and it's wonderful to know that you truly appreciate it.

  6. You sure can see the spark in Shyla's eyes! What a wonderful surprise to come across that blooming harebell now and that sunset is just beautiful. Have a great weekend with your pack! :)

  7. And there is no place we would rather be than sharing the journey with you and your amazing family!

  8. I love the look of exuberance in Sheila's eyes. She sure looks like she is enjoying herself.


  9. It is wonderful to see how much Shyla has blossomed in 6 short weeks.She's filled out physically and grown in confidence, as your photos so clearly show. Hope R is doing better. Been catching up on past posts and it sounded like his blood results were returning to normal, but infer he has lost a fair amount of weight.

  10. I can't imagine any dog who wouldn't feel that they had landed in paradise at your mountain home!

    Shyla is so beautiful, truly a mountain girl!


  11. Ouch, the dentist! Hope that turned out well....

    I think our furend Goose said it best (above). Your post just made our hearts all warm and fuzzy.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  12. It is just so awesome to see how she is finding the fun in life with such a special family in such an incredible place!

  13. Your sunset looks like a painted work of art! Wow!

    And I love Shyla's enthusiasm for everything. She reminds me of that flower, blooming a little late, but still magnificently beautiful.

  14. Don't you just love those little surprise flowers? So glad Shyla is learning and growing. You definitely made the right choice over a little puppy.

  15. I know that at the start of the day, that's where you want to be too!! Enjoy your Saturday!!!

  16. Hi Y'all!

    Wow! One picture is better than the next!

    Shyla is growing more beautiful everyday!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  17. What a beautiful Harebell, a lovely Shyla and a gorgeous sunset! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  18. Happy Saturday to you and the pack!! Shyla is really coming into her own with your love and guidance. She's a lucky dog :)

  19. Your day could not have been more perfect...well except maybe for the emergency trip to the dentist!

  20. Hi! Lovely sunset you had....Shyla is looking great with lots of happiness....she could not have a better family than yours...

  21. Gorgeous photos, as always! Shyla is a very lucky dog. I hope your dental emergency wasn't too terrible!

    Susan and Wrigs in AZ

  22. I think she has the "fever"!! Those are some wild eyes!

    Good for her!

    Mamma Heartbeat


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