Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Orange Season

The season of orange has begun. We all don orange vests so hunters see us.
Streaking dogs can look like deer, I hear.
Even sharp-looking dogs need orange.
Apparently, the deer didn't get the memo about hunting season. A trio of does stood about 50 yards from me during my bike ride, seemingly ignoring me. Don't they look up the season dates on their iTails?
Not only did they have to worry about human hunters, but they also had to evade this guy who patrolled our area last night. Interestingly, a human was out and about last night in the same area. I doubt that the human had any idea that this huge cat was nearby.
Another marker of the season is that most of the aspen leaves are on the ground... but I spotted a few golden and red leaves on a tiny aspen seedling.
Here's one of the fallen leaves, like a work of art nestled among the leathery kinnikinnick leaves.
That leaf is a gorgeous orange (as opposed to the blaze orange that we have to wear at this time of year). I know that I'll be sick of donning orange garb every time we go outside for the next month or so... but it's a small price to pay to live in paradise!


  1. Love the leaves, orange is safe, and as for the " iTails"?? I had to laugh, so good to have some humour,Shyla is doing so well, leaps and bounds, and wearing a safety vest with no problems,as always your beautiful scenery is that, BEAUTIFUL. greetings from Jean.

  2. Deer seem to know they are protected in our community. We have even more than usual so I think they ARE checking their iTails around here.

    As for the lion...gorgeous, but from what I've seen from your cameras there is no way I would venture outside at night.

  3. We don't have iTails. Only docs...

  4. Let's just hope that some of the hunters aren't color blind or don't pay attention to orange!


  5. I had a chuckle over the iTails! I must admit, i'd be a bit nervous outside with trigger-happy hunters around.

  6. Hi Y'all,

    Maybe the Itails signal is being blocked by the mountains. ;)

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. I have heard that some hunters here think automobiles look a lot like deer. Maybe they are from the city and things ARE different there!

    We are going to have to do some heavy duty praying for the deer, the drivers, and those hunters!

    Good luck to you people and pups out there in the mountains!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  8. Khyra gives you a big fluffy tail up for the iTails!

    Of course, she also gives a BFT to the nice khytty ;-)

  9. iTails - too funny, KB. Wear that orange and stay safe, please.

  10. Ann.....from..Outer Banks of NC...said....Please be safe....all of you.....some hunters are so careless and trigger happy....that they forget what they are shooting at....with the wild animals... I actually pray for their safety as well...they are so beautiful...and I do love all the radiant colors this time of the year....Hugs

  11. iTails! Ha ha ha ha ha! We saw a deer this afternoon right in the middle of a Saint Louis suburb in the middle of the afternoon. Crazy thing!

    We met an English Lab today, quite different from the Labs I'm used to!

  12. It seems that hunters suffer from the same poor vision problems everywhere in the world. I am writing this with the sound of guns going off all around. Just wish we could go around and put orange vests on the deer...

  13. The leaves are just beautiful!
    You and R look great in orange, Shyla! Stay safe!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  14. Orange for safety!! Very important for this season!! Love all of your beautiful colors!!

  15. Orange is my favorite color and your photos make it even more fabulous! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  16. The picture of the roe is just beautiful....lovely colours .
    We have also west for our dogs with GPS on....so we always know where they are when hunting. TOday we could see Tryms track after a hare...his first hunt. Will write more about it tomorrow...
    Hugs from us!

  17. I just pulled out my dog's orange vest yesterday. Stay safe!

  18. orange vests are good. That gun fire could be scary
    Benny & Lily

  19. Our main deer season begins on the 26th (archery season will be ongoing during the entire month of January!). Wrigs has a safety vest too, though we've seldom run into hunters. Better safe than sorry!

    Susan and Wrigs in AZ

  20. Those orange vests are a great idea when you frequent the bush as much as you do. How odd a human was wandering your woods so late at night but no stranger than the fox I saw wandering through a 4 lane busy street last week in a very busy part of town. I had to do a double take!


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