Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

One small bobcat in a big world

We're still at low energy here due to the lingering flu (can you imagine what this illness would have been like if we hadn't had flu shots?)... and, to top it off, we awakened to find that Shyla had an upset tummy. So, I spent some time with R while the Runner took Shyla to the vet.
Shyla seems to be improving. We were concerned that she might have eaten a foreign object (she truly still is a puppy) but there was no evidence of one. I'm very gradually increasing her exercise as her leg fracture heals... but she is still mischievous due to her current sedate lifestyle. Amazingly, she didn't chew anything illegal until we had to curtail her exercise.

Today, I was glad that I checked a trail camera because the cat activity made me smile. This is the site where a big male mountain lion marked a short time ago.
The latest activity was a visit by the mother bobcat and her kitten. The first hint was a glimpse of the back of the mother's ears.
Then, the two of them filed into the clearing together.
They both appeared to be headed for the mountain lion marking spot. You can barely tell that the cat on the right is the kitten, based on his shorter stature.
The inexperienced kitten proceeded to the base of the tree, often marked by coyotes and other canines. Wiser mom stopped to sniff the mountain lion's marking.
Then, the two of them left the clearing for about 4 minutes before mom led the kitten back into the clearing. She went directly to the spot marked by the mountain lion.
Audacious mom squatted to mark over top of the lion's urine (compare the bobcat's size to the mountain lion's size). At the same time, oddly, the kitten sniffed the mountain lion's marking for the first time. I think that he might have been doused by his mom!
Mom departed first, her job finished. The kitten, who is still learning about the big bad world, stayed behind to sniff the spot some more.
What a joy to see those two together, knowing that the kitten is getting the education of a lifetime from his mother. Last year, I kept getting photos of a mother-kitten pair together into the early months of the new year... but not after that.

Interestingly, the other evening, Shyla and I saw a bobcat during our evening walk. Shyla is proving to be a great wildlife watching companion. She silently sat next to me as we both watched the bobcat bound through the white trunk maze of a leafless aspen grove. The bobcat stopped on a rusty colored boulder and looked at us. After a brief assessment of us, he disappeared into a jumble of boulders. It was too dusky for me to take any photos but it was a wonderful moment.

Due to my low mood and energy, I was particularly happy to see the continued success of the mother bobcat raising her kitten in my trail camera photos. I know that she's just one small bobcat in a great big world - but, if I didn't take joy in small stories like hers, my life would be far less rich.

I leave you with a photo from a purple and yellow dusk. Yes, the beauty all around us is another joy.


  1. Khyra says thanks for the great khytty pics!

    I love the last pic so much!

  2. I love seeing your trail pics! I hope Shyla continues to get better, as do you
    Nola's Mom

  3. Sending our PWP for that Flu bug to be gone.

    Amazing pictures as always you never disappoint.

    xo Cinnamon

  4. I sure hope Shyla's tummy is better. I get a "grumbly" tummy a couple times a month. MOM gets all kinds of worried, but by noon day it stops and I am fine. I also hope that the rest of you get over the flu. It seems to linger for a long time. Love the shots of the cats. And yes it is often the small things that bring the biggest joy.

  5. Thanks for sharing all the cat pictures. It is so fascinating. Hope you all feel better soon.


  6. Beautiful shades, with Shyla's outline perfect. Lovely bobcat pics, how old is the kitten? Lessons in life, wildlife animals do so much better in this than humans.I do hope the flu goes very soon.Cheers from Jean, p.s. we have over 27C here at 3.30 p.m.!! Too hot to work.

  7. I hope Shyla and the rest of you are feeling better soon! Kuster was a lot more mischievous when he was on crate rest, too. As much as we tried to entertain him with puzzle toys and the like, it just wasn't enough. lol

    I love your cat photos! I have a feeling that the Bobcats would be the pranksters of the cat world if they all sat around together. The kitten seems to be growing up really fast!

  8. Stella the Press Agent is very happy to see R's picture in todays edition! What a handsome guy!

    I do hope you are feeling better soon, I find cups of hot water soothing (I get tired of teas, etc)

    The Bobsters are wonderful to see and esp. the little one.

    Cheers and hugs,


  9. Ann....from..Outer Banks of NC...said..... Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon... prayers and blessings to all....love the cat pictures...and reading about them....it gives me a feeling of compassion for them.....my heart is grateful daily for this blessed world.....for each day comes to us refreshed and new....HUGS

  10. Sorry you are all dealing with the flu still. But so glad you could still post. Love the kitty videos and absolutley love the last photo. Gorgeous.

  11. We truly love looking at your TrailCam pics...very cool!! I have never seen anything like that. I do have a question...is it scary to have them roaming the woods while you are out with your dogs? Do you carry mace or something with you in case of an emergency? I hope these aren't stupid questions, but I think of them every time I see these pics! Love that last one. I sure do hope you all are feeling better SOON!!

  12. Howdy KB, sorry to hear you have been sick. Paws crossed here you are all well again soon. We will never ever get tired of your photos. They just amaze us, each and every time we see them. Thank you for sharing them. No worries, and love, Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  13. Feel better sweet Shyla. Seeing those bobcats are amazing. We have few that live in the beach headlands very close to where we live
    Benny & Lily

  14. We are sending "hurry and get well soon" wishes to all of you.

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos!

  15. wonderful pictures! hope you are feeling better soon, and that Shyla does not have a foreign body! ack!

  16. wonderful pictures! hope you are feeling better soon, and that Shyla does not have a foreign body! ack!

  17. wonderful pictures! hope you are feeling better soon, and that Shyla does not have a foreign body! ack!

  18. Oh do take good care of yourself. I, too, caught the flu (even with a flu shot) and it was quite nasty.

    Mango Momma

  19. Wow! That last photo is absolutely gorgeous!

    We hope you feel better soon.


  20. I love those cat images. Wonderful stuff!! The kitten is really cute.


  21. I'm sure like many that follow your blog, we all hope you get to capture a few bobcat Mom and Kitten outtings. Really beautiful photo of R at the end.

  22. Feel better soon, Shyla!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  23. Asmall glass of MacAllan and a Mountain Lion and its kitten. The flu has no chance.

  24. Lovely pictures....the bobcats are qute and very interesting to see. Hope you recover soon and also Shyla....

  25. It is really something that you get to be so close to those animals and see them in their natural state. Just beautiful.


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