Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Good News

Good news today! After pestering the Colorado State specialist incessantly, I received a brief email saying that she thinks that Shyla's bone lesion is consistent with a "healing fracture", perhaps from a fracture that happened fairly long ago and was recently re-injured.
Shyla flapped her ears in happiness! Of all the options, that was the best. We'll still have to keeping following the bone lesion to make sure that it doesn't change in a bad way - but, for now, no more worrying about Shyla's leg for me.
Of course, our first question was, when can Shyla start running like normal again? I don't have an answer to that one yet. Our regular vet is going to talk with us tomorrow.
I'm so relieved that we aren't talking about bone cancer. The anniversary of K's diagnosis on Christmas Eve last year is weighing heavily on me. Now, I don't have to worry that we're facing a similar holiday heartbreak.
As you can see from these photos, Shyla and I were up before the sun today. We greeted its first rays from a high plateau with views of the mountains and the eastern plains. I adore seeing sunrise, especially with a chocolate pup by my side!


  1. Great news! Great, great, GREAT news!


  2. That is THE BEST NEWS!!!!! I am so happy for all of you! :)

  3. Awesome news!
    O Happy Day
    xo Cinnamon

  4. We're so happy you got this good news! Don't understand why it took them an entire week to get this report to you, but so relieved for you. I hope Shyla will be able to return to a normal exercise routine soon. It's so difficult to keep a young, energetic dog quiet! Happy holidays!

    Susan and Wrigs

  5. Yippee!!!!! I am so happy for you! This must be such a weight lifted off of your shoulders. Now you can breathe easy again with Shyla. Whew!

  6. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and - PHEW!!!!!!!

    Patty (blogless)

  7. The news can't get much better than that!
    Benny & Lily

  8. Thank you for sharing this good news with us. Happy tears are in our eyes.
    We love you all so much

  9. Woo Hoo!!! That is wonderful. And look at that oh so happy face. I bet yours looks the same. :)

  10. YIPPEE!!!!! That is the best news I've heard in a LONG time!!! Yay for Shyla!!!! Lots of hugs and love to all!

  11. Romp,Roll, and Rock on, wonderful news. Shyla, enjoy your days in the snow, the mountains, and with your loving family. Cheers with a huge smile of relief from Jean

  12. Your news almost made me cry. It is a happy cry. We are all so relieved for you. Plus now we get to see lots of happy hikes as soon as she is cleared by the vet.

  13. I'm so thrilled for you! Give Shyla a hug for me. :) An old injury that was reinjured actually makes a lot of sense for a puppy, especially if no one knew about it the first time. I hope that you and Shyla can go out and make some new happy memories on Christmas Eve that will help you enjoy the magic of the season!

  14. Oh, I'm SO GLAD! My ears would flap for joy as well!

    (though I must say, the picture that accompanied "When can Shyla run as normal?" made me think of the old "Doc, when can I play violin?" joke.... ^^)

  15. Woof! Woof! Golden Happy for the good news. As always love the photos. The Sun is definitely agreeing with the good news. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  16. HOWL-a-lu-ya! Thank you Universe, the power of the paw, belief in miracles, and Santa!

  17. Very good news, we are very happy for you.
    Now you can relax and let it heal and continue your training and hiking with her.
    We have snow falling heavily here. Warnings to take your car out today...so I´m working at home today. The dogs dissapeared in the snow this morning....I only saw the tails :-)

  18. What wonderful news to wake up to :-)

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  19. YAAAAAAAY! I am so thrilled to knows you can ease your worries nows. I is sures dat took a toll on you thinkin' back boughts K. Maybe it's a sign her is watchin' overs ya'll.

    Shyla looks like her was celebratin' with da news.


  20. a huge sigh of relief!!! Shyla says, i told you not to worry momma! :)
    wonderful news!

  21. GReat news! We're so happy for you & Shyla!!!

    Nadine & goldens Neeli & Elle

  22. GREAT News!!! We are so happy for you!!! Shyla is one beautiful pup!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  23. That is great news. Now you biggest worry is keeping her from bouncing long enough for it to heal properly.

    Mango Momma

  24. Hurray for HAPPY NEWS!!! :D Yay! :D That was the best Christmas present anyone could give y'all :D Happy Happy Holidays! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  25. YaY and Yippee!!!

    We is so very happy fur all of you, best news ever!!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  26. Fabulous news!!!! I'm so happy to hear it.

    Enjoy your sweet puppy!


  27. WOO HOO!!!!! Now this is the news we've been waiting to hear! In fact it's the best news we've had all week!

    The best Christmas present you can possibly get!


  28. Thank you Lord! That is the best news in the world today. We are thrilled to read your post. I'm thankful that you can now breath a sign of relief. BIG hug's and high-fives all around :)

    Lily Belle, Muffin and Kim

  29. ONE...



    Cheers for Shyla, the daughter of the mountain! Delighted to hear the good news and felt it would be so from the beginning.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  30. Oh happy day! Thank Goodness for Shyla and you!

    Mamma Heartbeat

  31. Yay for Shyla!

    With love, Alyssa and Addie

  32. So, SO happy to hear this!!! :) Hooray! So far, so good...

  33. WooHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO relieved for Shyla!!

  34. Fabulous news!!!

    I don't blame you at all for getting up that early - I'm sure everything looks more beautiful knowing that Shyla is a-ok!!

  35. Woo Hoo - such exciting news - we bet it made you very happy to know Shyla is just fine. We just love that quizzical look in photo #2:)

  36. Yippee!!!! I hope she can run and play again soon. This is such wonderful news!!!

  37. I am so very happy to hear you received good news!

  38. Whoop Whoop Flip Flip Relief Relief!!!

  39. Oh KB, I can't tell you how relieved I am. I was checking my feedreader first thing in the morning to see if you had any news. And now it's finally GOOD news!!!
    Big hugs and continue your great work with your girl! You are such an inspiration...
    Tina in Germany

  40. That's great news. Now I wonder how she fractured her leg in the first place, and if it has anything to do with her shyness or fear of children.

  41. WONDERFUL news! I'm so happy for you all!

  42. That's such excellent news!! I'm so happy for you, Shyla, R, and The Runner! So nice to have the weight lifted.


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