Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Veiled sunrise

Soft sunrise glow on Shyla's face

Later morning beauty
The invisible patrol - a mountain lion earlier this fall


  1. Each picture is more beautiful than the next. Shyla sure captures the glow of the sunrise in an awe inspiring way.

  2. Hi - just catching up after a few days and am absolutely thrilled to hear that Shyla's bone lesion is consistent with a healing fracture! The news we were all hoping for!

    I love the photos from today's post, especially the one in shadow. Just beautiful.

  3. First I thought that sunrise was so beautiful until I saw the way shyla's eyes were glowing in the glow.....then....I came to the morning beauty pic. Wow! Like Nola said, STUNNING! That picture deserves a frame. What a great capture! I can't get over how big the paws are on that mountain lion. :)

  4. Shyla's face has exactly the same colors as the sunrise. Beautiful!

  5. Count us in for the beauty of #3!

    Although - as usual - Khyra is fond of the khytty shot!

  6. *Sigh*....just beOOtiful!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  7. So beautiful! The sight of Shyla perched on that rock (breathtaking!) makes me think your vet probably gave the okay for Shyla to resume fairly normal activities. If that is so, I'm sure it's a huge relief for both of you. :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  8. The Daughter of the Mountains is just glowing in the photos...
    And all of the photos are spectacular.
    All I can say is thank you for sharing your world.

  9. We don't know how you do it, but every day your photos are just incredible!!!

  10. Each picture held its own beauty and I could have looked at 100 more. I am always enthralled with your photography and your subjects.

  11. I love the silhouette shot, and the colors in all of them are gorgeous!

  12. Ann...from...Outer Banks of NC...said....just catching up....I want to say.....YIP-PEE.....glad to hear the good news about Shyla....cuddles to her and R....sorry to hear about your back ...healing thoughts are coming your way....hope you feel better soon...you always inspire us KB..want to just let you know..."there are promises for every seasons of life and for every precious moment shared" and because the memories of K are pressed close to your heart..... is why your pictures are so heartwarming....HUGS

  13. Woof! Woof! Love the photos especially the silhouette. Beautiful. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  14. Your photos are daily reminders of just how wonderful life is. Thanks.

  15. Love what you do with a camera girl! Those are stunning!!

  16. All beautiful, but the picture of Shyla's face is amazing. It makes me happy just looking at that beauty.

    Anne and Sasha

  17. Stunning photos - each one of them!

    Love ya lots
    Mitch and Molly

  18. Dang girlfriend, you did it again with your amazing pictures. We are just gonna sit here all day and oohhhh and aahhhhh over them all!

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  19. Pic #3 needs to be framed!!!! I agree with everyone - it's just amazingly beautiful!

  20. Howdy Everybuddy, beautiful photos. Shyla is looking wonderful. We've been out of the loop, so hope you are all ok. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  21. KB....I did it, I ordered a trail cam from Trailcam Pro!!! Can't wait to get it--we've a big deer around that has been rubbing on some of our young trees. Hope we can "catch" him. Thanks for your suggestions.

  22. Hi !! What lovely pictures the last one is awsome.
    Would like to have it on my screen saver.


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