Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Now and Then

Christmas is rapidly approaching, and the golden grass still stands tall in our meadow. Where's the snow?

This morning, Shyla stood at alert in our meadow, tail held high. Can you believe the muscles that this girl has developed in the past few months? She looks like an elite athlete ready to burst out of the blocks. She's about 42 lbs, and the vets think that she may be full grown.
Indeed she was ready to burst out of the blocks as soon as I gave her permission, I captured a streak going past me, during her short time of being allowed to romp like a puppy!
Her tummy troubles from yesterday passed quickly but we now have the house in full-blown puppy lockdown. Every conceivable chewable item is out of reach (at least, that's what *we* think). Shyla is such a sweet girl - I am eagerly awaiting the end of this healing period so that we can have adventures together and she can burn off her energy with puppy-like antics!

And, a memory from a year ago, of our sweet K. She is always with me...
I've truly come to believe that a Heart Dog becomes part of you and is with you every single instant of your life forever.


  1. Always and forever in every breath you take. :)

  2. Yes the Heart Dog is always with you. That is what my MOM says about her Heart Dog, Pete. And that Shyla sure is a beauty. I love that tongue sticking out. Did she learn that from R.

  3. Forever with you, and never apart. Exactly how I feel with Nola.
    Shlya looks great! And beautiful K...we miss you
    Nola's Mom

  4. I am glad that Shyla is feeling better. Soon she will be able to zoom- but not yet.
    Sweet K is in our hearts forever and ever.

  5. Ann....from....Outer Banks of NC ...said.. you are such a wonderful person to know.....Glad to see Shyla feeling better....Kisses for her and R.....Precious K will always be with you KB....her spirit resides with you.....with such love and compassion......every where you go and whatever you do....it will keep on getting stronger.....because that bond was so special......HUGS

  6. lovely to pop in and enjoy many of your posts. so lovely that your dog friends are part of your heart.

  7. Darling K, always in your heart and in our thoughts, specially at this time.Shyla is looking so well, standing as though she is waiting for the judge to say" You got 1st Prize!!". and so she would do.Fond greetings from Jean

  8. A heart dog is a piece of your heart, so of course they are always with you! :)

    It's good to see Shyla looking so good, and hopefully feeling better every day. I can imagine that she is going to be one happy girl when she can go with all the gusto she wants to!

  9. Shyla is looking good. Hope she is able to play like she wants soon.

  10. Yes, the heart dog is 4-ever! My Oatsey was, is and always will be.
    I read the blog of the little Scotty Ranger, and it just makes me ache sometimes, I miss my boy so much!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  11. Shyla sure is growing up fast!! She's a beauty.

    Yes, indeed, heart dogs are forever and ever. Always. With You. In your Heart.

  12. Hope you gets snows soon
    Shyla looks awesome

  13. We love all our dogs differently. We never forget.

    Mango Momma

  14. Shyla looks WONDERFUL!! We are so glad her tummy has settled down. We love seeing her run so fast, she is amazing. She too will be happy when she can gain her freedom back.

    We too think about K often, and remember her for the fun loving little girl that she was. We know she is NEVER far from your thoughts and she will forever remain in your hearts.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  15. You're eight about K. She is part of you forever!

    As for Shyla, may she be able to burn off all that energy SOON!

  16. Shyla is a teacup lab! At 80 # I call Ruby my teacup rottweiler!! Love her gorgeous form!

  17. A heart dogs remains in our hearts forever and ever - no doubt about it!
    You are a beautiful athletically-built girl, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  18. Yes they are always there in you heart.
    Saw this weekend some videoclips of old Nova, she went 2011, 3 days before the pups where born...she was a special dog....
    Shyla looks very well trained

  19. We're surprised you don't have ten feets of snow by now
    Benny & Lily

  20. Yes, a Heart Dog must be like a child, adopted or born to a parent. They are with you always, whether physically present or not. Not a bad thought for the Christmas holiday. I hope you will always feel the closeness you had, and I hope one day it won't hurt so much.


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