Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Black Lab on Sunday

I just completed our Black Lab Calendar for 2013. Here are two of my favorite photos of R from the past year.

The calm and serious look...
The Cracker Dog look...
Each year, I make calendars from photos of "both" dogs. Now, I have to tackle the tougher one, the Chocolate Lab Calendar. I am still not sure how I'll do it, since I have photos of two chocolate labs who were in our life this year. I'm working on it...
K and R cavorting together


  1. So when you make your copy of the calander can you make extras. I'd like to get one for my Vickie.

  2. I am sure you will have several gorgeous calendars! Maybe you could do part of the year when K was with you as the Chocolate Lab calendar and then switch to Shyla around the time she came into your life.

    I love that second picture of R! That is classic!

  3. We're sure you'll find lots of Chocolate Lab pictures.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. That black lab is one handsome fellow!!

  5. Oh, I love the R. pictures, both the regular guy and the cracker dog pic. Beautiful and zaney!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. Cracker dog picture cracked me up!


  7. Lovely Black R, he shines. Your golden girl photos, some will say " choose me!!" and you will always have K in your heart , and now Shyla by your side. Christmas Greetings to you and Runner, from Jean and Hugh.

  8. I LOVE the CRACKER DOG - sounds like you are a fan of All Creatures Great and Small too!

    Patty (Blogless)

  9. You take the best photos ever and your calenders will be spectacular for sure!

  10. MOM and I differ on our favorite. She loves the soulful look of R in the first photo. And I LOVE the cracker side of R. I know in time the chocolate lab calendar will come. I think K will show you the way.

  11. Both photos of R are so cute

  12. Your cracker look is too much, R! haha

    Love ya lots
    Mitch and Molly

  13. No matter which pictures you choose, it's going to be a beautiful rememberance of your life.

    Sending you Christmas love and joy across the miles.....

    Lily Belle, Muffin & Kim

  14. R is so beautiful...a really lab....very nice eyes..
    Merry Christmas!

  15. That will be a fantastic calendar!

    Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  16. Gorgeous! Hope you are feeling better and we wish you a very Merry Christmas!

  17. I gotta say I love all the photos, but that last one just touches me in a soulful kind of way. I can't express it in words but...it speaks so clearly to me.
    Need to give you a laugh for the day. Got the trail cam up a few days ago. We removed the card this a.m. to find we had 3824 photos!! I was rather excited until hubby downloaded them and found we had a couple shots of 2 rabbits and 1000's of a few tall blades of grass blowing in the wind right in front of the camera. ugh...guess we need to trim around the camera. LOL
    Live and learn :P

    Merry Christmas!!

  18. Love both pictures ...but from one cracker dog to another - let the fun begin!

    Your pal, Pip

  19. Just stopping by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

    Basset Momma, Freddie & Gloria

  20. Happy Hollerdays...everyone and I know the calendar will be absotootley beautiful with R, K, and Shyla spread all over it...Cheers!


  21. That will indeed be a tough job. But it will be a beautiful calendar, regardless of which photos you choose. Because I don't think you're capable of making a bad photo!


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