Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Surprised by Life

Shyla appears as if she's constantly surprised, in a happy way, by our life.
Eyes wide, she scans and takes in every nuance of the world. It's still a new world to her. It's so fun to see her amazement.
She loves the snow and seems to walk and run with her nose down below the snow so she always has snow on her face!
Shyla is still recovering from that ulna fracture. Our routine is that she still spends the majority of the time on leash and gets ever-increasing periods of freedom to run fast. The freedom is increasing slowly - I learned about the importance of a *gradual* increase when I let her run for too long one day last week and she limped briefly. Thank goodness it passed very quickly. Lesson learned.
Since Shyla's arrival, it's been odd to see the switch in R's role from the crazy little brother to the experienced and steady older brother. In contrast, when K was alive, R was the goofy and over-the-top youngster - K seemed to roll her eyes at his antics sometimes. He also was not the top dog when K was alive, but he's assumed that role with ease since Shyla's arrival.
Thanks for all the well-wishes about my health. Today is the first day that I am feeling a definite improvement, and it is nice! I felt almost peppy during our short evening hike today.
Have a peaceful and healthy weekend.


  1. Glad you are feeling better. R is so handsome and you are so right--he's growing up!!
    We had a beautiful day here in NE. Loved being out and about with the girlz. P.s. we finally got a chance to get the trail cam up and running. Can't wait to see what we "capture."
    Happy Sunday.

  2. glad you are feeling better! the last picture is so cool!

  3. Is it fun having all that snowies on your face?

  4. Shyla always looks so surprised by what she's seeing! Maybe it's just those golden eyes.

    R looks like he's seen it all before.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. So glad you're feeling better! Beautiful pics, as always

  6. Hi KB
    We are happy you are feeling better too. Its no fun to not feel your best. And we know that you - just like Shyla and R- you want to feel your best.
    We think R knows he is the wiser big brother. He grew up fast with the wisdom that K shared with him. We believe K is guiding R- showing him wisdom- and we can tell that Shyla adores her big brother!
    Such beauties R and Shyla both are!

  7. Shyla looks so good! Glad y'all are having good times!

  8. Gorgeous sunset photo! Glad you're feeling the betterment!

  9. Those beautiful sky colours as a backdrop, to the "Handsome Dude" and his "Adoring little sister".So glad you are a little better,Shyla does have that look that says" What Am I Doing??" and R is glowing with good health, hope you do the same very soon. Greetings from Jean

  10. I'm glad to hear you are better too!

    You know, R used to have more of a puppy head and now he has a big boy head and he looks so mature and handsome!

    Ok, laugh, but its the truth!

    Stella, Jo and Zkhat

  11. The last photo is gorgeous! Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Sam and Pippen

  12. So glad you are starting to feel better. Good news indeed. Loved the last two photos.

  13. Happy to hear, I absolutely love the colours in that last photo!

  14. I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better! That medicine is wonderful stuff! :)

    Your description of Shyla sounds a lot like Kuster at times. He sort of reminds me of Buddy the Elf from Elf at times. "Snow drifts? They're my favorite!" Everything is his favorite! lol But I love how he sees the world, and in spite of the mayhem that seems to follow him, he is such an innocent soul deep down. Everything seems like such a gift to him. I'm glad that Shyla has been so good for all of you, including R! :)

  15. Shyla is probably thinking, "I can't believe I am so lucky to be living in this home!" I love that R has taken his new role as big brother so seriously.


  16. We're glad you're feeling better. Thank you always for sharing your life with us.

  17. We are so happy that you're feeling better, KB!
    I love plowing the snow with my nose too, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  18. We're so glad that the power of the paw is helping to make you feel better.

    She love the pictures of the bearded Shyla! I too love to stick my nose deep into the snow and plow my way through it. Of course this year my nose is up in the air taking in the Florida sunshine.

    We're so happy that R is taking his big brother role seriously.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  19. Great you are feeling better...now its Christmas and you have to be well if Santa is coming :-)
    Great pictures as usual...you are so good.
    Christmas hugs from us!

  20. Just stopping by to wish you and your family a very happy Christmas and a return to good health soon. We are going to be gone from blogging for a bit.

    Merry Christmas from all of us.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom Kathie

  21. Ann....from...Outer Banks of NC ....said.....so glad you are feeling better so you can enjoy the holiday and Shyla is so amazed at all the things that she can do..the look is in her eyes..she loves her life...that is why precious K picked the right one for all of you....K was looking out for her brother as well because she knew R would miss her too..He is such a handsome boy taking the role as big brother...beautiful pictures as always.....HUGS

  22. Awesome portraits of the labs, but that last one, oh my! Gorgeous!

    Nothing like a whiff of fresh air to recharge your soul when sickness has you down for the count.


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